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Mission Brief

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 7:08am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal

Mission: Pandemic
Location: Main Conference room A USS Leto
Timeline: 239509.03

Commander Blake had assembled the officers of the Leto in the main conference room. The USS Leto had been diverted to the Benecia colony to Rendezvous with the USS Yorktown to pick up a shipment of Ryetalyn, the only known effective medicine for the virulent Rigellian fever. Leto was then ordered to the Camus 2 research colony where the pandemic broke out.

Maia walked in took her place at the head of the table and briefed her crew on what was going on and why they had been diverted to Benecia.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, This mission is four-fold.

First, we are to pick up the Ryetalyn, right now the Starship Yorktown is racing to the planet Holberg 917G, which has rich natural Ryetalyn deposits. They will process the Ryetalyn en route to Benecia. Camus II is close to Benecia only 48 hours away at warp 2.

Second, once we have the medicine, we are to proceed to Camus II to deliver the medicine and render whatever aid and comfort we can. I understand that there is mass panic down there right now. We may need security forces to help quell any violence.

Third We will need to track down the source of the Rigellian Fever viral agent. This will be difficult As a result of this piece, that brings me to the 4th part of this mission.

Fourth the entire plant is to be quarantined, which means no ship comes in or out of the system until the Pandemic is under control.

T'Plana'Hath what do we know about Camus II?"

"The Rigellian Fever agent may be being spread by the water," the Science officer piped up. "I am looking into some possibilities, including the possibility that it's mutated and gone airborne. If that's the case, then we are, as the Humans say, screwed," she said. "It will start killing en masse. I am doing some research," she said and paused to sip her coffee. She was a quiet woman and hadn't quite meshed with the rest of the crew just yet, though she was trying.

"Paisley, I would like you to find a way to take the Ryetalyn an figure out a way to deliver it in liquid form and in aerosol form. if it has muted I would like to be able to attack it in any form it takes." Maia said.

The Science officer nodded. "Yes, ma'am," she acknowledged.

Belbre entered the Briefing Room and took her seat. She did take time to get a drink and some snacks from the replicator.

Belbre responded, "I have some extra information from Betazed. That may concern our mission there Captain." She passed her pad to Captain Sterling and waited.

"It appears an old nemesis of mine may be behind what is going on with the pandemic. According to Betazed Intelligence, Toda may be the one behind this. She is wanted on Betazed for her actions of mass killing of people with germ warfare. I have been asked to try and find her and see if she is returned to Betazed for the trial of war crimes against the ruling council. Plus she is also wanted by Starfleet as well.

"Does Betazed Intel know how Toda is delivering this Disease?" Maia asked.

Bebre replied, "They are unsure how it is being delivered. But from what I know about Toda, I am suspicious of airborne delivery. Because other means of transmission would not be as fast-spreading as the current rate in Cammus II, it is the only way to do it at the speed of spread."

Belbre looked at Paisley, "I understand your concern, but Toda is dangerous. I am among the few who can identify her by sight. And the last time I had an advantage. The amulet that belonged to my mother had a computer chip with all the information to take down the resistance on Betazed. She wanted the chip, but I never gave it to her. And it made me mad at myself when she escaped from custody. We should have placed her in a Starfleet prison and not turned her over to Betazed. I should have recognized the fact that she still had friends inside to aid in her escape. I will not allow that to happen again."

"There was nothing we could do about that Commander Belbre, Betazed had jurisdiction over the entire affair. You shouldn't blame yourself," Maia said

I do know there is a special Betazed security team on Camus II, with their help and the help from the Starfleet marines we have on the Leto. Finding her and locking her up should be our priority. I feel she will try for me again due to the fact, she wants revenge on my family name and especially on me. I plan to be the bait to draw her out. The Betazed security team is led by a friend I made when we were last on Betazed. Her name is Aendra Hagan, and is from the 13th House like my mother and family. The 13th Betazed House of Peace and Protection is responsible for the protection and peace of Betazed, for those who do not know. If you approve it, Captain."

Commander Belbre, Those are security concerns that you should turn over to Commander Gibbs, He is the Chief of Security now

"Understood Captain", replied Belbre. "With your permission, I plan to act as a point of contact between us and the Betzed forces. Here on campus II. Where I sit on the Betazed Council they would be under me while we are here. I plan to work with them as well to help get Toda back in custody. With your permission Captain. I will keep you informed LCMD Gibbs."

"You should not only keep him informed Hav'ri, but coordinate with him before you take any action. He is the Chief of Security now. This is most definitely his jurisdiction and responsibility," Maia said.

"Understood Captain, it is different not being Chief of Security after doing it for so long." Replied Belbre. "With me sitting on the Betazed Council the Betazed ships will give me more information than they would to anyone else. So I will approach them about what they know about what is happening."

Paisley looked to Maia. "I've heard of her," she said, flatly. "Inspired by some of my father's contemporaries to the medical "camps" on Bajor..." she felt sick suddenly. "My mother had been in one..." She nodded quietly. "Anyway. That's an angle I will explore, thank you," she said, and fell quiet again.

Toda is very Dangerous and unpredictable and will do anything to protect herself. If she discovers any type of connection to someone in her past. She is likely to try and attack them also. So I suggest you have someone with Security with you Lt. P'rar", replied Belbre.

Paisley nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I will make sure I always have security with me," she said. "I am not too worried, though. I keep to myself; I am not sure she would know who I am unless she knows my father," Paisley said. Her father was high up in the Cardassian military but still. You'd have to know him personally to know that he had a hybrid child he'd kept mostly hidden away until her adulthood and she'd left home.

"Commander Gibbs, We will need a security plan to keep the peace as well as make sure no ships leave the planet or try to break the blockade," Maia said.

"That's easier said than done," Rick glanced up, "Keeping up security checkpoints and patrols is easy. The ships, however, will be a little easier. We just project holographic ships, or sensor wakes so they think the area of space is locked down tighter than a ticks ass."

"We won't need to do that, Rick, as the Betazed security contingent on Camus II has patrol ships, they are small but fast and fairly well-armed for smaller vessels. They will be at your disposal, acting as interdiction ships," Maia said.

"Does anyone else have any observations?" Maia asked.

Ryan nodded then glanced around the table at those gathered. "Any away team we send down must remain in HazMat suits. I would recommend we use a runabout with additional decontamination procedures installed in the airlock."

Paisley nodded. "And to do it FAST," she added. "Just in case. I have some probes out, but I'd recommend not taking much time or doing shifts. The less we're exposed, the better. I will work with medical on an antidote for this type of radiation," she said, making a note for herself to check in with the Doc.

"That is an excellent precaution, We don't know enough about this virus to know if the bio-filters in the transporter can filter them out," Maia agreed.

"Anyone else?"

Isabelle had spent her shore leave on temporary assignment, having returned only a few hours earlier she was taking in everything being discussed. “Captain, we’re going to need to be prepared for a lot of hostility, there are going to be terrified people who will want to get away from the infected areas. People like that can be unpredictable, and violent.”

Belbre replied, 'I would like permission to contact the Betazed ship and let them know I am here and wish to talk with them as a member of the Council. They should agree to it. But if they do not I will contact Betazed and get them ordered to do it.

Paisley shook her head. She was fully understanding of her role.


A post by

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916



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