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A discovery of Drones.

Posted on Mon Nov 25th, 2024 @ 3:21pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Edited on on Tue Dec 3rd, 2024 @ 3:12pm

Mission: Pandemic
Location: USS Keto
Timeline: 239510.31

Captains Log Stardate 239510.31

We have eliminated the drones attacking the starship Leto and the drones attacking Yorktown. The Yorktown sustained extensive damage to her sensor grids and targeting sensors. The Leto has deployed a damage control specialist while Mr. Ryan and a retrieval detail in a runabout to transfer the Ritalin to the Leto. We have discovered that the drones are of Nyborite design but the guidance system and AI are Betazoid. The most likely explanation is they are repurposed drone surplus. They were effective because it was a surprise attack. By the time Yorktown realized what was happening they had lost external and targeting sensors.




Drew entered the shuttle bay with Maria and another technician. "See what you can find out about the drone's operation systems, especially control frequencies, perhaps we can determine a course of action in rendering the drones inert."

Saul arrived a few minutes later with an EOD team. The drones were about half the size of a shuttle. They did pack a punch with their plasma cannons.

They carefully pulled an access panel and deactivated the self-destruct and any boobytraps, they discovered its sophisticated programming and its neural net.

Chief Science Officer, the Carjoran Paisley P'rar, arrived behind them. "What am I needed for?" She asked the Commander.

"We need to know where these drones came from, so we can determine the correct technology to use."

Paisley nodded. "Alright," she said. She peered at the console. "Let me take a look," she said. She looked at some of the wiring. "Let me go dig through the archives. At first blush, they appear to be Species 8472. They're not Borg, at least not current Borg," she said. "Give me a half hour," she said, turning away to find an empty console. She was sick to her stomach-this kind of tech was outlawed, and anyone using it was both unethical AND illegal. Paisley operated on logic and reason, and she hated when science was corrupted to suit someone's personal agenda, instead of the greater good.

Belbre came into the shuttle Bay and looked at the drone. She had been requested to come by to confirm something someone suspected. She walked around it several times and looked at the Captain. If you notice, the weapons system is Betazed, as are the tracking and aiming systems. Also, if you look closely, the weapons system is from a Betzed fighter and has been modified to be stronger in power than normal fighter weapons. The guidance system appears to be a new design of an old weapons system that is no longer used on Betazed. It has been replaced by a better upgraded system.

The drones appear to be based on an Orion drone design that has not been used for about 50 years. It is designed to keep attacking a target until it is destroyed or the vessel surrenders.

"Orion Drone design? Do you believe the syndicate is involved?"

Belbre replied, "Not really. This particular design of drone has been reused by many different cultures. The design was copied from a stolen drone by the rebels on Betazed. It is easy to copy, and it can be produced in large numbers with only little engineering knowledge. But the Betazed rebel cause has several high-level engineers who are able to advance the design to be even more efficient and deadly.

The rebels on Betazed are used to adapting old technology to be useful again. And this makes them a challenging enemy to fight. Plus they are still in a lot of influential areas on Betazed and can move around freely. As soon as we find out who they are we have others showing up. And this makes it hard to defeat them completely.

What do you need to increase your chances of success, Belbre? Maia asked.

My personal opinion is if we manage to capture a few key leaders of the rebel cause we can cut the head off the serpent. And we have a great chance now to remove the top engineer of the resistance now. I have been in contact with the Betazed ship already on location and have been assured that none of the rebels have managed to escape so far. They are doing not only scans from their ships but have been flying fighters over the planet at low levels to scan for their stranger holds.

She open up her tablet and showed Captian Sterling the mapping of the planet. They think the rebels are hiding in this region right now. The outbreak of the pandemic is strong on all areas of the planet except for this region here which is highlighted. The in the highlighted area is lower than other parts of the planet. And the only reason I can see is that there is an antidote available in this location. Naturally, they would have the antidote to protect themselves from it.

As soon as we retrieve the Ritalin and make repairs to the Yorktown We will get underway. Don't worry Havri we will get Toda and her accomplices and bring her to justice.


A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916



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