Welcome to the USS Leto NCC-80916 Norway Class Federation Diplomatic and Science Medium Cruiser.
The Mission of the USS Leto is:
1. Provide a multi-mission mobile platform for a wide range of scientific and explorative research, and diplomatic projects.
2. Provide autonomous capability for full execution of Federation defensive, cultural, scientific, and explorative policy in deep space or border territory.
3. Serve as a frontline support vehicle during emergencies and a platform for the extension of Federation diplomacy and policy.
4. Provide non-critical functions such as transport of personnel and cargo when necessary, extended aid, and short-range patrol.

The Mission of the USS Leto is:
1. Provide a multi-mission mobile platform for a wide range of scientific and explorative research, and diplomatic projects.
2. Provide autonomous capability for full execution of Federation defensive, cultural, scientific, and explorative policy in deep space or border territory.
3. Serve as a frontline support vehicle during emergencies and a platform for the extension of Federation diplomacy and policy.
4. Provide non-critical functions such as transport of personnel and cargo when necessary, extended aid, and short-range patrol.

The USS Leto is a Norway Class diplomatic and science exploration vessel, While her armaments are geared to peaceful exploration, due to her diplomatic mission she is extremely well defended. She is also equipped for atmospheric landings. The Leto is a very versatile ship. The ship is commanded by highly experienced commander who has served in Pegasus Fleet and is also a white corded member of the 95th rifles marine brigade. Commander Maia Sterling was recently the Fist officer of the Task forces Flagship the USS Tomcat. Commander Sterling herself a science specialist has demonstrated excellent leadership in the past and is ready to finally sit in the center seat.
So come join the Leto Crew as they head out to explore the lesser known regions of Federation Space in an attempt to stop the hostile and rogue agencies that threated Federation lives and property both in and on the fringes of known space.
Latest Mission Posts
» Imprisoned
Mission: Pandemic
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 10:02am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Captain's Log Stardate 239602.12
Salvage teams have been sifting through the rubble of both the Capital city of Camus II and Gonmog. Power has been restored to the capital city but Gonmog has been flattened. There is no sign of Commander Belbre, the wreckage of her fight was found after…
» Aftermath
Mission: Pandemic
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 9:46am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake
Captains log Stardate 249501.31
The Battle of Gonmog was a disaster. The city was leveled and most of the civilian population was destroyed when the fusion reactor was hit and exploded. The radiation contamination destroyed that whole area for 20 square miles in all directions. Most of the enemy ended…
» Battle of Gonmog
Mission: Pandemic
Posted on Wed Feb 12th, 2025 @ 5:48pm by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Saul had made his way to a crest on the mountainside, overlooking Gonmog outpost. It was a small city of less than 5000 people.
He ran his tricorder over the area, there was a lot of sensor jamming and the town seemed to be covered in a forcefield. There were…
» Rebel attack
Mission: Pandemic
Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 5:27pm by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs
Captains Log Stardate 239512.31
With the Capital City of Camus II almost fully immunized, the Rigellian fever epidemic is finally under control. Patients have responded well to the treatments. The crew of the leto along with a team of Betzoid commandoes have managed to keep the peace. The Rigellian Fever…
» Onward to Camus II
Mission: Pandemic
Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 8:59am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs
Captains Log Stardate 239511.25
With the Ritalin safely aboard the Leto and Makeshift repairs to the Yorktown the Leto is again moving to Camus II. Belbre has a host of new intel about the insurgence on Camu II and many scared sick people. Camus II has no Military to speak…
Latest Personal Logs
» Captain's Log Stardate 239602.28
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 10:21am by Captain Maia Sterling
Captain's Log Stardate 239602.28
Due to some timely investigating by our Chief Science Officer Paisley P'Rar. We have managed to track a clocked ship in the middle of a cargo fleet. they are moving at warp four on a course of 120 Mk 43. Strangely, if they stay on this…
» Captain's Log Stardate 239602.12
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 9:58am by Captain Maia Sterling
Captain's Log Stardate 239602.12
Salvage teams have been sifting through the rubble of both the Capital city of Camus II and Gonmog. Power has been restored to the capital city but Gonmog has been flattened. There is no sign of Commander Belbre, the wreckage of her fight was found after…
» Captains log Stardate 249501.31
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 9:45am by Captain Maia Sterling
Captain's log Stardate 249501.31
The Battle of Gonmog was a disaster. The city was leveled and most of the civilian population was destroyed when the fusion reactor was hit and exploded. The radiation contamination destroyed that whole area for 20 square miles in all directions. Most of the enemy ended…
» Captains log Stardate 249501.31
Posted on Wed Feb 12th, 2025 @ 5:46pm by Captain Maia Sterling
Captains log Stardate 249501.31
The Battle of Gonmog was a disaster. The city was leveled and most of the civilian population was destroyed when the fusion reactor was hit and exploded. The radiation contamination destroyed that whole area for 20 square miles in all directions. Most of the enemy ended…
» Captains Log Stardate 239512.31
Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 9:36am by Captain Maia Sterling
Captains Log Stardate 239512.31
With the Capital City of Camus II almost fully immunized, the Rigellian fever epidemic is finally under control. Patients have responded well to the treatments. The crew of the leto along with a team of Betzoid commandoes have managed to keep the peace. The Rigellian Fever…