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Funeral for Lt Barth and Commander Sayori

Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 7:07pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs

Mission: Double Dealing
Location: USS Leto NCC-80916
Timeline: 239508.19

Captains Log Stardate 239508.19

Funeral arrangements have been made for Lt BArth and Commander Sayori who gave their lives in the line of duty.

The funeral will be given on the rec deck at 1900 hours.

Sterling Maia A, Captain, Commanding Leto



Maia stood on the podium in her dress whites as was tradition for funeral rites on a starship.

She rang the service bell three times to bring the formation to order.

“Both Lt Barth and Commander Sayori served with great distinction. It was a privilege to serve alongside them. Our shipmates will be forever remembered in our rolls of the honored dead. It is noted that they gave their lives while protecting other shipmates. I know of no higher calling than that. As Captain of the Leto, I’m grateful for their service to our ship and for their service to the preservation of peace in the United Federation of Planets. If anyone would like to come up and say a few words on their behalf now is the time to do so," Maia said.

Wearing her dress whites, Maria stood at attention as the sound of the chimes of the bells struck three times thinking about the fallen officers, although she had not gotten to talk to them or got to know them it made her realize that she must get to know her shipmates better and mingle when off duty. it also made her realize that Career was not everything, but friendships were.

Shipmates were tricking in slowly, it was a solemn event.

Paisley came next, dressed in her whites, as well. She took a seat, quietly, and prepared herself for the ceremony. It was always a bad day when you had to see crew mates join the Prophets. She nodded once, and then hung her head in a quiet prayer for their souls' successful crossing. The Science officer wasn't particularly religious, having been raised on Cardassia, but her mother's races religion had always fascinated her, and so she often called upon the Prophets.

Maia started mingling with the crew and grabbed a plate. The clone threat had taken two more of her officers. Maia herself believed in an afterlife a final resting place for the soul if you will and that what we did in this life had serious implications for what we did in the next. One had to have faith that there was a point to all this. Perhaps it was a matter of attitude. Maia tried to keep a positive attitude. but she had lost a lot of people since she assumed command of the Leto. She was not a drone. Each loss weighed heavily on her and made both her bones and her soul ache.

She saw Belbre and went over to her.

"Hi Havri how are you holding up,?"

Havri turned around, "Doing good Captain. I hate losing my friends but it is hard to lose them as well. How about you Captain?"

"They were very new almost green. I feel I should have done a better job of protecting them," Maia said.

Rick gave one last sigh after stopping at the memorial pictures of the two officers. Turning after a moment, moving over to Havri and Maia. Just nodding to them for now.

"Protecting the crew is my job, Captain. I dropped the ball in protecting them not you." Replied Belbre.

Hello Gibbs, glad you made it through this mission.

"Too many booby traps, the ones it turned out were ruthless. They had no problem taking lives or destroying property to preserve whatever they were trying to accomplish. They were not interested in talking only disrupting. It wasn't your fault," Maia said.

"I did indeed, it was something, I guess I will say." Gibbs replied.

"I did recommend them for a couple.e of awards pot-humorously. I figured they deserved them." Replied Belbre.

I will add them to the record, Havri". Maia said.



A Post by :

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


LCMD Havri Belbre
Chief of Security/Tactical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


LCdr Rick Gibbs
Chief of tactics
USS Leto NCC-80916


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