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Great Feast Celebration

Posted on Sat Dec 17th, 2022 @ 5:34am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant JG Gavin Ross & Lieutenant Jonathan (Jon) Riley & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath & Nicholas 'Nick' DeMarco & Lieutenant Emily Coleman

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Hotel resort Omicron Delta 4
Timeline: 239511.29

Captains log Stardate 239511.29

It has been a week since we liberated the artificial intelligence that regulates the dream world of the Omicron Delta.

Most of the crew has enjoyed shore leave and I myself have taken the time to walk the beaches and trails of this beautiful planet. I feel well-rested.

We are preparing to leave this planet and move on to the next assignment. We are heading to starbase 51 for supplies and crew replacements.


Maia stood at the head of the banquet table. In the background, the starship Leto stood proudly on its struts. access had been restored when they defeated the pirates who were now absorbed into the system as props. It was an ignominious end for them. Next to Maia was Nick DeMarco who had made shore leave very comfortable for her after she had returned. Good company wasn't hard to find among her crew but Nick was something special. So caring so romantic and quite a good lover.

This would be there last night on Omicron Delta as they needed to get underway again. There was a lot of intergalactic political turmoil out there and the Federation needed good diplomats. There was trouble all over, especially near the Prydon Cascade. She wondered if Starfleet would send her there or the Klingon-Gorn conflict or perhaps some other Federation world that was on the brink of war.

Sheena was sitting next to her soon-to-be husband. Ryan was his typical self, kind, caring, and the romantic man she hoped he was. Her Imzadi and she were happier than she had been in a long time. This mission was indeed a difficult one yet rewarding. The knowledge of how the planet worked was wonderful and interesting. Now with the victory won it was time to move on. Leaning in, she kissed Ryan on the cheek, "You know I love you with all my heart and being. I will never let you go Imzadi," she whispered.

Ryan turned to Sheena and gave her a smile. He was quite relieved for her return from the recent, and rather unorthodox, away mission. He had felt deeply concerned. "I love you too. I am just glad you all returned safely."

"Ryan, what is wrong? Something is bothering you and don't hide it from me." Sheena said looking into his eyes deeply.

Ryan glanced at Sheena in silence for a moment before speaking. "I felt helpless during the unannounced away mission you, the Captain and many of the senior staff went on. I couldn't make contact with you. I had no way of getting you to support if you all had needed it. I...didn't know what to do."

Rick decided to join anyway, even though he wasn't feeling up to it. He was shaking his head at all the googly eyes and stuff going on. Even though, if the tables were turned, he wouldn't have anything to say about it. He did always wonder over all the years why the Betazoids couldn't come up with something else other than Imzadi to use. Having heard it again as he passed by before sitting down at the table.

Marina was sitting not far from Rick, the sight of Ryan and Sheena together made her cringe inside after having spent her time on the planet with the younger version of Ryan, conjured by her memories of him from their time together at the Academy. She was happy for Ryan, he deserved happiness but when she had left the Academy in a hurry for her assignment in the Caliphate, leaving him behind had been the hardest thing she’d ever had to do. He’d moved on, not that she could blame him.

Isabelle had noticed the glance Marina was giving Ryan, they needed to talk later but right now she was enjoying the gathering.

Robert was amazed to still be breathing after what happened. His idea was to change their attacker's weapons. To something nonhazardous had worked. But the level of anger towards them had not subsided. So even though an arrow now had a rubber end on it. When set on fire it could still do great harm. If the said arrow was on fire. Thankfully the caretaker arrived and their attackers vanished. Now after a few days of relaxing. It was time to go. He sat at the table watching the others and looking forward to a good feed.

Kasey was finally getting back to the idea of having to depart, but after the adventure, he was part of and then getting to relax in a simulation of his dream vacation, he wished he could remain behind. He arrived at the gathering area and noticed Robert sitting a the banquet table. So he made his way to the table.

"How are you doing Commander?" Kasey asked as he took a seat across the table from Robert.

“ Not too bad really. Although the whole experience has made me feel a little wary about that planet. Telepathy has always been a subject of caution. The fact that although in this case, we stopped them. People get hold of a device that could enslave people by reading their thoughts. Is rather troubling. But all well that ends well. I wonder what scrumptious treats are on the menu?” Robert asked

"Glad you are okay. This has been a very open experience. I am just happy to be back to my physical form once again." Kasey replied. "Yes, I also am wondering what sort of roast beast we will dine upon for our who feast."

Maia watched as the servers brought in the food, it was a feast for royalty. Roasted pigs, geese, chickens, and an entire side of what looked like beef. There were various gravies, Salads, soups, and sauces. Beverages of all types and an amazing array of sweets and cakes. Also a wide variety of alien food as well. Vulcan, Klingon, Tellerite and Andorian, and Saurian delicacies The banquet hall seated all of her crew and each was feasting and making serious merriment. There was dancing and entertainment as well. Excellent music.

Maia turned to Rick Gibbs, raised her crystal glass, and tapped it several times.

"Attention to orders".

The promotion list came out and our very own Rick Gibbs has been promoted to full lieutenant, effective immediately. “Congratulations Lieutenant Gibbs." Captain Sterling said.

Havri sat down and was having a good time. It was always a good time when we celebrated the end of a mission. She was noticing all the good things happening. And how much fun everyone was having. They brought out the food and placed it on the table.

She heard of the promotion and smiled, She raised her glass to toast LT Gibbs. A well-deserved promotion and overdue as well. "Congratulations LT Gibbs"

Both Isabelle and Marina raised their glasses to the toast as well, it was a promotion well-earned.

That was a little surprise. Rick looked up having heard his name and what it was for. Standing for a moment, "Thank you Captain. Thank you," nodding to her and the rest of them in there before sitting down.

Maia turned to Nick Demarco.

"Care to dance Nick?" Maia asked.

There was the slightest bit of a 'look' from Rick when Maia asked whomever that Nick person was to dance. Then again, he didn't really know who that was to start with. She could just be, being polite. Turning his attention to the food on the table, what looked good?

Nick took Maia by the hand and led her to the dance floor for a slow waltz. He danced with her cheek to cheek for a moment before whispering in her ear. "You really need to cut back on the dangerous away missions my love. Especially when this was supposed to be a shore leave that we were supposed to spend quietly together." He punctuated his statement with a lingering kiss.

"I would love to cut down on the dangerous stuff. I knew the job was dangerous when I took it." Maia replied.

Nick gave Maia an imploring look as he hugged her. "Just try to be a little more careful please."

"Some things require a feminine touch, my dear..." Maia said.

Sitting at a table with a large Andorian Ale Karyn wanted to forget the craziness this mission had wrought, out of everything the most ridiculous thing she had done was fight some playing cards, after that, it was a blur she put it down to being on Omicron Delta. Now here she was drinking to forget, she glanced up to see the Captain asking Demarco if he wanted to dance, and then she returned to her drink.

Jon kept to the back of the room for the first time in his life he was questioning things with his life, he looked out to the horizon the dark amber of the whiskey filling half the glass, he took a sip looking to the ship's crew who were attempting to celebrate, he felt the need to be alone, he set down his drink and attempted to make his way away from the festivities, he needed to fill out his reports and he wanted to reach out to the family.

Gavin sat down at the table in the hall. It was impressive, with lots of food to feed a small refugee camp, let alone for the guests. He pulled up a chair and shared a glass of wine, half of it in his meal. He thought about RJ. Everyone was seated and making eyes with each other on their own. He felt he was losing his own. “RJ, I miss you.” He mouthed the words as he took a drink of wine, letting the glass sit on his lips, tasting the dry chardonnay.

Gavin let his eyes centre on the middle of the table. One of the candles lit brightly, catching his attention as he felt the wine do its thing.

Kasey was looking for Coleman and when she saw her, he rushed over to embrace her and spend a while with her since they were all to be on shore leave and he got engrossed in the mission to save the planet. When he saw her, he took her in his arms for a passionate embrace and then a sensuous kiss as he was fully ready to move their relationship on to the next level. And he knew she was ready to embrace that move.

Robert slowly put the piece of roast chicken in his mouth and savoured the flavour. He knew in this day and age eating the real thing was now frowned on. So it was amazing how close they got to the taste of roast chicken. So close to the real thing. His mother of course insisted on using the real thing. He remembered the neighbours clashing with her. Over the chickens she kept and the noise they made. Their look of surprise and then disgust. As she told them they would soon be going in the pot.

Finishing off her drink Karyn got up and went over to the food and put some on the plate she had picked up and got herself another Andorian Ale and returned to her table, except this time her back was not to those on the dance floor, she figured she might as well watch others being cheerful.

Marina had watched as her brother had not only found Emily Coleman but kissed her too. She smiled happily glad he’d found someone to love, she couldn’t help but feel lonely. At least when she was with the Caliphate she was given romantic, and sexual attention if only with the long-term intention of increasing numbers by adding another generation. Now she was here she had no one, that was something she would have to get used to.

Meanwhile, Isabelle was relaxing simply enjoying taking in the atmosphere around her. She smiled as she looked towards Robert. “You look like you’re enjoying your meal Commander.”

“ Yes. You know it is amazing how this chicken actually tastes like the real thing. Even though it’s only base proteins and plant extracts. It even looks real all down to this delicious gravy. How is your meal?” Robert asked

“Oh it’s wonderful” Isabelle smiled warmly. “You certainly can’t fault the food here, it’s nice that everyone is getting to relax and enjoy themselves. Well, most people anyway” she took a quick glance at Marina then looked back at Robert.

Rick leaned back after sampling a bunch of different things, then gave another look around. He was listening to the way he did to the number of conversations going on. Then gave a look to see if there was actual alcohol being served or not.

Ross breathed and took a drink. He decided not to feel as he were at that moment, the thoughts of someone else that he could not control. He turned to Marina. “How are you enjoying your meal, Marina?” Gavin lent a friendly smile.

Marina offered a polite smile as she looked in Gavin’s direction. “It’s very nice, they certainly know how to put on a feast here.”

Sgt Saul Humphries chowed down with his men, the food was great as were the libations.

Kasey and Emily were enjoying the feast for the food was beyond anything the replicators could produce on the but yet it was also replicated by the system on the planet.

"Attention crew enjoy your libations and feasting but we will be leaving tomorrow at 9 A.M." Sterling stated.



A Post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll
Chief of OPS
USS Leto NCC-80916


Sergeant Saul Humphries
2nd squad leader 1st Platoon Det 95th Rifles
USS Leto NCC-80916


LCMD Havri Belbre
Chief of Security/ Tactical Officer
USS Leto NCC80916


LCDR Ryan Blake
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief Tactical/Assistant Chief Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Marine Captain Karyn Somers
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Gavin Ross
Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Kasey Tanger
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Leto, NCC-80916


Lieutenant Jon Riley
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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