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New Orders

Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 3:43am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs

Mission: Pandemic
Location: USS Leto NCC-80916
Timeline: 239508.31

Captains Log Stardate 239508.31

The relief crews for the Starship Calypso have arrived. The Tritonians have reported that the warp core has been restored and we have a trade treaty established with them. The crew of the Leto has enjoyed a week of shore leave. Repairs to the Leto have been completed with the transfer of some crew of the Leto. I have promoted Ryan Blake to the Executive officer, Havri Belbre to the Second Officer/Chief of Strategic Operations, and Rick Gibbs to the Chief of Security and Tactics. With shore leave over, Rick Gibbs has transferred back to the Leto. and has been installed in his new position. We are preparing to get underway.
Back to Starbase 51 for our next assignment.

Sterling Maia A, Captain, Commanding USS Leto NCC-80916



Maia sat in the center seat. Her viewscreen holographics were on.

=/\= Tritonian Spacedock Control This is the USS Leto, Permission to depart.=/\=

=/\= USS Leto this is spacedock control permission granted. Pleasant journeys. =/\=

=/\= Leto confirms=/\=

"Helm clear all mornings, aft thrusters, thrusters at station keeping," Maia said.

"Thrusters at station keeping, Captain."

"Well, Mr Blake is all our business concluded here? MAia asked

Ryan stood to Maia's right. He turned to her with a nod and smile. "I believe so Captain. In port watch has been secured and the maneuver watch is set. We can depart any time.

"Moorings cleared, Captain."

Belbre came on the Bridge and went to the Command chair. "Captain here is a list of all security and tactical upgrades I made before my change to a new position."

Maia took the PADD and scanned the changes.

"Thank you, Havri, Have you given this list to Mr Gibbs as well?" Maia asked.

"In the process of doing it now. Like to let the top brass know first." replied Belbre with a smile.

She took a second tablet with all the security upgrades to Gibb, "Here is a complete list of security upgrades I had made to the Leto before my promotion. Here are scans to detect explosives and weapons in the transporter rooms, cargo bays, and shuttle bays as well. Good luck with your new position as well. If you have any questions please ask."

Rick gave a nod, giving it a look over, "I think I've got it pretty covered."

"I guess you have," Maia said with a smirk.

Havri took her seat at the new station as well.

He looked at Havri for a moment and turned to Maia again. "Captain, might I recommend we...have our Second Officer take us out and get us underway for the next mission."

Maia nodded.

"Havri have you ever piloted a starship out of spacedock?" Maia asked.

"No Captain" Belbre responded.

"Take us out Commander Belbre" Maia ordered getting up and standing to the side of her seat.

"Aye Captain", as she moved forward but did not sit down. Belbre liked to stand when doing things like this.

Belbre turned, "Communications open a channel. "

=/\= Spacedock This is the USS Leto, request permission to leave the Spacedock. =/\=

Spacedock replied. =/\= Permission granted USS Leto. Have a good trip.

=/\= Thanks for your hospitality. =/\=

"Helm ahead slow .25 impulse power."

"Aye Sir, 1/4 impulse", Helm responded.

The ship stuttered a little as it began to move. Normal for larger ships. All stations report.

"All Stations show green, Commander." Ops responded.

Once we cleared the port, we continued ahead slowly. "Helm increase speed to .50 impulse. " As we drew close to open space Belbre smiled and turned to the Captain. "My favorite feeling on a ship."

"We have cleared spacedock, Sir, We are free and clear to navigate, increasing to 1/2 impulse power" Helm responded.

"Helm lay in a course to Starbase 51, at Warp 5. Prepare to engage on my order. Check for any ships along or in our course."

The helmsman made the necessary calculations and input the new course.

"Course laid in, Sir" Helm responded.

"Helm engage Warp drive." The ship shuttered again and went on its way.

She turned to Captain Sterling. "I return the ship to your command Captain."

"Negative Commander Belbre, you have the conn. I will be getting some breakfast."

"Mr. Blake, care to join me?"


About an hour later, the Leto receives a priority one message from Starfleet command.

Communications responded to me as I am on the conn. "Commander Belbre, priority message from Starfleet command."

Belbre replies," Hail the Captain and notify her to return to the bridge immediately."

Belbre hits the intercom button to the Captain's ready room. "Captain, we have a priority one message from Starfleet for you. Return to the bridge please."

=/\=On my way=/\=

Maia made her way back to the bridge. Maia relieved Commander Belbre and then displayed the message on the main screen.

To: Captain Maia Sterling of the USS Leto NCC-80916

A virulent pandemic of Rigellian fever has broken out on Camus II. The Leto is diverted to the Benecia colony to rendezvous with the USS Yorktown NCC-98300 in 4 days to pick up a shipment of Ryetalyn. You will then proceed to Camus 2 to render whatever aid and comfort you can. As of this moment, Camus II is quarantined take every precaution. No ships are to enter or leave the system. Mass panic has broken out, We wish you luck and Godspeed. Starfleet out.

Signed Haftel Robert A. Rear Admiral Starbase 51

Maia digested that for a moment.

"Helm set a course for the Benecia colony, then engage at Warp Factor 8.

"Aye Captain"

Maia turned to T'Plana'Hath.

"I want you to find out everything you can about Camus II'"

"Mr. Blake assemble the officers in the main conference room in one hour," Maia ordered.

Ryan nodded. "Assemble senior officers in the bridge conference room, one hour, aye Captain."

Paisley sighed. Rigellan fever was never good. Luckily, there was treatment. She wasn't medical, but she was science and she'd do some research. So much for an easy launch, right?



A Post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-90816


Lt. Paisley P'rar
Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-90816


Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916

LCMD Havri Belbre
2XO, Chief Strategic Operations Officer


Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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