
Shore Leave

Post Count: 292

The Federation starship USS Leto has been working nonstop for 18 months and is in desperate need of rest and relation. First, they brought into the Federation the Thorion's and dealt with the Orion syndicate when pergium was discovered in the system, then they helped secure Betazoid independence from the Riixian Caliphate, at great cost in blood and sacrifice, and loss of life. As a reward for their hard work Starfleet has ordered the Leto to the Omicron Delta star system, a planet that is really a vast amusement park where all their fantasies can become a reality. The greater the intellect the greater the need for play.

Monsters of the Past

Post Count: 212

400 years ago the Borg violently attacked the Aurian(Flame of Heaven) star system in the Delta Quadrant in force. 100 cubes swept through the system not on a mission of assimilation but on a mission of annihilation. El Auria 3 was the home world of the El Aurian’s and for 200 years they had been playing a cat-and-mouse game with the Borg. They were masters of advanced technologies and powerful cosmic energies able to completely render their planet invisible and immaterial by putting it in a pocket universe outside of normal spacetime. El Arians have a special affinity with the space-time continuum able to perceive changes in realities between the different dimensions. They proved to the Borg that resistance was not futile. In fury, the Borg decided to use a Trilithium device to make the Auria go supernova and then collapse into a black hole. El Auria-3 reappeared later and inevitably would fall into a black hole. Without the power of their (Flame of Heaven), they could not maintain the pocket universe indefinitely. There were survivors and the species did survive but they were scattered throughout the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta quadrants. Their advanced technology was lost to posterity seemingly forever.
47 refugees were just some who made it to the Alpha Quadrant and arrived on the Human vessels SS Lakul and SS Robert Fox in the late 23rd century. Most of those tried to get into the energy ribbon which was considered the closest thing to Galactic serenity as one could get however their plans were interrupted by the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B, which rescued the 47 survivors of the SS Lakul and SS Robert Fox. Ironically didn’t want to be rescued. After the rescue, it was discovered that the El Aurian’s were a race of listeners, who had a special affinity with the space-time continuum.
After the battle of Wolf 359 several hundred El Aurian scientists came forward and helped the Federation develop weapons and upgrade Federation Technology with Borg busting weapons and other advanced technology. The Federation with starfleets aid built an advanced weapons research base in the Mutara nebula called Mutauria base, staffed with mostly El Aurian scientists and researchers. The El Aurian’s helped create/develop quantum weapons, Transphasic weapons, and greatly advanced Federation weapons, Transwarp, and Quantum slipstream propulsion technology. The scientists at the base are researching various ways to extract energy from other subspace and trans-dimensional realms. Starfleet received a distress call from the research station asking for help. Their research into Meta special domains has yielded results that are effective against the Borg however they are damaging to the subspace domain. Another El Aurian specialist has volunteered to investigate the issue the eminent Dr. Anduin Tolon from the Vulcan Science directorate. Who is currently stationed on Betazed. The Starship Leto, fresh off of Shore leave is ordered to pick up Dr.Tolon and escort him to Mutaurian Base. Full diplomatic courtesies are to be extended, then the Leto will assist in determining what the problem is and if possible aid in its correction.

Part of Monsters of the Past

Double Dealing

Post Count: 178

The USS Leto is tasked with a Diplomatic mission between the world of Farius and its moon Triton. Triton is seeking independence however hostilities has broken out between warring clans. Farius is a subtropical planet and Triton is a water world. As a Federation member world the Farius regime has asked for Federation assistance in brokering peace. .However there is a twist of events happening. Orion Pirates have found huge deposits of Trilithium deep under the oceans of Triton and have been sabotaging any efforts at a peaceful resolution and have kidnapped the Federation ambassador. It doesn’t look like any treaty signing will be possible unless the crew of the Leto can free the ambassador and stop the Orion pirates while investigating a Double Murder and stopping the hostilities.

Part of Double Dealing


Post Count: 54

Starship Leto has been tasked to deliver medical supplies to Camus 2 research center as a new strain of Rigellian fever has broken out. The Leto is to rendezvous with the USS Yorktown to pick up a shipment to Ritalin.

No missions found

The Thorion Conundrum Mission Brief

Post Count: 399

Eleven months ago star date 9309.12 The USS Tomcat a Federation starship under the command of Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers was patrolling along the Federation Orion border, when she received orders to intercept and capture Orion pirates who were raiding local star systems, intersteller trading ships and even taking hostages from prominent politicians. The leader of the Orion pirates in this sector was Captain Arwella of the Orion pirate ship Lemuria. She commanded an armada of 12 ships with special holographic and cloaking capabilities. She was busy destabilizing the local sector and amassing riches, especially from the Federation side of the border. It was thought that the Orion syndicate was based at Thorion 4. This proved to be inaccurate as the inhabitants of Thorion 4 led by a Bashar (Colonel) named Jola’n led a revolution against the syndicate during the Dominion war defeating them, and in the ensuing struggle Bashar Jola’n managed to wrestle control of the military sector from the syndicate and make a number of changes such as the abolishment of slavery, and corruption and the establishment of a feudal type of government. When the Tomcat ran the pirates out of the sector, Captain Arwella had no place to hide and was thought destroyed. The Tomcat had a small armada with them as backup. The planet Thorion 4 has a refurbished old style K-7 station in orbit around it, that had neutronium plating. It has over 60 Ballista’s (Manned warp capable Corvettes) and hundreds of Javelins (Automated Drones) for protection. Bashar Jola’n was very impressed with the Tomcat and its crew, their peaceful intention and there friendship overtures. Even after the Tomcat moved on Bashar Jola’n established treaties with the intention of either becoming an ally or actually by becoming a Federation member state. About 4 months ago, Pergium was discovered on Thorion-3. This caused pirate mining activity, along with an uptick in syndicate crime to rise in their space. Jola’n now a Prelate has requested that the United Federation of Planets establish an embassy on Thorion-4 and start formal relations.

Mission: To Commander Maia A. Sterling you are hereby requested and required to assume command of the USS Leto NCC-80916. Further you are ordered to proceed to the Thorion star system to establish a formal diplomatic embassy and diplomatic relations with the government and inhabitants of Thorion 4.

The Riixian Insurection

Post Count: 319

Historical Brief

Betazoid culture had enjoyed over four hundred years of peace and prosperity. Due to their telepathy, Betazoid culture embraced honesty almost to a point considered rude by other cultures. That came to a crashing halt when in 2374 they were invaded and occupied by the Jem’Hadar and other forces of the Dominion. The Dominion wreaked havoc and much destruction on Betazoid culture. Many resistance factions formed almost immediately, but two rose to the top and were the most effective at eradicating the accursed Dominion occupation. The Matriarchy and the Riixxian Caliphate. The Matriarchy was composed of mainly the seven great houses that were talented telepaths. They used a dangerous form of offensive empathy. As the name implied they were mostly females. The Riixxian Caliphate however were a group of male and female resistance fighters who were trained in the offensive forms applications and techniques of telepathy that were far crueller to the Dominion. They were experts at infiltration, assassination, and insurgency, but were also much more xenophobic than the more mainstream Matriarchy.

Once they had driven off the Jem’Hadar, the Matriarch moved to ban and delegitimize the Riixxian Caliphate due to political considerations, namely that the offensive telepathic techniques would most likely cause the Betazoid race their peaceful culture. The Caliphate was rounded up and exiled without due process and expelled from Betazoid society. Two of the Riixian Caliphate (Brannon’s Parents) switched sides to the Matriarchy and had evidence of the terror the Caliphate was going to inflict if their demands for autonomy weren’t met. Namely, an equal share of voices on the ruling council and as they were xenophobic they insisted on Betazed leaving the United Federation of Planets. For many years the Riixian Caliphate has been in the shadows causing discontentment with the Matriarchy to the people. There have been several revolts and the existence on Betazed has been anything but peaceful. Starfleet Intelligence has learned that that agents of the Caliphate have acquired a Thaleron biogenic device and are even now planning to use it as a terrorist weapon if their demands are not met.

I received this message from Starfleet Command:

To Captain Maia A. Sterling, Commanding Officer, USS Leto NCC-80916.

Well done on the establishment and construction of a Federation embassy on Thorion-4 and their entrance into the United Federation of Planets. Your first mission was a resounding success. Well Done! Starfleet Command has received and reviewed your recent reports about the Riixian Caliphate agent you have captured. You are hereby ordered to proceed to planet Betazed with your prisoner for trial. You are also ordered to track down and destroy the Thaleron device and monitor the vote of separation. While we will respect the final vote, however, we do not want to lose the Betazoids and their representatives from the UFP. Do everything you can to represent the Federation in these talks, Yours is a ship of peace. Make the Betazoid understand that.

Good Luck, Starfleet out

Part of The Riixian Insurection