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Boarding the Station

Posted on Sat Mar 18th, 2023 @ 8:51am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath

Mission: Monsters of the Past
Location: Space Station Liberty
Timeline: 239502.25

Captain Log Stardate 239502.25

The Leto has been enveloped in a kind of subspace field as the advanced weapons research facility henceforth called Space Station Liberty was cocooned in some sort of dimensional subspace pocket that created a great deal of biological and mechanical difficulties. Apparently, its purpose was to cause enough malfunctions in a Borg ship to trigger a self-destruct mechanism. Doctor Tolon recommended that we power down the warp core so as to trigger the station's automated processes. while we were floating free we were seized in a tractor beam and moored to the station. We have repeatedly hailed the station but have received no response. I have decided to board her.

Sterling Maia A, Captain, Commanding Leto.



Dr. Tolon paced the ready room he was as non-plussed as everyone else. This is most strange. The automated systems were on but the station was not registering any life signs. That seemed very strange to Dr. Tolon. He knew there were 3014 El Aurians that were or at least were once stationed on board the space station.

Maia sat at the head of the table her senior officers were all around her.

"Looks like we have a mystery to solve," Maia said. "Questions or opinions?", Maia asked.

Isabelle looked towards Doctor Tolon. “Doctor, do you have any idea what could have happened to the crew of this station? You know this place best, you must have some idea?”

Marina was sitting uncomfortably in her seat. “Whatever the reason I don’t like the feeling I’m getting from this place, I can’t explain why but it’s making my skin crawl.”

"What exactly are you feeling," Dr. Tolon asked.

Robert looked up. He did not like the way Dr. Tolon had asked Marina that question.

T'Plana was tapping a stylus against her PaDD, an annoying habit she had picked up and seemed unable to control. After reviewing some data, she looked up and inquired "Doctor Tolon, why is there such a high rate of tachyon particles in this subspace bubble? Was your team working with tachyon particles?"

Marina looked towards, Tolon. “I’m sensing... detecting certitude, a sense of absolute concentration, a strong sense of Vengeance, and complete certainty. Someone or something wants Vengeance Doctor, and it seems whatever the plan is it’s already begun.”

"Captain, I recommend we board the station to find out what's happened. We can do little from here". Dr. Tolon replied.

Maia looked at Dr. Tolon, He seemed confused and surprised by Marina's report.

"I'd like to know what is powering this thing?" replied Maria looking back at the Captain " as I can not find any specs on the power as to how to shut it off," Maria knew that as long as they were held they were not going anywhere.

"Fine Maria you're on the away team then. T'Plana'Hath made reference to high levels of Tachyons, perhaps if we can find out what's generating those we will find the power source. Since we cannot trust our instruments, senses, or reasoning, Dr. Hendon has replicated some neural inhibitors that may help us as we peer into the unknown once again. We will board the station, I want your best and brightest in each department to board and explore this is a large base and we have a lot of ground to cover." Maia said.

- MCO Office -

Karyn was working away blissful of events going up on the bridge when all of a sudden she was thrown forward as the ship seemed to suddenly stop dead, she grumbled under her breath and tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to bridge, what is going on, I felt a jarring down with me, have we suddenly stopped? =/\= she asked.

"We have docked with the station Captain Somers, prepare an away team," The OD said.

=/\= Affirmative, who am I talking to and what are my mission boundaries? =/\= Somers asked, she knew it was not the Captain but she also wanted more information.

=/\= This is Lieutenant JG Tomlinson relaying the message for Captian Sterling, Sir =/\=

=/\= Understood Lieutenant, what type of situation am I and my team going into Lieutenant? =/\= Somers asked the Lieutenant as she left her office and headed to the marine's break room.

"Captain requires standard tactical gear, Captain Somers," Tomlinson said.

=/\= Understood, will prep three others to assist in the Away Team, Somers out =/\= she said and entered the Rifles downtime area "Okay I want you three with me, standard Away Team load out, it seems the ships have encountered something and an Away Team is being sent in, we are the heavy back up, now get your rears in gear" Karyn said clapping her hands and the three chosen Rifles quickly stood up and headed to the combat prep room.

Isabelle was feeling just as uncomfortable as Marina, and she could sense others were too, but she wasn’t feeling what Marina was feeling, though she was only half Betazoid in comparison to Marina who was a full-blood. “Captain, I suggest allowing Lieutenant Tanger to go along seeing as she’s picking up more strongly on whoever, or whatever, is over there. I can accompany Marina if needs be.”

"I agree Lt Tanger you with us Your sensitivity may be useful," Maia said.

Lt. Kasey Tanger arrived on the bridge. "Captain the warp engines are all off-line due to the strange electromagnetic disturbances in this region. I felt this was something that needed to be addressed in person. The impulse engines are operative but only at one-quarter speed. We need to figure out what at this station is causing this interference. Also, all my senses are going haywire from picking up the same issue with all my fellow telepaths on the ship, do we know the cause as I am sensing a person at the root of it all? However, the pain may be making me sense what is not real. I am volunteering to go to the station to work on shutting down the generator of the electromagnetic disturbance if needed."

"Kasey, we are docked to the station on the station, utilizing the station's power source. I don't think power will be a problem for us until we either gain control of the station or get permission from whoever is in charge to leave," Maia said.

T'Plana-hath looked up "I would also like to volunteer. I may be able to access the computer system and gather further actionable intelligence." She was intellectually curious as to what the scientist in this research facility was really up to. El-Aurian science was far more advanced than they let on to the Federation, their claims of having lost much of their science were actually very false. The V'Shar, Vulcan Intelligence, had been actively involved in trying to learn more of El-Aurian science, concerned they had ulterior motives they were keeping from the Federation.

"You are with us T'Plana'Hath, We will need your skills," Maia said.

Ryan entered the ready room and stood by the door. He nodded to Maia, indicating a desire to speak with her in private. "I spoke with Samantha about her outburst on the bridge. There's something you need to private."

"Obviously I need to go as well," Rick said.

"I should go back to the bridge," Sheena said looking at Maia and then at Ryan, wondering if he was ok.


With Leto’s sudden stop, Sickbay became very busy with various bumps and bruises. Thankfully no
one had been badly hurt so Robert did not need to perform emergency surgery. After ordering a mug of coffee he tapped his comm badge.

=/\= Hendon to Captain Sterling is everything ok ma’am? =/\=

=/\= Dr. Hendon can you spare anyone for n away mission =/\= Maia said.

=/\= Yes ma’am given how much Dr. Tolon has kept silent and our sudden predicament. The logical person for this away mission is me. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to protect us. I will just grab them and be with you in a second.=/\= Robert said.

=/\= Then we will meet at docking port 1 in 15 minutes, bring whatever supplies you need I have no idea what we are walking into. =/\= Maia said.

- Marine Assembly Area -

She tapped her Commbadge again =/\= Somers to Captain Sterling, my team is assembled do we head to the transporter room of the shuttle bay? =/\= Somers asked.

=/\= Head to docking port 1 we are docked with the station under their power and defenses =/\= Sterling said

"Alright, people let's go," Maia said.

- Docking Port 1 -

The gangway was stretched and according to sensors fully pressurized. there was an eerie green glow coming from the station. It appeared that the lighting system was set to emergency lighting.

"Everybody ready, let's go".Maia said

She opened the port and walked through. Dr. Tolon provided the access key and they walked onto the station. The hum of energy converters could be heard by little else, and there was no one to meet them.

Maia looked for an access panel. and found one.

"Computer, where is everyone?

The computer answered "I am not programmed to respond in that area.

Maia looked at Dr. Tolon.

"Let's head to the control center. Use tricorders to try and detect life." Maia said.

It was odd that everything seemed to work, there were supposed to be 1800 people on this base. This was very peculiar.

They made their way to a turbo lift. got in and headed in two groups to the control center.

The main ops center was just as deserted as the rest of the station and was being run by computer.

Let's try to find the duplicate captain log, the scientists must have left something for us to find.

Dr. Tolon's access code worked and he was able to access the duplicate commander's logs.

"Captain, The crew seems to be installed in the computer core, they were able to achieve a biological and technological symbiosis. They have combined their wills to affect space and reality in the local region. Something went wrong though, they were attacked by the Borg. 15 cubes. All cubes were crushed by their combined IDs or subconscious nightmares, a vendetta against the Borg for the destruction of our home system. according to this data it happened about two months ago." Dr. Tolon said.

"You said they were in the computer core Doctor," Sterling asked.

Thats right.

"Then let's head down there and see for ourselves, perhaps we can communicate with them".

"Commander Belbre find out what if any automated defenses are in place and then figure out a way to circumvent them."

"The automatic defenses activate when all crew is absent Captain. However, I should be able to override the defense systems and then we will be safe to explore and determine what is going on. My security codes allow me to turn them off in cases like this. " Replied Belbre.

Once on the station Belbre entered her codes and turned to Captain Sterling. " Security codes are entered and all automatic Defenses are deactivated.

"That was very quick work Commander, Very well take your teams and secure the station," Maia said.

"Science teams, study how they became one with the station as Dr. Tolon said, Also see if you can get the internal sensors back online," Maia suggested.

"Aye," came Paisley's murmured response, as her head was already buried over the console, reading quickly. "I'll report back ASAP."

"Dr. Hendon We need to figure out the state of their bodies if we find them," Maia said.

"T'Plana'Hath See what kind of intel and tactical information you can find in the computer system."

T'Plana stated simply "Acknowledged, Sir" She then went to a console and her hands began to fly over the console, images flashing by too quickly for a human eye to register, but not a Vulcan who had grown up learning at the Vulcan Learning Center and the skill domes.

"Engineering and damage control teams I want a complete systems and power check, including life support," Maia said.

"The rest of us will head to the computer core to see what's down there," Maia added.

"Captain, I am on it in Engineering. I will do my best to get this system back under control." Lt. Kasey Tanger replied and he took off for Engineering.

Marina was slowly being drawn deeper by the sensations she’d picked up on while aboard ship, the thirst for Vengeance was making sense now she’d heard what Dr. Tolon had reported. The combination of minds was powerful, very powerful. “I understand now Captain...” Marina looked towards Maia. “It’s them...the combination of their minds...” Marina said.

Maia looked around, she wondered if that was what all the Boronite was for.

Isabelle was feeling it more clearly now she was aboard the station. Her concern was for Marina, and just how deeply she was being drawn into what was happening. “If this is the station crew we’re picking up on Captain, what kind of danger do they represent to us? The thirst for Vengeance is like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

"They are living their nightmares, all of their monsters of the past with the purpose of destroying the Borg," Maia said.

Finally arriving with four Rifles in tow "okay heavy backup is here, what do you need from us, Captain?" Karyn asked Sterling

"I need a squad up-front and another on our six, Captain Somers, standard defensive formation just in case," Sterling replied.


A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Chief of Security/ Tactical Officer
Uss Leto NCC_80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Second/Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Marine Captain Karyn Somers
Marine Commanding Officer, Det 95th Rifles
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lt. Paisley P'rar
Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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