Rebel attack
Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 5:27pm by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs
Location: Camus II Gonmoth Outpost
Timeline: 239512.31
Captains Log Stardate 239512.31
With the Capital City of Camus II almost fully immunized, the Rigellian fever epidemic is finally under control. Patients have responded well to the treatments. The crew of the leto along with a team of Betzoid commandoes have managed to keep the peace. The Rigellian Fever is still raging in the outlying towns. The crew of the USS Leto has done a magnificent job of getting the Ritalin to every town we encounter. Landing parties have encountered warlords intent on taking political power and vying for control of the outer-rim towns.
Sterling Maia A, Captain, Commanding Leto
---GonMoth Outpost----
Toda was getting annoyed that the Federation was making gains against her. She had allies everywhere, and her ship was well hidden. Her troops though continued to press the warlords whom she was arming with advanced weapons and supplies.
So had spotted many Federation soldiers in various towns and those soldiers were systematically taking over the towns restoring peace and order, and curing the victims of the Rigellian fever that she had unleashed. Still, her plan was to draw out Havri Belbre and capture her. Her latest Intel indicated that Belbre was in command of a flotilla of fighters and attack craft of Betazoid design. Her hover tanks and Logans were well camouflaged. Her SCM (Sensor Countermeasures) was extremely effective. It gave her the ability to scramble sensors and target locks. Her army of thugs had captured three towns, Elesan, Streya, and Tambor. Now her troops were moving in on GonMoth. Waves and waves of her ground troops captured the city government and overran what little defenses they had. Her troops quickly set up force field projectors and phaser and photon cannons as they had done in the previous three towns. It was only a matter of time before Havri Belbre would have to deal with her.
Belbre I’ve been working on a plan of action to provide close air support to the teams on the ground. She’s been studying maps and everything she could about the areas where she suspected that Toda may be hiding. Then something started to stand out to her, some of the maps and scans she had been running were showing areas that could not be scanned by the scanners from a long distance. She then went and pulled out the recon flights over the area she was looking at. It confirmed something she had been feeling in her gut. The areas she was looking at had some camouflage concealment of something under them. She knew these were defense weapons that were gonna be used to fight any advances that we tried. And no same areas were large enough to hide phaser cannons and other large weapons that could be used to shoot down any fighters or shuttles going into the area.
She arranged to have a fighter sent over for her to use as she was going to lead the Betazed fighters over the target. She went to the shuttle Bay and did a pre-fight check of her fighter. She had been flying up fighters from. Betazed, before she had joined Starfleet. So she was very qualified to fly these missions. Once she finished her check of her fighter. She sent a message to the bridge.
“ Captain Sterling, I am ready to take off at any time and lead the close air support mission for Commander Gibbs's team on the ground. Tell him that anytime he is ready we can be in the air and ready to cover his advances. The next city on the list that he will be covering to remove any rebels from it is going to be highly defended. Because I have seen aerial recon of the area by the probes we’ve been flying over. I believe this to be the stronghold for Toda and her lead group of rebels. There are several camouflage areas around the village. And I suspect those camouflage areas are heavy guns that will be capable of shooting down the fighters and also being used as defensive weapons against Commander Gibbs and his team.
Tell Commander Gibbs to notify when he’s getting ready to go into that village. And I’ll have the fighters above him ready to cover his advance when the time comes.
I’m ready to take off at any time and move in to try and take out some of those defensive weapons. I’m just awaiting your order on when to move.”
"Where is Commander Gibbs and what town are you attempting to take Havri?" Sterling asked..
Belbre replied, ‘There are heavy weapons that are camouflaged near the Raleigh Ranch area in the Colman Mountains range. I do not wish to attack anybody if not necessary. But I do suspect that they are in the Coleman Mountain range like I suspect. Commander Gibbs will need closer support.
They are camouflaged at this time, but there are heavy defenses in the area. Here are the coordinates of the exact location in the Coma Mountains. And I suspect this is where Toto is hiding with her rebel group. I had the fighters on standby for close air support if Commander Gibbs needed them.”
Rick held a finger up to his ear listening to the conversation through the earwig. "It's not going to be easy a trek to get up there from here." Gibbs was looking through the electro-binoculars at said camouflaged emplacements.
"Mr. Gibbs, the administrator of Camus II has just informed me that they have lost all contact with four towns this morning. Elesan, Streya, and Tambor and GonMog. There are powerful sensor jammers in place, We cant tell whats going on from here. If you proceed, then be very careful. Not much can block a starship's sensors." Maia said.
Belbre replied, “Commander Gibbs. I am sending you the coordinates of where I believe that the jammers are located. This is the latest information as I can figure out where they are most likely to be. With them being in the mountains. It may be difficult for you to get out of town. If you scale it out and find that they are too hard for you to get it. Let me know. I have six fighters for now. Betazed ships here that I have access to. Also there is two companies of marines available on each ship that can be sent down to reinforce your ground forces. If you need them, just let me know what you need and I will coordinate through the Btazed ships to get you what you need.
If the fighters are needed, I will be in command of the fighters coming down to assist you. Also, be very careful, and good luck with your mission.”
Where are you sending him Belbre? Maia asked.
Belbre replied, “The centers are located in the mountains above each of the towns that you named. Based on the topography of maps that I’ve been able to create. They are in areas that are hard to access from the ground. For the air, they are accessible. But I’m also picking up weapons in the area around them. I suspect the weapons are there to defend against Arial attacks. But they do have a blind spot to them.
If the fighters come in from the backside of the mountains, low, then come over top of the mountains and attack from straight above. The weapons will not be able to lock on. Due to the fact, the fighters will be straight above them as I come in. But once the fighters pass in front of the weapons, a lot of firepower is going to break close on them. We should be able to nail the weapons and jammers on the first pass. But there is a possibility of damage to some of the fighters or possibly some being shut down.
If needed, I can launch with the fighters and bring them in to try and take out this jammer and also the defensive weapons. Once this is done, the area will be able to be scanned from the Leto.
I am standing by waiting for your decision, Captain. “
"I guess we go back to the basics and take back the towns that are out of contact. Prepare to liberate Gonmog. Maia ordered.
Ryan was with Paisley in the sub-basement of the Governor's Mansion in the capitol. He was setting up a set of transport enhancers for extraction back to the Leto once Lieutenant P'Rar was finished downloading valuable information from the facility mainframe. He looked at the Governor and his security detail. The insurgent blitzkrieg on the capitol had caught everyone by surprise. Ryan looked from the Governor to Paisley. "How much more time do you need?"
"I have everything I need," she said, pulling the data crystal from its compartment. "Ready?" She asked.
Ryan nodded as he moved to the door pulling out his tricorder. Scans were useless what with the jammers in use by the insurgents. "Governor, you and my officer will transport up first, followed by your security detail. We can only transport two at a time and it's about ten to twenty seconds between transport cycles...even with the transport enhancers." He
tossed his tricorder to Paisley. "I've set my tricorder to emit a coded EM burst once inside the pattern enhancers. It should cut through the jamming field and alert the ship for emergency transport." An explosion out in the hallway emphasized their need for haste. Ryan rushed to the door and as he pulled out his phaser and set it too wide-angle stun. He peeked out and fired a couple of shots.
Two members of the Governor's security detail moved to back up Ryan.
=/\= Commander Blake enemy forces are closing in on your area, Beam back up to the Leto with the governors and his forces =/\= Maia ordered.
There was an explosion, then all faded away in the transporter beam.
A post by:
Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916
Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916
Lt Commander Havri Belbre
Chief of Strategic Operations
USS Leto NCC-80916
Lt Commander Rick Gibbs
Chief of Security
USS Leto NCC-80916