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Onward to Camus II

Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 8:59am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs

Mission: Pandemic
Location: USS Leto NCC-80916
Timeline: 239511.25

Captains Log Stardate 239511.25

With the Ritalin safely aboard the Leto and Makeshift repairs to the Yorktown the Leto is again moving to Camus II. Belbre has a host of new intel about the insurgence on Camu II and many scared sick people. Camus II has no Military to speak on but the people there seem to be quite capable of defending themselves. The Regelian fever has spread throughout the capital. Rioting has ensued.

Sterling Maia A. Captain Commanding Leto.



It was a relatively short trip from Yorktown to Camus II only two hours. The Leto had assumed a standard orbit and we were already delivering the refined Ritalin to the populace. The Leto was also acting as an interdiction cruiser to prevent ships from leaving the planet until we were sure they wouldn't spread the virus.

Maia sat in the center seat and hit the intercom Switch.

=/\= All senior staff to the briefing room in 30 minutes.=/\=


[Briefing room]

Maia entered the briefing room first and got some coffee from the food slot.

Paisley entered the room next, in her usual quiet way. The Carjoran kept to herself, mostly, toiling away in the labs. "Good morning," she greeted the Captain and then set her PADD down before sitting down herself. She already had her coffee in a hot mug, steaming away as she sipped.

Belbre came into the briefing room. "Good Morning Captain, and everyone else." Several of the crew were already there, discussing some of the hearsay they heard about what happened in Yorktown and also what happened with the intelligence from the drone.

Belbre got herself a cup of strong coffee and some snacks where she’d been busy in the shuttle bay looking over the drone and had forgotten to eat. She enjoyed the snacks that she was eating and was looking over her tablet. She had new briefings from the Betazed ships that were already at Camus II. She was looking over the information and trying to figure out what was happening on the Planet's surface. With the pandemic and also trying to find the location, of Betazed rebels, she had a feeling in her gut that Toda was behind the pandemic. But she had no proof to prove this.

Rick had been in the Holodeck when he got the call since he'd had some time off. He didn't figure he'd lose track of time. Showing up in a long leather brown duster, over a maroon long-sleeve shirt. Tan slacks with suspenders, and a thigh holster attached to his, well..thigh. Including what looked to be the 1900s .44 Colt Revolver.

Maria had been down in the Cargo bay when the call came and headed straight for the turbolift and knew that she had a complete list of what was needed for the mission ahead as she exited the lift.

Ryan was the last person to arrive, partly due to his being the senior bridge officer, what with Maia's preparations for the meeting. He reviewed some of the particulars regarding the situation on Camus II and pondered away team personnel assignments. He debated whether to command the surface team himself or assign that role to Havri or Rick. He decided to consult with Maia immediately following the meeting.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen let's get this meeting started. I have been in communication with Administrator Wainwright. the rigellian fever is 60 percent contained at this time. He also informs me that rebel insurgent groups have taken the liberty of assaulting outlying districts. Sensors indicate that they have mecha such as Logans and Hovertanks. We didn't come here to fight a war for them only to deliver the medicine and keep up the quarantine. No ships are allowed to leave until the disease has been eliminated. Our problem is getting the medicine to the outlying districts. I am not above using our marines aboard the Leto, they are probably the best heavy combat infantry we have. I have ordered the medical department to inoculate the crew against Rigelian fever, just in case we come into contact with any of the infected. Maia said. Questions and or recommendations?

Belbre started, “Captain, based on intelligence from the Betazed ships there that I have access to. And along with the Intel, we’ve been getting from Caymus II. I think I may have a possible area where Toda and the rebels may be hiding out. This is pure speculation at this time.”

I get up and go to the viewer on the wall and call up to the planet's map.

“ if you look closely at the areas infected by their telling for you. You will notice here near the center of the area with the most infections. There is a small area that has far fewer infections. I have a suspicion, that the rebels may be in this location. Because I was practicing germ warfare like they are. I would have an antidote available to me. Just in case I may become infected or key people in my team might become infected.

And if you notice, here is where I am pointing now. Is approximately 30 miles from the Ramos.II capital as well. And with it being sparsely populated, it would be easy to hide out in this area. And be undetected for a long time. Plus, there is also a large group of. Betazed people living in this area. Which would make it even easier for them to be able to blend in.”

"I am already working up an antidote," Paisley interjected. "I can work with medical on it, as well," she said. "Captain, if I can speak with you after, I need some more information...what kind of germs it was and so on," she said. She didn't want to take up the crew's time with minute.

Ryan had listened to the officers briefing on updates to the situation on the planet. "Commander Belbre, forward all your intelligence data to Commander Gibbs continue to monitor the area with sensors and deploy reconnaissance probes as you see fit. Commander Gibbs will lead a boots-on-the-ground search with a mix of security and marine personnel to flush out any terrorist cells." He turned to Paisley. "We will take a shuttle down to the Capital City and assist with viral studies and vaccine distribution."

Belbre walked over and gave tablets to Captain Sterling, Commander Ryan, and Commander Gibbs. Then returned to her seat.

“Also on the Betazed ships, there are a total of six fighters along with Security and Betazed Marines that I can have deployed to assist with any ground operations as well. Their medical personnel is also able to be dispensed with the Leto medical teams if needed as well.

As a council member, I have assumed command of the two ships from Betazed. And can order them to help out in any way that we need. The captains of both vessels are very excited and will assist in any way we require. Captain Sterling and Commander Ryan as you can see, I received a special communication from Betazed. It authorizes us to hold Toda and all her senior-level leaders of the rebel group on the Leto. I talked to the president and she agreed that we needed to make sure that none of the rebels were hiding in key areas, and would not be able to aid Toda and her people from escaping custody again.

We want to make sure that she stays in a jail sale for a long time along with her highest level and trusted personnel as well.”

"Very well we need to find her first," Maia said.


A post by:

Captain Maia Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lt Commander Havri Belbre
Chief Strategic Operations
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lt Commander Rick Gibbs
Chief Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Maria McMahon
Chief Counselor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar
Chief Science officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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