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Monsters End- A Rebirth

Posted on Fri Jun 16th, 2023 @ 8:39am by Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries
Edited on on Fri Jun 16th, 2023 @ 2:35pm

Mission: Monsters of the Past
Location: USS Leto in the Mutara Nebula
Timeline: 239505.30

Captain Log Stardate 239505.30

The Leto is running on 1/2 impulse power. Mr. Tanger is in the process of reactivating the warp core. The El'Aurian Research and Defense station is glowing as if phasing in a transporter beam like it is transmitting or transforming. Despite being in the nebula we still have a sensor lock on the station and have extended our sensors' capabilities using probes. I can't help but feel we were kicked off that base for our own good. The overwhelming sense of danger is pervasive in everything right now. I also can't help but feel we are being used as bait and in the nebula with our shields useless and our warp drive barely functional if we do run into trouble it will take a miracle to get us out of it. log out.



Maia sat in her chair keeping a careful eye on the view screen, it was also barely functional.

"Keep a sharp eye Hav'ri the first step to avoiding a problem is knowing it's out there," Maia said

Dr. Tolon entered the bridge He stood near Captain Sterling.

"Mr. Gibbs put the station on the screen, please," Maia asked.

The viewscreen resolved to the station, it was still phasing as if turning into pure energy.

"What do you make of that Dr. Solon," Maia asked.

"It's a rebirth Captain. My people are ascending to a higher plane of existence. Their purpose here is almost complete," Dr Tolon said.

"What exactly is their purpose, Doctor," Maia asked.

"The eradication of the Borg threat in the galaxy, Captain," Dr. Tolon replied.

"What more is needed to eradicate the Borg threat," Maia asked.

"There are five Borg cubes lurking in the Nebula, they are using a trans-warp aperture to cross the vast distances from the delta to the Alpha quadrant. They will destroy the five cubes and destroy the aperture so the trans-warp hub will no longer be usable." Dr. Tolon said.

"So we are the bait? As soon as we activate our warp core the Borg will be all over us," Maia said.

=/\= Mr. Tanger what is the status of the warp core=/\=

=/\= Captain, the warp core is at eighty-five percent of optimal operational status. I can get you up to full status in the next twenty minutes. I have also been able to optimize some of the impulse systems for better speed in emergency situations. =/\= Tanger replied.

Paisley sat at her console, listening to the exchange. "What if we just sent out a probe, and use that to distract, get it so they gather around that, and then...*boom*?" She said, with a shrug. "It'll buy time for the warp core to come online."

"I don't think they can detect us until the warp core comes online, but I do like your idea about the probes rig four class 9 probes for launch we will send them out on 30-degree vectors. that might clear the way," Maia said

Belbre set sensors to highest levels they were capable of use. On the edge of their range. Belbre got glimpses of what could be the Borg Cubes. "Captain the Borg Cubes are at a range of 7 to 10 million kilometers away. It appears we have not been detected yet but when the warp core comes online, then they will know our location. I have all weapons systems online except shields. We will need to do a running fight to prevent the Borg cubes from destroying us.

"Inside the Nebula their targeting scanners will be as inoperative as ours is. At least I hope they will be, Maia said.

Rick stopped what he was doing and turned to Belbre and Sterling. Shouldn't take too long, his idea, to finish. So long as they had all of the components. "Permission to leave the Bridge."

"Permission granted, Mr. Gibbs" Maia said.

Right now it was a waiting game.

Lieutenant P'Rar what is the status of those probes." Maia asked.

Robert had heard Dr Tolon there was something about the look on his face that was giving the Doctor a very chilly feeling. He readied a hypo spray just in case.

"Fired. Two direct hits-first left and right, one took out a major Nacelle to the rear right. Waiting on reports from the others, but we've at least stunned them. As soon as Tanger has the warp back online, we are clear to get the hell out of here," she said.

=/\= Tanger to Captain, Ma'am, I am happy to say we are a go for one hundred percent warp functionality. I have also calibrated the warp signature to mimic the background interference to help get us out of hearing undetected at first.
=/\= Tanger stated as he finished ahead of his twenty-minute window. He was pleased that his team all pulled together to get the issue resolved sooner.

=/\= Excellent work Mr. Tanger =/\=

Rick rode the turbolift down to deflector control. Grabbing a few spare things, before heading towards torpedo storage and maintenance. Automating one of the casings to be dropped down to the workbench.

=/\= Attention all hands Mr. Tanger has brought the warp core online, The Borg will detect us any minute, We have the advantage here as we know they are out here, so Red alert all hands man your battle stations.=/\=

Still down in the torpedo maintenance room, Rick was busy working as fast as he could. How was he going to get in trouble for this after all? Tapping his com badge, =/\= "Gibbs to Bridge. If you can give me about 13 minutes I can have us three to four Transphasic Torpedos ready." =/\=

=/\=Acknowledged Mr Gibbs=/\= The Captain said.



A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Kasey Tanger
Chief Engineer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief of Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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