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Approaching Triton

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 3:59pm by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Maximillion Thornehill Junior & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Sayori Summers & Lieutenant Commander Gwendolyn Griffith

Mission: Double Dealing
Location: USS Leto NCC-80916
Timeline: 239606.30

Captains log Stardate 239606.30

Starships Leto and Calypso are back on course to Triton. After the incident with the clones, deck 8 on the Leto is undergoing repairs. We beamed the clones off the ship and into space, I know it sounds like cold-blooded murder but they can generate powerful isolytic shocks enough to destabilize matter and render forcefields inoperative, they were also resistant to stasis chambers and pods. They were created to be biological weapons of mass destruction. They caused massive damage to the Calypso. they were the reason Calypso jettisoned her warp core. Triton is a water world with vast underwater cities. We haven't run into any other warships. We are preparing to orbit the planet.

Sterling Maia A, Captain, Commanding Leto.


Triton loomed large on the viewscreen, a blue gem with an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, which was 99.8 percent water, with no polar ice caps, there were very few tiny island land masses. All of the cities were underwater.

"Ease us into a standard orbit Mr. Thornehill," Maia ordered.

"Aye, Captain, sneaking in on tiptoe." He slowed them down to thrusters, then brought them around and aligned with the planet. "Standard orbit, Captain," he said.

"Mr. Gibbs what is your tactical analysis?"

Rick took a breath as his fingers moved over his console. It took around another 40 seconds before he answered, "If engineering can polarize the hull we can use the water of the planet to hide in. We can even make repairs as long as force fields hold. If we can't scan most of what's down there, neither can they."

Are there any orbital defenses, Starbases, or outposts in orbit?

Scanning now Captain.

Planetary analysis coming in now Sir,

"Diameter 25,400 miles Planet is class M however the atmosphere has a very high concentration of water vapor and is breathable with respiration filters. The planet is 97 percent water, in the atmosphere, on the ground, and subsurface. There is an abundance of life subsurface. Triton has various small island landmasses. The atmospheric pressure is 5 bars. So if we do go down there we should wear pressure suits. The islands float on a continental shelf, the planet also has a molten iron core that is spinning and keeps the magnetic field in balance. An abundance of geothermal energy is used to power the underwater cities. The water vapor in the atmosphere greatly attenuates ultraviolet and cosmic radiation from reaching the surface. Triton has four natural satellites numbers two and four are class K and have been adapted as colonies. One and three are essential giant ice balls. Sensors are detecting four ships at or near orbit, they read as freighters. There is one orbiting starport a class B starport of Federation design. No warships or planetary orbiting defense platforms detected,"

"Thank you Lt. Bolls,". Maia said.

Belbre returned to the Bridge after going to Sick Bay to get her minor injuries cared for. She took a pad to Captain Sterling containing her final escape report. And she addressed the Captain, "I made a mistake and it will not happen again. I forgot to leave my phaser outside of the cell when we entered and the prisoner got it and could escape. It will not happen again, Captain."

Maia nodded.

"There's a first time for everything, who would have thought that they were living breathing walking weapons of mass destruction? It reminds me of Project Extremis in the early 21st century when scientists augmented the DNA of wounded veterans initiating rapid regeneration only to find the process unstable. Most soldiers exploded in the lab causing massive damage others were illegally sent out as assassins with devastating results,"

It's alright Havri, you can't prepare for what you don't know. Take your post.

She then returned to her station on the Bridge and began adjusting the sensors, hoping to bring them up with more strength.

"It doesn't seem like they are on a wartime footing does it, Mr Gibbs? No one seems to be taking potshots at us." Maia said

"It doesn't look like it to me either," Rick snorted a little bit, "I guess that's a good thing for now."

"T'Plana'Hath see if you can interface with their computer systems and see if you can access any intel which may be useful including current events,"

"Mr Thornehill slow to 1/4 impulse power and set a course for the starport."

"Quarter impulse, aye," Max said, watching the planetary traffic around them. "Course laid in."

"Mr. Blake let's hail the starport, see if we are welcome or not,"

Havri kept working at her station continuously, and after a long period, she turned around. "Captain, I have updated all security sensors to detect the explosive trace the Orions used to attack the Leto. If anyone even shakes hands with someone that has the explosives in their body. It will let us know in security so we can check them out. I also had all tricorders reprogrammed to detect the explosives as well.

I do not want another mess like we just went through."

"Neither do I Havri. The Tritonians haven't fired on us, perhaps they have split away and declared independence," Maia said.

Maria sat at the OPS station checking through the ship's power making sure that everything was fine and dandy, as she knew that the repairs had been done and on time, She said " Captain, all repairs are completed and the ship is fully operational," as she tapped her fingers across the console.

"All the repairs on deck six are repaired, sickbay and engineering. There was a lot of fire damage and the internal sensors took a hit on that deck. " Maia asked.

"Yes Captain, they have just completed, as much as they could do," she replied, as she knew that they had been working overtime to get them fixed, She continued, "We are Running low on supplies Captain,"

"What supplies are we low on? Are the replication and fabrication systems down?" The captain asked.

"Replication systems are at 30% and the Fabrication systems are at 40% working" replied Maria keeping her eyes on the screen, she knew that the teams needed rest and would ask the Captain for them to get some R& R. She finished " May our teams have some R&R Captain?"

I think we can arrange that, Maia said.

"Bridge to Engineering good work on the repairs to deck 6. Please pass my gratitude to your damage control teams." Maia said

Sayori's peppy voice came over the comms. "Arigato, Captain! We'll keep the ship running smoothly even as people try to blow it up!"

Belbre replied, " I have scanned all weapons systems and right now they show no signs of powering up. Perhaps we may consider a Yellow Alert. to be safe Captain. Then at least the shields are up in case they did decide to fire unprovoked. Till we speak with them and determine there are no threats to the Leto and crew."

Rick thought about it a moment and shook his head, not that he wanted to counterman Havri's suggestion but he thought otherwise. "I'm sorry Commander, but I'd have to disagree with the shields. It could be what provokes them. If one of us keeps a constant lock on their weapons and watches it, we should be able to get shields up before they fire. Sirs.

"I am also showing nothing in my scans," the Science officer piped up. She was a pretty quiet woman but always did her best to contribute when she had anything useful to say.

Hailing frequencies open, Captain.

"This is the Federation Starship USS Leto, We wish to open a diplomatic dialog with the free peoples of Triton. We have also sustained damage and have wounded that need to be cared for."

Starship Leto, the people of Triton welcome you, our facilities are at your disposal. Please proceed to docking for Bravo-2.

Leto confirms.


“Get him closed and get him on a biobed,” Gwen said to the nurse across from her. She didn’t even wait for the “yes, doctor,” before she stripped off and discarded her surgical gloves and walked back into Sickbay.

Triage had been quick, but difficult as so many people had punctures, burns and broken bones. One engineer was sitting to the side, gripping his leg that had a good-sized chunk of wall panel stuck in his leg. With the initial life-threatening injuries now under control, and the last two ICU patients in surgery, Gwen walked over to him and grabbed a tricorder, scanning his leg quickly. She grabbed a hypospray and pressed it to his leg, then gave a whistle for a nurse and a gurney.

“About time,” the engineer said through clenched teeth. “How long does a guy have to shout in pain before he gets some help?”

“It’s the ones who can’t shout who go in first,” Gwen said tersely, holding the hypospray between her teeth and getting behind him. She hooked him under his arms and the nurse carefully grabbed his legs. They gently put him on the anti-grav gurney and the nurse brought him into the surgical bay. Gwen followed and whistled for another set of gloves to attach to her surgical suit.

“How many more out there,” she said as the nurse fitted the sterilized gloves on.

“Eight,” she said.

“All right,” Gwen said. “Two a-piece left. We’ll be done in no time.” It was half a joke, but she was glad they were down to the last of the non-essential cases. “Let’s get the next leak plugged.” She stepped into the surgical bay and approached the now unconscious engineer. “Let’s dig in,” she said.

Belbre stopped by after completing her upgrades and other things that were a priority in security. She had minor bumps and bruises and a few minor cuts from the explosion. She saw Gwen and walked over. "Just got a few minor injuries but still stopped by to let you check it out. Had my hands full with the explosion and escape as you understand. The ship comes first."

Gwen had stripped out of her surgical garb, but her face was still streaked with blood and she was getting tired. She heard the words being spoken at her, and but she didn't register them, instead focusing on the patient in front of her. She finished healing the burns on his shoulder and when the skin was full intact, she gave him a pat on the other shoulder. "Go get a fresh uniform, and you're good to return to duty," she said.

The crewman nodded and hopped off the biobed, leaving Sickbay as Gwen updated his file. Finally she looked up at saw the security chief looking at her expectantly. "Ah, you're back," she sighed. She looked around Sickbay, seeing the crowd was now thinned and the injuries were under control. "All right, hop on." She patted the biobed and stepped back.

Belbre got up on the bed and laid back."Sorry to trouble you with minor injuries, but you know how Captain Sterling is. She wants proof from medical you are fit for duty."

"Well if I throw you out of Sickbay, you're good enough for the time being. I don't allow triage to be interrupted," Gwen said, flipping her tricorder open and scanning Belbre slowly. "Still no major injuries. Good," Gwen said, grabbing a dermal regenerator. "Lie still and we'll have you back on the bridge shortly."

Belbre laid back and let her do her work. She made all her patients feel comfortable around her.

"If I may ask, were there any fatalities from the attack? I felt I let the crew down by not preventing the escape of the prisoners."

Gwen looked at the other woman and sighed. "Not yet," she said. "But two were close calls. One of them, an engineer, is going to have a long road to recovery as he took most of a blast. If he makes it through the next twenty-four hours, I would say he should be fine."


Leto and Calypso docked on the starbase which was a very modern facility. Which has excellent medical facilities and recreational facilities.


A Post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lt Cmdr Havri Belbre
Chief Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916



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