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Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 5:27pm

Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs

Name Rick Gibbs

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El'Aurian
Age 436

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 176
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Bright Blue
Physical Description Not at all aged, not for his actual age. However, more than physically fit. Do not let the look fool you. Under the linking and clothes, seen more than enough of wounds. Not all of them left scars, however, some did. Not all of those scars are physical.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jeffery - Deceased
Mother Kaylee - Deceased
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rick is certainly headstrong, intelligent, outspoken. Even to a fault. At times will not take flak from anyone, including Brass and senior officers. There is a point between right and wrong, even bending or breaking the rules he will take depending on the situation.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: His will, determination, strength. His loyalty is probably his most defining quality, which also makes it a weakness. Even with his weakness' because of what he's been through. As much as he gets pushed, he can 'nearly' always keep a calm head.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, his loyalty, once its earned in his eyes. His passion. He has underlining demons he keeps hidden, which make him vulnerable depending on the situation. That being pushed can even make him volatile and dangerous.
Ambitions Get as good as he can and then push even farther. Law is what he is working on, he loves that. Been doing so on his own time because he wanted to pass his bar and become a JAG officer other than what he did, one of the best snipers in Starfleet. Which he did pass as well as, maybe not be the best sniper out there, but he was certainly damned good. One to be rivaled.
Hobbies & Interests Actual hobbies, he loves to cook and eat food. Playing the Violin and singing. Mysteries, be it real or holo-novels he can not get enough of. Writing them are also a large interest, as well as writing on real paper and trying to publish books. Building things as well. Taking them apart, putting them back together. Improving on the designs. Doesn't always work out, but he tries. Archery is another, as are ballistic weapons, or any weapons for that matter, as well as Martial Arts. Law is another still.

Personal History "Computer: Start History Log. Cadet Rick Gibbs." Giving a sigh, "I figured I would begin with mentioning the first known contact with my species to Earth was in 1893 by the USS Enterprises Guinan. I personally don't know how long she had been there. The report of that incident is in the Enterprise-D mission logs. We're majorily well traveled people, not quite like Earths nomads. Many settle down some where. Others just enjoy the travel. Place to place. Also the nickname of being a race of listeners. We have an uncanny knack for the, empathy and sense of time and space.

Around 2265 is when we were all but wiped out by the Borg. Which didn't help upon us being scattered and traveling, given we have no home planet anymore. We also did resist them, though obviously that did not work out to well. Another incident of course has to do with the Enterprise-B which I was part of that group where Captain James T. Kirk was thought to
be killed, and then again 2365 and the Soran incident.

Devidian temporal vortexes have a particularly harming effect on El-Aurians because of well..something to do with our physiology. Most of us are advisors, confidants, councelors, due to our ability, and others can use that however or more...less legal activities.

Another thing suggested is knowing when something is not right with a particular turn of events, such as. Yes, I keep bringing up the Enterprise. Guinan knowing that Lieutenant Tasha Yar was not suppose to be on the ship because of the alteration made by the Enterprise-C.

I have been in the Nexus. In fact I was on one of the two ships that were rescued by the Enterprise-B. Before anyone asks me about it I will just put it here. It really is true bliss. Everything you can dream of, think of. It even seems to read your mind to give you what it thinks you desire or need.

Since that time, most of us have accepted the fact without killing millions we will never get back there. Moved on. I have always found an affinity for tactical thinking and helping protect people, which is why I joined Starfleet. I am." Pauses a moment and shakes his head, "Computer, end log and send."