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Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 10:21am
Captain Maia Sterling
Name Maia Aurora Sterling
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 45 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'11 | |
Weight | 125 | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Dark Brown | |
Physical Description | Maia Sterling is based off Amanda Tapping Captain Sterling is tall slender and athletic. Humour: Dirty. dry and warped Skin Tone: Fair Skinned Scars: Dagger scar on back and stomach Tattoos: None. Build: Athletic Tone/Voice: alto/soprano Presence: As any other Human leader, has a charisma about her. Distinguishing Features: NONE Marital Status: Divorced Handedness: Ambidextrous |
Spouse | Dr Victor Lazlo (Deceased) | |
Children | None | |
Father | Maximillion Sterling | |
Mother | Miriya Parrino Sterling | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | Dana Sterling Sister 46 Aurora Sterling 48 |
Other Family | Aunt and Uncle living on Proxima Centauri Colony |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Likes: Men, Old Movies, Musicals, Late 19th and Early 21st Century Clothes, especially business type clothes, Computers, Xenobotony, Chemistry, Astrophysics. Dislikes: Liars, poor writers and bad food. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Loyal, Independent, highly intelligent. Doesn't suffer fools well |
Ambitions | Survival | |
Hobbies & Interests | Tai Kwon Do Black Belt Red tip Belt 5th Dan, Technology Spatial and temporal anomalies. Fairly talented diplomat. An excellent scientist. |
Personal History | Maia Aurora Sterling was born in the Utopia Panitia Shipyards on the 3rd martian Colony. Stardate 11 June 2348, she had a strict upbringing and excelled academically being born into an Starfleet family. Her Father Maximillian Sterling and Miriya Sterling were both top gun ace fighter pilots who saw a lot of action during the Cardassian and Klingon wars as well as both Borg invasions. They had three children. First was Dana, then Janis, then Maia. Her siblings both married early. Maia wanted to join Starfleet and began preparing for the academy at an early age. By the time she was 18 in 2370 she was well prepared for Starflleet Academy. She was well tested and found to have an natural affinity for the sciences. In 2371 she graduated 4th in her class and was assigned to starbase 11 as a research assistant. 2375 promoted to Lieutenant JG she was transferred to the Galaxy Class USS Tecemseh (Bravo Fleet) as an Astrophysicist. 2380 Was promoted to Lieutenant and made assistant Chief science officer. 2382 transferred to USS White Horse as Chief science officer (Bravo Fleet). 2383 transferred to USS Tomcat as Chief Science Officer. 2385 was promoted to 2nd officer. 2386 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander undergoes rigorous Marine infantry officer training, and is awarded Chosen man status. During the Hydaranz conflict proved to be a most capable and trusted leader. 2388 Promoted to executive officer/Chief Science officer with a brevet promotion to Commander. On 14th November 2388 was given confirmation of promotion to full Commander after a temporary drop in rank, on 16 November 2391 commenced a mission to Galen IV with the USS Tomcat to assist the local governing body against Orion slavers. In Mid 2392 Maia along with her Captain and her ship was given its second exploration mission outside of Federation space. 2392 Fought the Bluegills on Galen IV. May of 2393 Directed to take command of the USS Leto NCC-80916. Norway class diplomatic and scientific medium cruiser. She arrived by the end of July for a year long shakedown cruise of the new ship. |
Service Record | Stardate: 236804.28 Applied to join Starfleet Academy. Stardate: 237109.12 Graduated Starfleet Academy 4th in her class Stardate: 237409.23 At 21 years old and at the rank of Ensign was posted to Starbase 11 as a research assistant. Stardate: 237505.01 Posted to the USS Tecumseh as astrophysicist and promoted to Lt. Jg. Stardate: 238006.24 posted to USS Tecumseh as Assistant chief Science officer Promoted to full Lieutenant Stardate: 238212.06 Reported to the newly commissioned Insignia class USS White horse as Chief Science officer. Stardate: 238301.05 Transferred to USS Tomcat as Chief Science Officer. Stardate: 238503.01 Promoted to 2nd Officer/CSO USS Tomcat Stardate: 238705.15 Graduated the SFMC Marine Infantry Officers Course promoted to Lieutenant Commander and received Chosen Man Status. Stardate: 238802.15 Field promoted to Executive Officer/CSO of the USS Tomcat during the Hydaranz campaign. Stardate: 238806.10 Awarded Brevet Promotion to Full Commander. Stardate: 238812.14 Confirmed Full Commander after temporary drop in rank. Stardate: 239112.16 Mira Sector on a Mission to Galen IV Stardate: 239201.01 On a Mission for Starfleet out in unclaimed space Stardate: 239305.15 Is directed to take command of the USS Leto NCC-80916 and makes he long journey back to SB 51 Stardate: 239307.12 Arrives at SB51 an takes command of the starship Leto. Prepares for her shakedown cruise. Stardate: 239307.15 USS Leto leaves spacedock for her shakedown cruise. Stardate: 239310.1 USS Leto begins her maiden voyage. Her mission to bring the Thorions into the United Federation of planets. Stardate: 239406.2 USS Leto Completes Mission The Thorion Conundrum successfully. The Thorions have signed the Federation Charter becoming members of the UFP. Stardate: 239406.35 USS Leto is dispatch to Betazed to qwell an insurgency. Mission 2 The Riixxian insurrection starts. |