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Trying to Escape

Posted on Sat May 20th, 2023 @ 8:07am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Captain Karyn Somers
Edited on on Sat May 20th, 2023 @ 8:09am

Mission: Monsters of the Past
Location: Starship Leto
Timeline: 239504.30

Captains Log Stardate 239504.30

The Leto is still docked at the Advanced Research Weapons Facility. The chief engineer is having problems getting the mains back online as though something is purposely trying to keep us here. Chief engineer Tanger continues to work on the problem. Meanwhile, in Sickbay, Marina Tanger is still speaking with the voices of the El'Aurian collective. Meanwhile, the base seems to be building up an overload in the primary power core. We don't have much time before it explodes. this is causing spatial and temporal contractions in the local space. I believe it's something that the El'Aurain consciousness was warning us about. Some of the crew have reported seeing monsters or feelings of dread or instances of being chased as if in a nightmare.



Captain Sterling was back on her own bridge, there was only emergency lighting at the moment. Mr. Tanger continued to have issues in engineering. Life support and the computer were online as were sensors and communications. Shields, propulsion, and weapons were as offline as the mains. All of the crew were back on board.

=/\=Mr. Tanger where's my power=/\= Maia asked.

=/\= Captain, I am giving it all she's got. I have found that a subroutine was entered into our ship's system by the station that has synced our defensive systems to the call of the station's needs. I am going to attempt to do a subsystem purge of the data and hope that will trigger a reset and give us our defensive system once again. However, I have discovered that the computer core of the ship has doubled in storage space since this mission started. =/\= Dodd replied to the captain.

"Then commence with a complete computer shutdown and reload from the backup tapes," Maia ordered.

=/\= I will get right on that, The bridge systems will be routed to a secondary system so you can keep working and I will link the main computer to it once the reboot is complete but it will likely take about an hour at the minimum. =/\= Dodd replied as he then severed the bridge systems from the main computer and made sure there was no disruption of service. The secondary computer system was not in service and did not appear to have any trace of the alien subroutine so it should be all safe.

Maia watched as the bridge systems went offline, then the lights. the emergency lights kicked on


Hendon had an uneasy feeling something was watching him. It was as if something was behind him but when he turned around. There was nothing there. Robert scanned himself and noticed his brainwave pattern was slightly off.

Rick finally got to Sickbay, coming in looking for Marina. Spotting her, he came over to her. "Hey. Would have been nice to have told me. Have you thought about using me? I am one of them."

“ I am not sure that is a very good idea. You could be swamped by them as they have with Marina.” Robert warned.

"I don't see why I would be, not if I act like I want to be on their side. Or if it's them doing this against their will, might see who is really behind it." Rick glanced at Robert.

Those inside Marina’s mind were watching the exchange with interest. “If that is your wish...” moments later Marina’s mind joined with his, pulling him inside.

“Doctor...” Isabelle was standing observing everything that was going on. “We have a problem!” She motioned to Rick, and to Marina who was now focused entirely on Rick. “I think Lieutenant Gibbs has been pulled into this nightmare as well.”

" Oh, dear. Too late they have Rick. I want no more telepathic sensitive people in here. I am speaking to the persons sharing the body of Marina. Please her life readings are dropping. I am sure you do not wish to kill her. After all, you need our help if you cause a death of a much-loved member of the crew. The rest of us will go to any lengths to avenge her death." Robert warned.

~ Meanwhile in Marina’s mind ~

“Lieutenant?” Marina’s form greeted Ryan. “What did you do!? Now you’re stuck here inside my mind with me!”

Rick gave a look around a moment, then looked to Marina. "What do you mean what did I do? I'm an El'Aurian, this should be fine in short spurts."

“But you didn’t do this!” Marina offered a brief smile. “I’ll admit I’m glad to see you through. I just hope you’re not taken over by them like I am. I’m trapped in my own body!”

"I can see that and it's not just you. There's a lot going on with this. That's why I'm trying this way. Since I might can get around it, or possibly figure out how to get people out of it." Rick nodded, "Glad to see you as well."

Marina nodded and offered a smile. “Is Kasey alright? Did the doctor get to him in time? They’re keeping my consciousness pushed back so I can’t break through their control again.”

Rick took another look around a moment. "Kasey is fine. So keeping you locked for a reason. Let's see if we can break that shall we."

Marina nodded. “Yes, please! After everything I’ve been through lately, I want control of my body back. To be honest I’m not sure how much more of this my body can take, I’m getting weaker I can feel it.”

"That's why I'm here to try and help with that. So now we just need to find a trigger or something out of place." Rick glanced around again.

“I wish I knew!” Marina looked around. “I don’t know what I’m looking for!”

"What's out of place, that shouldn't be in here, the room."

Marina shook her head. “I don’t...wait! That!” She pointed to a strange ornament that she’d never seen before, not even in the waking world. “It’s that for sure.”

Rick shook his head.

Havri replied, " Captain, It appears markers I saw when looking at the weapons systems are showing up in our computer programing. It is like there is something attacking through our weapons systems. I can attempt to reboot the weapons systems to see if that will correct it and possibly purge it from our weapons systems programming. It will take about 10 minutes to get everything rebooted.

But I do need your permission to do so under the current situation. Till the weapons reboot we would be left without any offensive or defensive weapons."

"Yes Purge the system, Mr. Tanger is going to reload the computer system from archived tapes," Maia said.

Paisley sat at a console, grey, leathery fingers tapping away, trying desperately to make something-ANYTHING-work. Her blue eyes were wide as the Cardassian half of her-the half responsible for the said grey fingers and photographic memory took in as much information as possible. Which honestly wasn't much. The single time she was able to make the console work, she had lost it, as if she'd been kicked off or something. She tried all of her Fleet issued passwords but to no avail. "I can maybe physically set a shield from the Lab, my PADD worked in there for a bit," she offered. "But I don't know for how long." The Carjoran woman hated it when she felt useless. "Maybe if that holds for even a few minutes, you could figure out some way to hurry it along, Belbre?" She asked, hopefully.

Belbre started the shutdown and set the timer so she could monitor it. With the weapons shut down, the ship was open to an attack and would not be able to defend itself or open an attack she was putting herself on the spot. If someone attacked the ship with the weapons down she as Chief Tactical Officer would be given a court-martial and then be sent to a penal colony for the rest of her life.

Paisley stood up. "I'll be right back; using the Lab to set the shield. I'll be in touch," she said, hurrying away. If it went how it was *supposed* to, the shield would hold for at least five minutes. Paisley knew what they were asking of the Tactical Officer, and would put her own ass on the line, too. She pressed some buttons. "I have a signal. =/\=Belbre, I have a signal. Shield up for now.=/\= She was frozen in place, scared that if she moved, they'd lose the signal and be in trouble. =/\=Keep this channel open=/\=

=/\= Shields up and rigged for impact. With the weapons still up. we do have defensive systems now. And offensive weapons also. What are we looking for? =/\=

She tapped her badge. ==/\==Radiation for me==/\=== She suspected that it might be high in this atmosphere, hence why they were having so many problems.

"Captain shutdown and reboot is in progress right now it has 8 minutes till the weapons are back online. I hope there are no attacks during this time. Because we are defenseless against an attack." Belbre replied as she continued to monitor the process as the console showed the restart had started.

"Thank you, Mr, Gibbs, please keep me informed of the progress," The Captain replied.

"We don't have a choice, Commander, if the Borg or anyone attacked now the station's entities would destroy them before they got within phaser range". Maia replied.

=/\= Hendon to Captain come in please urgent!=/\= Hendon said.

=/\= Sterling here Doctor, what is it=/\= Maia asked.

=/\= Captain while Marina is possessed we must keep all telepathic sensitive people away from Sickbay. Gibbs has just succumbed.=/\= Hendon warned.

-Engineering, Computer Core-

Tanger was deep inside the computer core doing a reboot and also a reroute of the power system. He was aware of what was happening to his sister. However, he also knew that he was not fully disconnected from the force that overtook him on the base. A small presence was still with him and in essence observing the crew and maybe influencing the movements and actions without fully controlling the situation. Kasey Tanger found himself suffering a tense migraine and yet he had to fight it off for the better of the crew and ship. He was certain he was doing what was the right thing but a voice kept telling him that he was wrong. He fought it and kept doing what he needed to do.

=/\= Captain, the computer core is starting to reboot and I will keep the bridge bypassed as I am not sure my mind is fully mine if you know what I mean. =/\= Tanger stated to his captain. oO My actions are mine for what I can attest to, but I feel like a presence is lurking within and I need to be aware of that with all I do. Oo Tanger then crawled out of the core and at the nearest terminal, he witnessed the status. Only ten percent was done and it would be about ten minutes for the full core to be completely rebooted. oO Did I mislead the captain? Did I sabotage the ship without being aware of it? I now feel like I need to get to Dr. Hendon for a quick exam, but he is busy with Marina. I am going to hold my own and hope he can save Marina even if I must sacrifice my health and mental state for hers. Oo

Belbre replied, Captain the weapons systems are backup. Scans show there is no trace of what was causing the virus. I have raised shields to prevent the possible re-infection of our system. I am attempting long-range scans for other ships in the area. So far everything is clear," Belbre said.

Paisley let out a sigh of relief. "I am headed back out there," she said. She returned to the console, pleased to see it was working.

=/\= Captain, The defensive systems and the non-warp engines are fully restored and under the control of the secondary computer which is running all the bridge systems. It should be enough to help maneuver the ship and keep us safe for the most part. This area of space is greatly interfering with the warp systems but we need the main computer core for that as well. Tanger out. =/\= Tanger updated the captain with what he knew so far.

"Okay let's try to release the docking clamps.

"Captain, although I am empathic, I am feeling such a presence brushing my mind," replied Maria, "However; what my Grandmother taught me is helping and the reboot is now 50% " as she hoped that they could get control of the ship back and help those that had been affected.

Paisley returned to her console, glad to see it turned on. "Initiating atmospheric scans. Anything else you need me to look for, Captain??" She asked. Her eyes scanned left to right then right to left, looking at the data as it streamed in. There was SO much, it nearly overwhelmed her. Good thing she wasn't an empath, either-people were dropping left and right. She hoped they'd be ok, but she knew she couldn't worry too much about it because it was up to the few last ones standing to make sense of everything. "Ma'am, I am getting some notes of slightly higher atmospheric radiation; looks like argon. Nacelles are weakened, probably due to that. Looks like they might be able to run on Dilithium rather than Latinium, but. that might just be leftover particles from the Nacelle build itself. I won't know until we can get eyes on it." She sighed.

Let me know when the Nacelles come back online.

"Yes, ma'am".


A post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Paisley P'rar
Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


LCMD Havri Belbre
Chief of Security/ Tactical
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Kasey Tanger
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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