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Calypso Mishap

Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 7:04pm by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs

Mission: Double Dealing
Location: USS Calypso NCC-92109-C
Timeline: 239507.13

Captains Log Stardate 239507.13

It is my sad duty to report that the Calypso suffered a ruptured baffle plate on Impulse Stack 2. Lt Barth was in the area inspecting the stack and was killed when it ruptured. Delta radiation filled the deck. The baffle plating ruptured due to extreme metal fatigue in the Durainium allow. The death of Lt Barth has hit the crew hard as he had many friends and was a model used by the clones to kill the original crew of the Calypso. The damage control team has decontaminated the area and has replaced the damaged baffle plate. Total repair time 6 hours. I have asked Lt. Commander Rick Gibbs to assume command of the Calypso at least until we reach Triton. There are no signs of Orion ships in the area. A memorial is scheduled for 1930 hours on the parade deck of the Leto.

Log out.

Sterling Maia A, Captain Commanding Leto.



Maia had received word of Lt Barth's death so she summoned Lt Gibbs, Both Commander's Blakes, and Commander Belbre to her office.

Belbre answered the Captain's call. "On my way Captain."

In a few minutes she was on the Bridge and going to the Captains ready room. She pressed the call button and waited.

Rick raised an eyebrow, having already been on the Bridge that just took him a few seconds. Now waiting with Belbre.

Maia looked at Mr Gibbs and gave a sad smile it turns out that we lost both Commander Sayori and Mr Barth both died in the accident on the Calypso.

A sad day for the Leto indeed.

What I need from you Mr Gibbs is to take temporary command of the calypso and see to it that the damage control teams complete their repairs.

Also, I have received word from Starfleet command that your promotion has finally come through congratulations Lieutenant Commander."

Rick blinked a bit, but taking command wasn't too much of a surprise. He did sigh and cross himself, saying a little prayer for their souls quietly to himself. What he was blinking more about was the promotion, "I..well, thank you, Captain, I wasn't aware I was even up for one. We'll get the repairs done, ma'am."

"I put you in for a promotion during the last mission. Sometimes it takes the bureaucracy a little while to catch up Mr Gibbs," Maia replied.

Maia stood up went around her desk and pinned the extra pip on Rick's collar.

"Congratulations it's more than deserved, I am sorry recent events seemed to have stained this achievement. it's just a sad happenstance. I am sure that Commander Sayori and Lt Barth would have been very happy for you.

Maria sat at the Operations station hearing the news and was surprised that Lieutenant Commander Gibbs as he was now known was in command of the ship shock at his new promotion, she said " Congratulations Sir,"

At the Science console, Paisley smiled. "Congrats, sir!" She moved her eyes to her view screen for a moment. "Now...we're picking up a bit of electromagnetic energy. Orders?" She asked.

Rick had moved to attention when Maia came around to add the hollow pip to his collar. Giving a light now, "I haven't even thought about pushing for the promotion. So thank you again, I will do them proud."

Maia sat down on the center seat and hit the intercom button on the console.

* Attention all hands *

"Doctor Gwendolyn Griffiths and Lieutenant Thornhill have been transferred to the Calypso permanently, they will not be returning. They will return to Starbase 51 once the crew replacements have arrived. Starfleet command has better use for their talents. On a brighter note, we have been granted a 4-day shore leave. Please make the best use of the facilities. We will get back underway in five days. That is all. Department heads please see Mr Ryan for shore leave rotation. Have fun stay safe Captain out,"

Ryan pulled up the in port watch requirements for the ship and reviewed the necessary personnel on duty requirements. He made a mental note on how to best give the officers and crew the most down time possible.

"Will any of this be a problem for you commander?" Maia asked.

Ryan shook his head. "No problem at all Captain. We can make do with three on the bridge, four in engineering and one in the transporter room at bare minimum staffing requirements."

Belbre stood up, "I will stay onboard the Leto Captain. I am in good shape and don't need the rest as much as others do."

Maia looked at her security chief.

"Havri I'm glad to have you here, just in case we have any more acts of sabotage."

"There better not be any more fungus amung us," Rick chimed in.

Belbre replied, "I always get the fungus in the end. You know that Gibbs. Thank you, Captain, I am always looking at new kinds of threats since what happened with the clones. "

"I believe you have done your due diligence Commander Belbre," Maia said

"I am always trying to do better. All I look for more ways to make the ship better. And that is why I have things covered completely." Replied Belbre.

I have to say you don't disappoint and always keep things interesting around here.



A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer


Chief Startigic Officer
USS Leto NCC_80916


LCMD Rick Gibbs
Chief Security/Tactics
USS Leto NCC-80916


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