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Dr Tolons Mission Brief

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 11:49am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Jonathan (Jon) Riley & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath

Mission: Monsters of the Past
Location: Conference Room
Timeline: 239501.20 1900 Hours.


Captain Sterling had called all her senior staff to Meet and greet Dr Tolon and get an idea of the mission they would be pursuing at the advanced weapons research laboratory in the Mutara Nebula. The Mutara Nebula provided the perfect cover for whatever they created as Khan Noonien Soong had detonated a genesis device in the nebula over 90 years ago. The Genesis planet had exploded and an asteroid field scattered throughout the region. The asteroid field had a considerable amount of proto matter in it. Some of the asteroids were in the nebula and some of it outside. The exciting thing was that it was a navigational hazard and sort of Bermuda triangle of the region with several ships having disappeared into spatial anomalies in the last century due to subspace fissures that had developed over time.

Maia waited for the others to file in.

Ryan sat in the center seat on the bridge. Maia being in the bridge conference room, was the bridge duty officer of the watch. He would direct the members of the Senior Staff into the Conference room and join the meeting with the last arrival.

Arriving at the Conference room Isabelle nodded politely to Maia, as she walked around to the nearest seat and sat down. “Captain.”

Lieutenant Kasey Tanger arrived and followed Raal to the ready room after having been in his office reviewing some PADDs regarding issues on Betazed. "Hello, Captain." He started to Sterling. "Greeting Doctor Tolon."

Robert arrived next.

“ Greetings Captain, Lieutenant Tanger, Dr Tolon, Lieutenant Raal.” He said as he took his seat.

Gibbs took a moment before getting there but did show up. Filing in and moving to the side of the doors. Leaning against the wall for now.

Belbre had shown Dr Tolan to his quarters and came back to the Captain's briefing room to be sure he did not get lost getting there. They entered and she showed Dr Tolan his seat then took her seat to await the briefing.

With Padd in hand, Karyn entered the Conference room, she looked around she was not the first there "Hi Captain" she said and then looked around "Commander Belbre, Lieutenant Gibbs" she pleasantly said as she took a seat.

Walking into the conference room Marina greeted those already present. “Good morning everyone” She took a seat next to her brother, offering Kasey a warm smile as she did so.

Maia got up and introduced Dr Tolon to her valiant crew.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is Dr Tolon, He's an El-Aurian and has recently been appointed the head of the Advanced Weapons Research and Development complex in the Mutara nebula. We are being read into this program effective immediately. This information is Top Secret Umbra.

"Dr Tolon." Maia gestured.

Dr Tolan got up and went to the head podium that Captain Sterling had just relinquished.

"Thank you, Captain Sterling".

"The purpose of the AWRD facility is to develop Borg-busting weapons. We have developed the Quantum Torpedo, the Transphasic torpedo, and various Temporal weapons to help in our fight against the great anti-life. This Anti-Life I am referring to is of course the Borg. We have developed many types of weapons including Meta weapons or mind weapons against them powered by our own ID. There have been several borg attacks against the research station and all have been repulsed. However, we have run into some problems with the Meta weapons. There have been some side effects to them among our personnel some causing brain damage and other psychological effects. We are going to investigate and see what exactly is causing the damage." Dr Tolon said.


Marina looked towards Tolon. “Doctor, you mentioned these Meta weapons were mind weapons? Exactly how do they work?”

"We have discovered a way to amplify and focus the subconscious dreamscapes into a formidable weapon. There is nothing tangible for the Borg to assimilate so it is nearly impossible for them to understand what is fighting them." Tolon responded.

Belbre asked a question. "I read in some research where I am Chief Weapons/Tactical Officer, that some telepaths the Meta weapons caused problems with memory in some species. I was wondering if this is true Dr Tolon."

"I'm not sure what you read Commander, but this weapon can only be used by El Aurians at this point, we haven't tried it on telepathic species as the research indicates that it would burn out the cerebral cortex of a telepathic species." Dr Tolon replied.

Telepathic forms of communication are conscious acts. This weapon works at the subconscious level.

Hendon remembered what happened to the crew last time they had tangled with mind weapons.

“ Doctor Tolon I am rather concerned for the safety of the crew. We have all had a bad experience of telepathic control loss. What guarantee can you give us that the crew members of the Leto, will be safe?” Robert asked

"This particular Meta weapon is not a telepathic weapon. Rather it manifests dreams or nightmares and is amplified by the subspace fissures in the Nebula itself. This generates almost unlimited power. the unconscious dream state provides the focus. It operates at a frequency and range outside the collective consciousness of the Borg." Tolon responded.

Was it just his mother's influence of never trusting someone she did not know in him? Because he did not like the feeling of Tolons answer.

Isabelle looked towards Dr Tolon. “Doctor, You said this weapon works at the subconscious level? Is it possible that it has been affecting people working on it, and around it, but at their subconscious level? No one would realize for that very reason.”

"That is precisely what we are going to investigate, it is precisely the reason I asked for the Leto, this crew is more than half Betazoid with very powerful telepaths on board. If anyone can detect anomalous or aberrant behaviour, I assumed it would be Betazoids." Dr Tolon responded.

Isabelle nodded. “Doctor, When you said other psychological effects what kind of effects are we talking about? Hallucinations? Night terrors? The list could be practically endless. I need to know what I’m looking for in the crew.”

"That is what we are going to investigate, there seems to be some sort of amplification effect on a person's ID which allows the unconscious to project hallucinations and night terrors, but there have been many strange side effects. If we can't solve it this particular project may have to be terminated." Tolon responded.

"Also Dr. Tolon, some of the Betazoid crew members like myself had our telepathic abilities increased due to weapons used by some traitors on Betazed. We stopped them then, but would it cause us to have any other type of effects from it? Also, I see that this weapon is similar to a weapon used by aliens on the crew of the enterprise under Captain Picard. They used it to study the crew without permission till they were caught" replied Belbre.

"Yes that is correct, however, the way I understand it, your mental abilities work on the conscious level do they not," Tolon responded. "So did the Vulcan psionic weapon, I know what you're getting at but this is a completely different kind of technology," Tolon added.

*Speaks up from her position as she looked at her Padd "Doctor Tolon how did you get Starfleet to authorize such weapons? I know the Borg can be a pain in the rear, but some of these weapons seem a bit extreme!" Somers said finally looking up at the doctor "and the Meta Weapons like the Transphasic torpedoes have a limited lifespan as if used too many times the Borg will adapt, has that possibility been addressed? After all the Borg are not slouches to adapting" she asked.

"The Federation Council and Starfleet command came to me, Captain Somers, some 25 years ago right about the time of the massacre at Wolf-359. This project had its inception back then," Tolon replied. "Yes, that possibility does exist which is why the Meta weapons were developed. There is nothing for the Borg to adapt to," Tolon added.

T’Plana-hath sat very still in the back of the conference room reading over the information her PaDD, she was listening to the briefing. Some of the descriptions of the weapons sounded like old Vulcan psychic weapons of old. If they were like the ancient Vulcan psychic weapons, they would be unpredictable and extremely dangerous. She had nothing to say in the meeting but made plenty of notes to present to her superiors when their esteemed guest was not present.

Sitting quietly Marina sat taking in all the details, she was familiar with the damage weapons that had an effect on the mind could do thanks to the Caliphate. Whatever was happening she hoped it didn’t effect the crew.

"Once we get to the Advanced Weapons Research Facility in the Mutara Nebula, I can go deeper into the technology".

"I would be very interested in seeing more of your work, doctor. I have always enjoyed the physics of engineering in how it applies to weapons systems and would like to get to know more if I may once we get to the facility in the Nebula. Would that be possible?" Tanger asked in pure awe of the doctor's work.

As Robert sat there listening to Dr. Tolon more non-positives thoughts entered his mind. One of these now surfaced.

" Doctor Tolon. You said before that you picked the Leto because some of our fellow crew members are Bataziods. I want your personal assurance that you or your people are not going to turn our friends into bioweapons." Hendon said coldly.

"Dr. Hendon, So far as I know the new technology only works on El Aurian brain waves and brain patterns. This crew has certain abilities that will help determine what the problem is. That is the reason I asked for the crew of the Leto, But I will give you my word such as it is that no member of this crew will be experimented on or converted in any way. The technology will simply not work with Betazoids humans Medusans or Vulcans or any other telepathic species we have encountered,"
Dr. Tolon replied.

"If there are no further questions, you are all dismissed," Maia said.

Ryan had about a hundred questions but remained quiet for the moment.

Having arrived late herself, she also had about a hundred questions as well. Sheena whispered, "You have as many questions as I do Imzadi," she said watching the others leave.



A Post By:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto-NCC-80916


Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Kasey Tanger
Chief Engineer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Chief of Security/Tactical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Jon Riley
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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