
Hard decisions

Posted on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 10:00am by Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Lieutenant Marina Tanger

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Counselling Office
Timeline: 239508.30

Marina had noted the return of Isabelle, having been dwelling on a difficult decision she decided to talkit through with Isabelle, after all she was the ship’s Counsellor. Pressing the door chime she hoped she wasn’t catching Isabelle too soon after her return from extended shoreleave.

Isabelle had already sensed Marina’s arrival at the door, smiling she greeted Marina at the door and motioned her inside. “Come on in Marina, what can I do for you?”

Marina offered a brief smile as she walked inside and took a seat. “Actually I wanted to ask.. no, I need you to tell me that I’m not making a huge mistake.” She paused. “Since Kasey’s departure I don’t feel so at home here anymore. After everything that happened to me, he kept me grounded. Now I feel...”

“Lost...alone...” Isabelle nodded. “That much I can sense.” She took a seat opposite Marina. “You’ve lost a lot and you’ve had very little time to recover from your undercover work. You immediately requested assignment here because Kasey was here, and didn’t stop to take a breath. Now you’re finding out that you need to stop and take that break.”

Marina nodded. “I guess you’re right there, I was so set on staying with Kasey that I never took the time to think about anything else. Now I have.” She paused for a moment. “I’m leaving the ship, I’m going home. I want to get to know my extended family. I’m taking a hiatus from Starfleet for a little while, I’ve accrued a fair amount of leave time, and there’s a position open at Betazed university for a campus Counsellor. I’ve already expressed an interest.”

Isabelle smiled and nodded. “It sounds like you’ve already chosen what’s best for you, and I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks” Marina offered a warm smile. “After spending so long under cover I didn’t really know who I was anymore until Kasey came along, he helped me get back on my feet and discover the real me again. I will find my daughter, one way or another. For now I just need to take a break from everything.”

“I can understand that” Isabelle nodded. “After losing my fiancé and my baby I tried to take my life, before I realised that wasn’t what I truly wanted.” She motioned to the scars on her wrists. “I kept these as a reminder of how precious life truly is, and how you should live it the way you need to.”

Marina nodded. “I understand. I’ll be back out amongst the stars again one day, I just need to get my feet firmly on the ground again for a while.”

“I can’t say I blame you there!” Isabelle grinned. “My two year hiatus almost felt boring, but I do miss the outdoor spaces, and the freedom now I’m cooped back up onboard a ship. Still I wouldn’t miss the adventure for anything! So...have you told the Captain about your decision?”

“Not in person” Marina shook her head. “I have sent my letter of resignation, it explains everything I just said to you. I didn’t want her to be disappointed in me, I did request the position here afterall.”

“I don’t think the Captain would be disappointed” Isabelle offered a reassuring smile. “I think she’d understand your decision, especially after everything you’ve been through. You’ve got a lot to process.”

“That I do” Marina nodded before standing up and walking across to Isabelle offering a brief hug. “Thank you for everything Isabelle, I appreciate your understanding and your advice.”

“My pleasure” Isabelle hugged Marina back before letting go again. “I wish you all the happiness in the universe, keep in touch okay?”

Nodding Marina turned and headed for the door. “I’ll see you around Isabelle.” With that she stepped out of the office. Pausing she smiled to herself then headed for her quarters to pick up her things. It was time to go home.


Lieutenant Isabelle Raal
Chief Counsellor


Lieutenant Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intel


