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Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 8:44pm by Commander Ryan Blake & Captain Maia Sterling
Edited on on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 8:45pm

Mission: Double Dealing
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: 239508.20

Ryan had just returned to the bridge after seeing his wife off in the main shuttle bay. She was being sent on medical leave to Starbase 51for the final month of her pregnancy. He was just stepping out of the turbolift when Maia gestured to her Ready Room door from the center seat.

"Ryan, Sorry to see Sheena go, but her medical issues are too serious for a ship that is usually getting shot at. These diplomatic missions are getting more serious. I need a first officer who is not only capable but someone I trust. I want you to step in as executive officer." Maia said.

Ryan nodded. He wasn't entirely surprised by the field promotion. "I am honored Captain. I will do my best." He took a moment to consider who should take over for him in his previous billets. "Well, as your new first officer, I have a duty to advise you on crew matters. Our overall mission profile calls for an officer to fill the billet for Strategic Operations. Someone well versed in coordination in matters of tactical assessment, intelligence analysis and...some acumen in diplomatic matters. I would like to nominate Lieutenant Commander Belbre for both the position as Chief of Strategic Operations and Second Officer. I also believe that Lieutenant Commander Gibbs is more than capable of assuming duties as Chief Tactical and Security Officer."

"That makes a lot of sense to me Commander, I will discuss it with both officers. We should discuss it with them together to provide a unified front." Maia's brain started whirling thinking of all the possibilities.

Ryan smiled. He was glad to hear Maia agree with his first recommendation. "Should I schedule a meeting for the four of us Captain?"

"Of course, but before you do that, I wanted to pin on your third solid pip. You are hereby promoted to full commander with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of your new rank."

"Congratulations Commander."

Ryan was a bit surprised at the promotion. He stood still as the hollow pip was removed and a solid pip pinned in its place. He finally regained the use of his voice. "Thank you, Captain."

"It's well deserved, I do want you to arrange a meeting with Belbre and Gibbs we are going to have to reshuffle some personnel, and move some people into different positions to make the command structure more efficient," Maia said.

Ryan nodded. "What time would you like to schedule the meeting for and would you prefer the Ready Room, conference room or someplace else entirely?"

"I want to schedule it before we get underway again. Anytime in the next four days would be fine. The officers must be posted to their new offices within that time," Maia said.

Ryan appeared thoughtful for a moment as he mulled over an idea. "Might I recommend having the meeting in the Captain's private mess. I don't foresee any issues on the changes necessary, but things may go easier in a more relaxed setting."

"That sounds great we can discuss this over dinner, good thinking, Commander."

Ryan always appreciated receiving compliments from his superiors. "Thank you, Captain. Would you like Chef to prepare the meal or would the replicator suffice?"

"Since the guests will all be senior officers I think Chef should do it. This is a special occasion after all." Maia said.

Ryan nodded. "I will see to the arrangements." He took a moment to think. "Will 1900 hours be acceptable Captain?"

"Perfect, is there anything else Commander?"

Ryan consulted his PADD before shaking his head. "No Captain. I will get the dinner invitations out and get to work on the watch bills for the bridge and engineering."

"Excellent Ryan, then, I won't keep you from your duties any longer." The Captain said.



A post by :

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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