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Battle of Gonmog

Posted on Wed Feb 12th, 2025 @ 5:48pm by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre

Mission: Pandemic
Location: Camus II Gonmoth Outpost
Timeline: 239601.02

Saul had made his way to a crest on the mountainside, overlooking Gonmog outpost. It was a small city of less than 5000 people.

He ran his tricorder over the area, there was a lot of sensor jamming and the town seemed to be covered in a forcefield. There were weapons emplacements all over the place. Whoever had taken over the place had fortified it well.

The town was definitely under siege.

=/\= Humphries to Leto I am in position. The town of Gonmog is definitely under siege. they seem to be heavily fortified. and are continuing to build up stockpiles of armaments. At least we didn't get all dressed up for nothing. =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged Mr. Humpries is there any way to take out the shied generators from your position? =/\=

=/\= Unknown at this time, there is a heavy sensor-dampening field all around us. It's almost blocking the signal. =/\=

=/\= Probe for weaknesses Saul =/\=

=/\= Understood =/\=

Saul and his platoon of marines carefully approached Gonmog's outpost.


In Gonmog scouts had detected the approaching Starfleet Marines slowly climbing down the face of the embankment.

Several of the troops fired bazookas into the mountainside above them causing an avalanche that buried Saul and his marines.

A platoon of rebels made their way out of the city to kill or capture any enemy force that remained.

Belbre heard of the defenses around the town. She replied over her current communications device.” Captain, I’m launching all fighters to assist. They’re gonna need all the help they can get down there.”

She put on her helmet, “All fighters launch and for my for me. All Betazed marines join in the fight on the ground and assist the ground forces in any way you can. Beam down immediately.!!!!!!!”

Learning the area was heavily defended, and had blockers to prevent scanning of the area. She decided to come in and go fast and hard with everything they had.

“Saul, where do you want it first?”

Nothing answers you but static.


Saul was buried under about 6 feet of rock and ice, fortunately, he was wearing full battle armor as were his troops he struggled with regaining consciousness and it took him nearly an hour to do so. He oriented himself and then began digging upward. he could hear explosions and fierce phaser fire nearby as he neared the surface.

His sensor HUD was restored and he ran a diagnostic on communications and tactical. There were several lifeforms close to him.

Some armored some not.

Saul looked up to see several Peregrine class heavy fighters overhead pounding the hell out of the enemies' shields but they just didn't have the firepower to penetrate.

Meanwhile, hostile infantry was all over the place.

He used his shoulder rockets to take out a platoon of hostiles.

Then he tried his comms.

=/\= Leader one to rough boys anyone out there =/\=

=/\= Leader one we've been looking all over for you, Rothchilds and Timmons have bought it but the rest of the team isn't too bad off. I'm sending you the GPS coordinates of our location. =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged. I'll be there in 5 =/\=

Saul finished digging himself out, and one of his torso actuators was smashed. but he made it back to his troops for repairs and medical care.

Am I glad to see you guys, what happened all I remember was the world suddenly fell on my head.

Paisley was trying to track the signals of the atomic bombs. She raised her head. "It's Orion in origin," the Scientist said. "I am going to put out a tracker on Belbre's spider," she said. She used her PADD and tricorder. Soon, the whole team would be able to follow the women's movement in the sky. \

Where is Commander Gibbs or Commander Belbre?

=/\= This is Eagle one, Saul. I’m bringing the fighters in for the top force fields are preventing me from doing any real damage. We’re receiving fire from the ground, but unable to penetrate. See what you can do about possibly bringing down the force field.

I’m going to attempt to lower the level near the base of the force field to see if there’s a way I can get underneath them with my fighters. All fighters screw up and commence the attack.

All fighters concentrate fire on these coordinates of the force field. =/\=

As each spider makes a pass and hits that area it accomplishes something that Billberry was looking for. It creates a small area that is penetrable for a fighter to go through. She goes through and one other of the birds flies under an inside with her. I grew up and started scanning for a shield generator. They have to be careful because it’s tight quarters or they may strike the force field in the crash. Suddenly, they find a power source on the shield generator and commence a run on it.

There was a fierce fusion explosion from the base of the mountain so heavy that it caused an avalanche to fall on the generator and destroy it. With the shield down, it made the township vulnerable. More of the fighters joined in the attack and with the shields down it was a simple matter of strafing runs and close air support for the marines.

Belbre watched after making a pass and circling around as one of the fighters was struck. It went down in a blaze of glory, then another and another.

=/\= Eagle one, eagle one, check your six, repeat check your six, pick up your visual scanning, enemy fighters in the area. coming in a 210 Mk 4 =/\= Saul warned.

Two missiles from an enemy fighter tagged Belbre one crashed through the shields and another took out her engines. Belbre's ship went down and struck the side of the mountain and exploded.

Suddenly hover tanks burst forth from some of the buildings near the center of town, strapped to them were the ruling officials from the town.

Saul looked about his torso actuator repaired now.

"This looks like it going to be a fight. At least we didn't get dressed up for nothing!" Saul said.

=/\= 1st squad with me We've got to take out those hover tanks. The second squad will provide suppressing fire and eliminate any snipers and sappers. The third squad will support the second. Move out! =/\=

Saul personally led the ground assault.

=/\= Eagle two join up with ground forces on the ground and commit your fighting with them. Commander Gibbs three of the fighters are down near your area. Can you tell if there are any survivors =/\=

Belbre's heart raced, radio called to check her scanners and she realized there was an enemy fighter on her back. She started evasive maneuvers. The pilot was good and I ate water as she could have a break left again to lose him. He fired striking her left wing and he left her fighter in an uncontrollable situation. She knew it was going down and initiated an emergency ejection to get out of the fighter. As she found herself on the ground, she realized she was stunned, but OK.

But this left her on the ground with no backup. She started running for cover till she could find a way to make contact with the ground forces. She got an area of heavy, scrub brush and meltdown. Suddenly there was intense fire coming her way. She knew she was outnumbered severely and in a dire situation.

One of them called out,” Throw down your weapons and surrender”. She knew she was in an extremely bad situation and took time to think about it. She looked around and found there was a weakness in her 10 o’clock position. She made a move and moved on it trying to get out.

They quickly started firing again, the counterfire was extremely intense. But it was her only way to possibly get away. Suddenly, she found herself struck by a phaser that was set to stun. She slowly lost consciousness. She had to wait to see what was gonna happen next And hoped it wasn’t bad.

After an unknown period of time, she started coming back to consciousness. After a few minutes, she was conscious enough to realize her arms and hands had been tied behind her. She looked down and saw they had stripped her of all of her weapons, and also her communication badge.

All she could do now was wait to see what was going to happen to her. Even though the battle was still going on at a very intense right. There was still hope that somebody could get to her position and rescue her from her captors. Then she heard a familiar voice

“Looks like I got you again Belbre, nothing will stop me from getting my revenge against you.“ Toda said.

She looked up and saw Toda standing in front of her. “ Give it up now Toda and I’ll see that you are taken care of and treated with respect if you consider surrendering to me personally. When the rest of my people get here, there will be no special chance for you to earn privileges as a prisoner.”

"Why should I give it up when I am winning?" Toda said.

Belbre replied, “You always think you are winning Toda. The government came to find out about how you infected them with your disease. And we brought the cure with us to help the people. It’s only a matter of time before the people of Camus II start fighting with us. And when that happens, you will be severely outnumbered. You have no chance, surrender is the only chance you have of getting out of this alive.

Have your people lay down their arms and surrender. There’s no chance for you to win. And it is also just always the fact that you are going to a Federation prison. The. Betazed council has ordered that you be held in a Federation prison when we captured you this time. So that your friends cannot help you to escape like happened the last time.

Also in Federation prisons there is no death penalty. On.Betazed there is a death penalty and with the crime you committed in our home world you would receive a death penalty there. And I will be the one that takes you into custody. You know you cannot take me in a fair fight.



A post by:

2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries
95th Rifles Regiment Det95. Platoon Commander
USS Leto NCC-80916


LCMD Havri Belbre
Strategic Officer/ 2XO


Lt. Paisley "mUra" P'rar
Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916



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