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Enroute to Betazed

Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 9:48am by Lieutenant JG Gavin Ross & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant Jonathan (Jon) Riley & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll
Edited on on Tue Jan 17th, 2023 @ 8:13am

Mission: Monsters of the Past
Location: USS Leto NCC-80916
Timeline: 239501.03

- Bridge -

Captain's Log Stardate 239501.03

Having received our orders at Starbase 50, We are preparing to leave orbit and head back to Betazed to retrieve a Dr Tolon. Mr Gibbs knows him and he has graciously offered up information about him that will help to shape our mission. One wonders what sort of dealings we will have at the Advanced Defense Research Facility deep in the Mutara Nebula. The crew has had a bit of shore leave and all hands have reported back to the ship. Betazed is about 5 days away at warp 5. Ship ad crew are fully operational

Maia sat in the centre seat as we final checks were made for departure.

"Activate viewscreen, Helm lay in a course for planet Betazed." The Captain ordered.

"Mr Gibbs signal the base we are preparing to get underway," Maia added.

It took him a moment and then Rick glanced up from the console, "They acknowledge and wish us 'steady seas,' as it were."

"Alright sound off by the numbers, All stations report readiness," Maia ordered.

"Security/Tactical is 5x5. Ready to go," replied Belbre.

Jon exited the bridge turbo-lift "Intelligence is ready." he wanted to be around for the departure this time.

"Thank you, Mr Riley," Maia acknowledged.

Stepping out onto the bridge next Isabelle offered a smile as she looked toward Sterling. “The Counseling department is ready for departure Captain.” She took her seat, she wanted to be on the bridge when they set off for Betazed.

"Very good Counsellor, Thank you." Captain Sterling replied.

- Diplomatic Office -

Lieutenant Kasey Tanger was in his office reviewing logs and documents. He was sort of looking forward to getting back to Betazed but he knew it would not be for but a day. He worked through his files and prepared for the visit of this Dr Tolon. He would prepare a diplomatic guest suite for this guest and work to accommodate him. He knew nothing of this guest other than Gibbs knew him and he was linked to the current mission.

Tanger then headed to the bridge to see if he could be of any assistance as he was all caught up on all his required diplomatic duties. Once Kasey arrived on the bridge. "Greeting Captain, Can I be of any assistance for this departure or such?"

"Yes, find out as much as you can about Dr Tolon, Lt Gibbs can assist you he actually knows him." The captain replied.

"Yes, Ma'am, I will get right on that. I already prepared quarters in the diplomatic suites for him as I figured he would be more comfortable there than in standard guest quarters." Tanger replied and then headed out to speak to Lt. Gibbs.

- Intelligence Department -

Marina sat in intel going over the various reports that needed looking at. With Riley already on the bridge, she wasn’t necessary to be there for departure.

Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath sat in the intelligence module known as a darkroom. She was making minute adjustments to the ship's sensors to better gather information for the computer to sort into the intelligence algorithms. She hit her Commbadge =^=Intelligence department is ready. The darkroom is up and sensor arrays for intelligence are at optimum capacity. =^= She then began monitoring the systems.

=/\=Thank you, T'Plana'Hath=/\=", The captain replied.

- Sickbay -

Slowly the young Ensign stood on her three feet. Robert smiled and typed something on his PADD. He heard the Captain's message.

=/\=T Hendon to Captain. Sickbay and medical ready to go.=/\=T He said.

Then he continued to monitor the Ensign.

=/\=Thank you Doctor=/\= the Captain acknowleged.

Belbre got up and took a pad to Captain Sterling. "Here is a copy of the report I got from the Betazed Ambassador on Starbase 50 Captain. Most of it is routine items for me regarding Betazed Council staff. But one part here is related to our mission. They are requesting I place a special security detail on Dr Tolon due to his special knowledge and specialization in the systems we are investigating. With your permission, I have assigned the following security officers to this security team."

"Who did you have in mind Havri," Sterling asked.

"I plan to have 3 security officers with Dr Tolon all the time and if he is off the ship have 4 near his position. Also, LT Gibbs will be around if needed. Also when off the ship perhaps As a precaution. I don't want to take any chances due to his experience. Captain Somer may assist with a couple of Marines." replied Belbre.

"Very well I leave it to you to coordinate that with her. Keep me in the loop, however. Be advised Dr Tolon is not a prisoner, nor do I want him to feel like one. But security is of the utmost importance. Who knows what kind of situation we will be running into?

I understand Captain and have arranged a couple of the newly assigned Betazed security personnel to it. They have been on Betazed recently and will be able to talk about what is happening with Betazed. This way it looks like they are visiting with someone from home. The other two I have with him are very interested in Betazed. So it will work like they are looking to learn more from him.

"This isn't exactly a covert mission, Havri, but do as you see fit," Maia replied.

Stepping from the turbo-lift, Sheena walked to her spot and sat. "Sorry I'm tardy but I went to Engineering and checked it out before heading up. They are all in the green and eager to go. I myself have a wedding to get done as soon as we get there. Ryan wants it done during the time we are there," she finished saying.

Gavin turned from his science station. Ross was reviewing the upcoming visit to the Mutara Nebula. The Advanced Defense Research Facility held countless research projects governed by a body shrouded in mystery.

“Captain. I am reviewing the Advanced Defense Research Facility. It would be nice to know what we are getting ourselves into before we arrive.” Ross reported.

Jon tried not to snicker "It's vague for a reason, from the lone report I've seen it's a think tank for weapons research, they design and develop ideas no matter how outrageous."

"That is precisely how Commodore stone described it."

"Captain, all stations report ready". Mr O'carroll at ops indicated.

"Excellent, helm take us out of orbit, Warp factor, five," Sterling ordered.

"Warp five, Aye Captain" Helm replied.

The Leto shot off into warp heading back to Betazed.

- Marine COs Office -

Karyn knew that those on the bridge and in engineering would be giving affirmation reports, as she was a Marine such notification was not needed as the Rifles did not run any part of the ship, they were heavy troops to be used when the occasion required it, but she felt movement as the ship left wherever it currently was, sometimes she missed SB51, but the assignment is such that one goes where one has been assigned.



A Post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll
Chief Operations Officer
USS Leto NCC 80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commader Havri Belbri
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Jonathan Riley
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Acting First Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lt. Cmdr. Sheena Toran
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


L.Cmdr. Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Marine Captain Karyn Somers
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Kasey Tanger
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Leto, NCC-80916


Lieutenant Gavin Ross
Chief of Sciences
USS Leto, NCC-80916


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