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Arrival at Betazed

Posted on Thu Jan 26th, 2023 @ 10:54am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant JG Gavin Ross & Lieutenant Jonathan (Jon) Riley & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Captain Karyn Somers

Mission: Monsters of the Past
Location: Starship Leto
Timeline: 239501.09


The Leto spent a relatively uneventful week travelling to Betazed, it was so uneventful that when it came time to do something the bridge crew were eager to do something.

- Bridge -

Maia sat in the centre seat as was her place.

"Captain, we are on the final approach to Betazed," The helmsman reported.

"Take us out of warp". Maia said.

"Mr O'Carroll, open-hailing frequencies," Maia requested.

"Aye Captain, hailing frequency open." Lt O'Carroll said.

"Betazed Space control, this is the Federation Starship Leto on final approach," Sterling said.

"Acknowledged Leto. Welcome once again to Betazed. We have been expecting you. Please assume a standard orbit. BSC out."

"Leto acknowledges". Maia said.

Maia turned to the Helmsmen.

"Helm assume a standard orbit," Maia ordered.

"Aye Captain," Helm responded

Belbre ran routine scans of the Betazed space to make sure everything was good in the Betazed space dock area. "Captain, I am showing nothing in the scan area of Betazed that may show any threats to us at this time. Systems are clear."

"Well, at least we know the peace lasted six months. Havri, do have your security team ready and have you collaborated with Captain Somers?"

Everything is all set, Captain. All ready to do what is necessary. Replied Belbre.

Gavin stayed seated at his position on the main bridge. He overlooked the science schematics for the Betazed System as the Leto had entered. Upon closer standard orbiting. "Sciences reporting nominal." He took a drink from his silver coffee mug and swallowed. "Nothing out of the ordinary Captain."

Jon had taken over one of the unused stations, he glanced over the various sensor feeds and found little to be excited about except for a few small low-level ripples that he couldn't figure out what they were. He closed his log-in and stood to leave.

Ryan stepped onto the bridge wearing his dress white uniform and approached Maia in the Captain's Chair. "Captain, I wanted to inform you that Commander Toran and I have a matter to address as soon as we are in transporter range. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours, but we do need my sister and Captain Somers to accompany us."

"Also, I received a private message from the Ruling Council. They want to greet us at the beam-in location Captian. Here are the coordinates of the location. " Replied Belbre.

Maria sat at the Ops station looking at the screen and once more the Leto was in orbit around Betazed, the last time the ship was here was six months ago when it was involved in what could be called a civil war, and she herself had a bomb planted in her head. also, her current status of citizenship had been called and question after her father had refused to own up that she was his daughter. She thought to herself oO Maybe I could ask the captain if I may be able;e to do that? Oo as she turned to face the Leto’s Captain.

She asked, “ Captain, while we are here May I find out if my dual Citizenship has been done?”

"Of course, but make it quick we aren't on leave and will depart in less than a day," Maia said.

Robert emerged from the Turbo lift and looked around the bridge. He made a mental note of all the officers up there. Some of them would be due for their medicals very soon. He noticed Maria and wondered how she was feeling. Being back to Betazed.

“Hello, Captain. Some of the crew will need to take their mandatory physicals. When do you think they can do this?” He asked.

"I concur how long do you think it will take?" Maia asked.

" There is routine so as long as there are no red lights. An hour tops ma'am." He said

"Excellent, I'll make an appointment with the head nurse," Maia said.

Jon heard the doctor and quietly made an exit from the bridge, he didn't need a physical to know what was going on with him and he didn't want it to become the topic of conversation with anyone for now. As the doors hissed closed he felt a set of eyes on him, he let out a sigh of relief, he'd gotten the news a few weeks ago and was waiting for the ship to put him into starbase for treatment.

"I haven't, but you'll find, Doctor that I'm not one to see doctors or physicals as a problem. However," Rick sighed, "I don't think that in the middle of a mission is particularly a good time for me to drop everything and come in for it. Particularly that I'm required for said mission."

" That's ok after the mission will be fine. Just be aware you due." Hendon replied

Ryan nodded to Robert. "Sheena and I will be in tomorrow. I think she has an obstetrics exam scheduled anyway. Will that be satisfactory?"

" Yes," Robert replied

Belbre replied," I did a follow-up last week from where I was injured when kidnapped and to access my injuries from the fight when we were here last to stop the fighting on Betazed.

" Yes...Your fine Belbre. You fully caught up." Robert Reported

Isabelle offered Hendon a warm smile as she looked towards him, “I don’t think I’m due a physical doctor, but if I am just let me know and I’ll be there.”

" Yes, you're also fully caught up." He said

Sheena stepped out of the turbo-lift, wearing her dress whites, "Ryan you beat me here. I supposed you told the captain about us beaming down?" she asked.

Ryan turned to Sheena, his very soon-to-be wife, and nodded. "I have...just not the reason."

“Physical, physical…” The need for one to be conducted seemed trivial to the Scientist. “Nope. None here, Doctor Hendon.” He then lent a smile and turned back to his station. If any case, he was more interested in the current political feeds from Betazed catching up.

- Intelligence Offices -

Marina was sitting at her station in the Intel office, being back at Betazed so soon after events with the Caliphate was playing on her mind no end. So far there’d been no reports regarding her daughter being found, as much as she wanted to go and investigate for herself she couldn’t. Now she was part of the crew of the Leto she belonged onboard, not running off to hunt for any Caliphate members who might have gotten away. She just had to hope there’d be some news.

- Bridge -

"Captain Dr Tolon is ready to be beamed up."

"Very Well Havri, head down to the transporter room and get him up here," Maia said.

On my way Captain replied Belbre. She had a security detail meet them in the transporter Room. Once there she looks at Chief Davis. "Beam Dr Tolan up now Chief" Once he was up on the Leto. "Dr Tolan, welcome to the Leto. I am LCMD Belbre Chief of Security. If you will come with me I will show you to the Bridge to meet Captain Sterling our CO."

Tolan nodded and followed the security officer. "My baggage will be beamed up and stored," Tolon asked.

"Yes Sir" Belbre answered.

Belbre took him to the bridge via the turbo lift and in a couple of minutes, were on the bridge. "Captain I am pleased to introduce to you Dr Tolon from Betazed."

Maia stood.

"Dr Tolon, a pleasure to meet you. I have scheduled an impromptu meeting in my ready room at 1700 Hours. Your luggage has been beamed to your stateroom and your lab equipment is in cargo bay one."

"A pleasure to meet you, Captain Sterling, When will we be getting underway?" Tolon asked.

"As soon as we receive the coordinates from Starfleet Command." Dr Tolon. "Though I am expecting them within the next half hour.

"Commander Belbrre Dr Tolan has been assigned VIP quarters on deck 6, stateroom 615-A, please see to it that he is escorted there."

"Thank you Captain", Dr Tolon said.


Robert returned to sickbay in a mixed mood. Why did people behave like he had some contagious disease? Every time he mentioned the word physical? He did have the power to order anyone above or below his rank as CMO. At least the Captain was compliant. He’d seen Riley sneak off the Bridge. Hendon would have to corner Jon. But that would have to wait until after the mission.



A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll
Chief Operations Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Jon Riley
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Chief of Security/ Tactical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916

Lieutenant Maria McMahon
Chief Ops
USS Leto NCC-80916


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