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What happened to Toda Beleriand?

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 7:10am by Captain Maia Sterling & Ambassador Amanda Blake & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre

Mission: Pandemic
Location: Camus II
Timeline: 239509.5

Toda Beleriand ultimately made her escape from Betazed using a fast scout class spy ship she had stolen from the Betazed special investigator's office. While the ship itself was well-equipped, she now lacked the resources of the Betazed Secret Police. Toda now found herself a renegade and escaped criminal. She had spent the last two years plotting her revenge against Havri Belbre and the Federation for interrupting her plans of dominion on Betazed. sh took the jobs she could find assuming many different identities in the process. She had avoided federation space when she could.
She had done jobs for the Klingons and even the Romulans. She had worked for the Orian syndicate. She had smuggled for the Anticans, She had plundered artifacts for the Breen, and smuggled weapons and secrets to the Tresaurians. Eventually, she traveled to Eminiar 7 in the star cluster NGC-321. There she was to pick up and deliver a mutated strain of Rigellian fever virus to the Zelonites. She began to draw and hatch a plan to draw her enemies together and infect them killing them off for good.

Beleria, Toda's Chief lieutenant, found herself thinking about Toda in her early life. She had been very loyal to the Betazed government. She was the best in her field being good with weapons and research. She used her knowledge for the good of the people of Betazed. She had always used her knowledge to make good vaccines and other treatments for disease. But this changed when she lost her mother during an epidemic on Betazed. Her mother survived. She felt it was unfair and developed a distaste for my family. She soon started working with the rebel groups to overthrow the government of Betazed as revenge. And to see all loyal families were killed to end their aristocratic lines.

I especially hated that the Belbre line was on the Betazed council and that they saw at many events on Betazed. This caused her to develop more jealous feelings toward the Belbre family. Toda is about 5 years older than Belbre and she remembered the epidemic. She could only hear about it from stories she was told due to Belbre being a baby and born after the epidemic was over.

I am a pretty good biochemist in my own right, She had developed many gain-of-function viruses in her day and the RF4 virus in particular. She hatched a plan to draw the Leto back into her sphere of influence in order to inflict pain and suffering. And developed the super telepathic system to enhance their powers to allow them to cause someone's head to explode.

I needed a relatively small outpost, not a full-blown colony so I could control the events as they were taking place, that's why she chose Camus II as it was a relatively small research and archeological post.

She had received intel that the USS Yorktown was to pick up a supply of medicine to counteract the disease. SH would deploy some of her forces to harass the Yorktown, however, that was an Oddessy class starship, and Toda knew she didn't have the firepower to take it out. So she decided to kidnap the away team instead to cause delays.

Toda had been working on increasing her mind powers and was able to do some extraordinary things like telepathy and creating limited illusions.

A Post by

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding officer
USS Leto NCC-80916



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