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Checking The Embassy Security Perimeter

Posted on Tue Mar 30th, 2021 @ 11:41am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Senior Chief Petty Officer Henry 'Hank' Keitel

Mission: The Thorion Conundrum Mission Brief
Location: Thorin 4

Toda Brebruit was a patient woman . She bided her time stalking and learning everything she could about Lieutenant Brannon whom she knew to be Havre Belbre. With the construction underway of the Federation embassy, Toda couldn't risk using the Xalesian phasing technology. Since the starship Leto was inside and dry docked at space station liberty, She couldn't use the technology to phase through nuetronium anyway. She kept an eye on the betazoid security officer always just outside of the others perception but learning everything she could about her habits and schedule. She watched for six weeks. Not only did she want to kill the young security officer but she needed the diridium crystals in the pendant as it had not only a true birth certificate for the young lieutenant but the names of all the members of the Rixxian caliphate and if the Betazed security forces ever got their hands on it. It would spell doom for them. She had been stalking the young lieutenant now for six weeks.

Lt Brannon knew it was her responsibility to check the security perimeter from the outside of it. Inside she did not have to worry due to the fact the perimeter security protected her. Outside she would not have that protection.

She went outside and was checking things out. This caused her to drop her guard as she made adjustments to make it stronger. Plus she was outside without any extra personnel.

=/\= "Brannon to Captain Sterling, I am finishing up final adjustments on the security perimeter now. I should finish up in about 20 minutes."=/\=

=/\= Alright Lieutenant be sure to take an escort =/\= Maia said.

=/\= "Aye Captain" replied Brannon, as she went to do what was needed. While working she need another device to finish she she sent the security nco with her back to get it.

This left her alone and she was distracted while working.

Toda waited for her chance the security field was weak or down so she took a dart and expertly threw it at Lt Brannon's neck. She scored a direct hit. then she went into the field with little resistance still invisible and dragged Brannon outside of the perimeter where they beamed to Toda's ship. Once inside the cloaked ship launched. They would be long gone before anyone even knew that their precious Lieutenant Brannon was even missing.

Brannon felt a sting on her neck and at first thought it was an insect then she felt weak and passed out. She laid there not knowing what had happened.

=/\= Sterling to Brannon, where are you=/\= Sterling sent.

Sheena was discussing the site plans with Lt. Tanger. She was not sure if the Ambassadors wanted an outside garden area to sit and hold meetings or if they would like both one out here and one inside. "Lt. Tanger, personally I would suggest a lovely garden with a seating arrangement that would allow them to see each other while having a nice relaxing atmosphere to talk in. The same could be said about inside as well. A large enough room that would have windows strategically placed to allow the sunlight to enter. While having comfortable seating arrangements with flowers and a pleasant, pleasing scent of, oh or something that would help relax our Ambassadors," Sheena said looking at Tanger.

"I do agree about the indoor and outdoor gathering or meeting areas." Tanger replied. "I believe the Thorions are proud of their flora and it would be a shame to not feature it in an external garden meeting area. The hues of the flora here are different than several federation worlds so it would help calm the negativity that could arise in some negotiations or such. While the interior conference room or meeting area should have ample lighting from both a natural and artificial means, the native artwork would be better displayed with the flora appearing in the windows to help calm the mood in there as well."

"Great! I completely agree and it should be done. I will oversee the modifications," Sheena said, smiling at Lt. Tanger.

=/\= Sterling to Commander Toran, Have you seen Lt Brannon, she seems to be missing. Have security check her last known position=/\= Maia sent.

=/\= Toran to Captain Sterling, I have not seen her, and currently I can not sense her presence. Something is wrong, very wrong......=/\= Sheena relayed.

=/\=Toran to Keitel, Lt. Brannon is missing and I am not sensing her presence something is wrong. Send security to search the perimeter=/\= Sheena relayed.

Senior Chief Keitel looked for a moment along the north perimeter fence before acknowledging the XOs call. =/\=Send perimeters patrols to look for Lieutenant Brannon, Aye sir.=/\= He nodded to the nearest security detail and sent them to search the north and east perimeter. He then sent a marine detail to search the south and west perimeter.

Later it was found that Lt Brannon's tool kit, and spare parts and side arm were on the ground where she was working on the perimeter and drag marks were found as well.

Captain Sterling called for a security and perimeter alert and as as all evidence from the spot cameras that were all around the area. Seems she was kidnapped probably from the same people from that Rixxian Caliphate she had Angelinia had described. There was an all system alert for Lt Brannon initiated and the Thorion;s promised a response.

Only time would tell.


A post by

Captain Sterling
USS Leto

LCdr Sheena Toran
Executive Officer
USS Leto

Lt Dougherty
Chief Engineer
USS Leto

Lt Angelina Brannon
Chief of Security
USS Leto

Lt JG Jason Barton
USS Leto

2LT Karyn Somers
Marine XO
USS Leto

LT Kasey Tanger
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Leto

SCPO Hank Keitel
Chief of the Boat
USS Leto


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