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Mon Apr 22nd, 2024 @ 8:26pm

Lieutenant Maximillion Thornehill

Name Maximillion Josephus Thornehill Junior

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Thin, tall, relatively good looking, he's got that laid-back, casual look about him that says "flyboy." He's got a quick smile and some laugh lines around his eyes.


Father Maximillion J. Thornehill
Mother Genevieve Thornehill
Sister(s) Grace Thornehill (22)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Easy-going and typically ready with a joke, he seems carefree and charming. He doesn't like talking about his past or his family on Epictetus III, because he doesn't like people finding out he's the son of the planet's governor and treating him differently. He's good at deflecting a conversation and steering them as well as he steers his ships.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - piloting, math, spatial orientation, geometry

Weaknesses - truly opening up,
Ambitions Wants to design new shuttles.
Hobbies & Interests Pool, entomology, ship design

Personal History Born and raised on Epictetus III, Max had a privileged childhood as the first and only son of the governor. His mother, however, raised him to be humble and charitable and kept him from getting a swelled head.

Having survived the planet's transition to a new sun, thanks to a rescue by the Enterprise-D, he began to take an interest in technology and motion at an early age. He learned how to fly skimmers across the fields when he was in grade school and by the time he reached secondary school, he could fly most ships used by the planetary services, and volunteered to transport medical supplies.

Naturally, Starfleet was appealing to him, and although his father disapproved, hoping his son would stay and enter into politics as well, he didn't stand in Max's way.

After graduating Starfleet Academy, Max was assigned to the Utopia Planitia shipyards, piloting shuttles, moving ships and while technically flying, not finding much challenge in it. He requested a transfer to the USS Belfast, and served there for three years, being promoted from the shuttle crew to helm, as well as the USS Saint Augustine where he eventually took over as FCO, before setting his sights on deeper space.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard - 4 years
USS Belfast - 3 years
USS Saint Augustine - 3 years