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Meeting the Tritonians

Posted on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 2:49am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre

Mission: Double Dealing
Location: Triton capital of Miradon
Timeline: 239508.19

Captains Log Stardate 239508.19

Both the USS Calypso and the USS Leto are docked at Triton base. Both starships are undergoing repairs. We have sent a message to Starbase 50 to dispatch a new crew to pick up the Calypso once repairs have been completed. There have been no hostilities as the Orion threat has been neutralized. As Federation representatives, we are now to meet with the ruling body of Triton and to establish diplomatic relations with the newly freed people of Triton. Triton is an interesting planet it is almost fully covered in water, so most of the population of the planet lives underwater. Our away team has to travel underwater to get used to the pressure in the cities which are more than 5 times what they are on the surface. On a sadder note, the funeral service for both Lt Barth and Commander Sayori will be on the recreation deck at 1900 hours.

Sterling Maia A Commanding Leto


Maia sat in her office making the final preparations for a peace treaty with the ruling body of Triton. Lt O'Carrol was there with her as Chief Diplomatic Officer. They had lost too many crewmen on this mission. Old friends and new. The crew of the Leto had managed to end a civil war and restore peace to the quadrant.

Dr Griffith was tending to the wounded in sickbay. and Lt Commander Gibbs was overseeing the construction of a new warp core with the damage control specialists from Triton base.

Most of the crew was enjoying the recreational activities on the starbase while others were preparing for funeral services.

The Inky-haired Carjoran was sitting at a cafe table at one of the cafes on the Station. The Scientist was a staid woman; she didn't "cut loose" much, but when she did, she was often found doing things like this reading in the fake sunshiny light of an Arboretum or Lido deck. She sipped some pink lemonade, and "flipped" the page of the holonovel on her PADD. It was nice to take a break from uniforms and labs, even if their stop at the Station wasn't exactly filled with the best of news. Casualties had happened, and it dampened the mood slightly. Still, she'd given the Science department the entire week off, with only herself and her assistant Chief on call-she was on duty.

"You look pretty comfortable Lieutenant, have you been down to the planet yet?" Maia asked.

"Have you tried the Brucsh, it's delicious, sort of like a spicy Hasperat," Maia said taking another bite.

Belbre came off the Turbo lift and went to the Security Station. All upgrades to security and weapons were finished. She was testing all the systems and found them to be very nice. She took the log to the command chair and turned in her pad with a list of upgrades and then went back to her business.

=/\= Captain all security upgrades are complete on the Leto. Also, they have finished the security upgrades on the Calypso. =/\=

=/\= Good news Commander. Are you going to enjoy some shore leave, Havri? =/\=

=/\= No Captain, I got more things to prepare the Leto for the next mission and the remainder of this one.=/\=

=/\=Well snap to it commander we leave in three days =/\=

***********Bridge USS Leto************

Ryan entered the bridge from the starboard side corridor that led to the conference room usually reserved for senior staff meetings. He gave a nod of his head towards Havri.

Belbre nodded back to Commander Blake, She took her pad to him. Here is a full report on security and weapons. "There is a special upgrade to prevent the smuggling of explosives and weapons onto the Leto. To prevent the last time it happened with the clones."

Ryan reviewed the specifications on the implementation of the upgrades and nodded before handing Havri back her PADD. "Correct me if I am wrong, but did I just hear you tell they Captain you were not going to take liberty?"

Belbre replied, "Yes that is true. I wanted my junior to have some extra time to relax. I am still very good myself right now. I had a nice extended liberty the last time while repairs were done to the Leto. I don't need a lot of downtime. And they do."

Ryan could understand her desire to maximize leave time for subordinates. He had decided to forego liberty himself since Sheena had left on medical leave. "There's enough cross-trained personnel to fill the watch bills for the next few days. You should at least consider taking 24 hours of liberty at some point."

Havri replied, "If I can get these updates done on the security systems then I will consider it. Times like this allow me to complete them faster without anyone in my way. And some are critical to be done asap."

Ryan took a moment to consider her words before nodding. "Very well then. Let's get to work on the upgrades you have in mind. Once we have the work plan in place we can get you on a liberty call."



A Post by :

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Havri Belbre
Chief Startigic Officer
USS Leto-80916



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