Doctor "Gigi"
Posted on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 4:27pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Gwendolyn Griffith
Double Dealing
Location: Captains Ready room
Timeline: Stardate: 239602.15
Captains Log Stardate 239602.15
Doctor Robert Hendon's body was found in Sickbay after suffering an Isolytic shock while working on the cloning apparatus that was presented by the clone of Colin Barth. It was Lt T'Plana'Hath who discovered the body but he was already dead with no chance at revival. There was a discharge of power that caught Dr Hendon in the face. Death was instantaneous. Doctor Gwen Griffiths did everything she could to revive him. However, death was declared at 1137 hours. Funeral arrangements are being made, and I have the unenviable task of replacing a dear friend in his role as Chief Medical Officer. Going through the records the obvious choice would be Doctor Gwendolyn Griffiths. She does have the experience and knowledge to perform well in that role. Sterling Maia A. Captain Commanding Starship Leto. Log out.
Maia went down to sickbay, security was just finishing up and Doctor Griffiths was performing the autopsy. Maia could barely see her friend his face burnt to a crisp. A sad day indeed.
"Gigi, when you are finished up here, please report to my ready room," Maia asked.
There was a pregnant pause as the words sank through Gwen's tunnel vision, but she finally looked up and nodded solemnly. "Aye, Captain," she said, blinking away tears and returning to her duty.
She turned and left sickbay heading up to her ready room.
=/\= The following personnel report to my ready room at 1400 hours, Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran, Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake, Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre, and Dr Gwendolyn Griffiths =/\=
Maia sat at her desk trying not to cry for her dearly departed friend. Instead, she occupied herself with fuel consumption reports. anything to keep her mind off the tragedy.
The doors opened a couple of minutes later and Gwen stepped in, PADD in hand. She walked slowly across the room and stood in front of the captain's desk. "The autopsy report, Captain," she said, quietly, holding it out.
"Thank you, Doctor.
Maia took the report. Isolytic shock depolarized his autonomic nervous system. Death was instantaneous.
"At least he didn't suffer unduly, I know you did everything you could," Maia said.
"Aye, Captain," Gwen said. "To be honest, I wish there was something I could have done." She sighed and put her hands behind her back, shaking her head. After her moment of silence, she looked up at the Captain's face and felt a bit guilty. She'd lost a recent mentor, but the Captain had lost a long-time friend.
She walked over to the replicator and keyed in two glasses of synthehol. She carried them back to the Captain's desk and placed one in front of her, holding the other up. “A good friend can never truly be lost. Their energy lives on in the hearts and minds of those who loved them. Here's to the loss of a good friend." She raised her glass in salute.
"Thank you, that is very kind of you. I am going to need a replacement Chief Medical officer, interested in the job?" Maia asked.
Gwen's eyes widened in surprise. "I...well, yes, of course, I'll do my best, Captain," Gwen said. She was going to say more, but the comm system activated.
Belbre was on the bridge monitoring systems and checking for the possibility of any clones on the Leto when the call came in. =/\=Aye Captain on my way =/\=
"I guess the meeting is starting," Gwen said.
Belbre got up and entered the Captain's Ready Room. "What can I do for you, Captain?" she said as she walked over to where she stood.
I need you Ryan and Sheena to stand as witnesses to this proceeding.
Sheena had just walked in just as the captain announced that she was needed as a witness to her decision.
"I have offered Dr. Griffith the role of Chief Medical Officer and she has accepted," Maia said.
"Captain, I approve the appointment of Dr. Griffith as Chief Medical Officer", Sheena said smiling. "Congratulations Dr. Griffith. I know you will do a wonderful job", Sheena added.
Gwen smiled and inclined her head in thanks. "Thank you, I appreciate the vote of confidence," she said.
"Gwen this is Lt Commander Sheena Toran, She's the First officer. She will also be your supervisor and rater," Maia said.
Gwen nodded and smiled. "We met briefly when I came aboard. It's a pleasure to meet you formally, Commander," she said, standing and holding out a hand.
Sheena shook her hand warmly.
Ryan had been on the diplomatic deck for what had seemed like ages. He had been overseeing the establishment of the embassy staff in putting together workspaces and ensuring all the people had been quartered properly. He was the last to arrive in the ready room. He greeted everyone with a nod and smile. He approached Gwen and extended his hand. "Honor and pleasure to meet you, Commander. I am Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake, Chief Strategic Operations and Second Officer."
"Pleasure is mine," Gwen said, taking his hand and shaking it with a smile. "Fortunately, I love learning names, so this is going to be fun for me."
Belbre went and introduced herself, "I am Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbe. I am the Chief of Security/Tactical Officer. Welcome to the Leto Doctor." She entered all security protocols to the main computer."You now have all security access allowed for the CMO position Doctor."
Thank you all I thought it important for you all to meet as we will all be working very closely with one another.
We will have an official funeral for our departed dead once we reach Starbase 50.
A Post by:
Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916