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What we know

Posted on Thu Mar 30th, 2023 @ 8:19am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Ambassador Amanda Blake & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath

Mission: Monsters of the Past
Location: Advanced Defense Research Station Mutara 1
Timeline: 239503.22

Captains log Stardate 239503.22

The crew of the Leto has been aboard the Advanced Defense Research Facility for three days trying to determine precisely what happened to the researchers at this facility. Dr. Tolon has poured through the log entries and the secure files of this station's research. According to him, the researchers discovered a way to ascend from their material bodies into a spiritual or soul form and combine to adapt themselves as a perpetual and sentient form of energy in the computer core. Their power I so great that they can control matter and energy in any form they can conceive. They can create illusions and even alter reality on a local level. The Betazoid contingent of the Leto which is a significant portion of my crew can feel their presence as a sort of unified thought or feeling of confident focus and determination. Mr. Tanger has found that the Matter/Antimatter reaction assembly is working at 400 percent efficiency. It's as if there was a total conversion power plant that is active with no loss of efficiency. Something like a perpetual motion machine. Perhaps the El Aurians have an understanding of physics we simply don't understand yet. This area of space has provided some insights into how this can be. The proto-matter radiation combined with the Mutara nebula’s Dilithium Hydroxyls are creating an amplification effect. I have set the crew to the task of attempting to communicate with the sentience that was the El-Aurian contingent of the base. We have found no sign of bodies. We even checked the transporter buffers for pattern traces. Whatever form of technology they used doesn’t seem to have anything to do with transporters. It's almost like trying to contact spirits in the spirit realm. Some of the crew have reported seeing things in corridors, such as loved ones or even exotic animals. Dr. Tolon explained that the proto-matter that was expelled during the explosion of the Genesis planet is slowly increasing these visions the longer we stay here. I have another idea though what if these visions people are seeing are the entities trying to communicate with us? Since we arrived there has been no sign of the Borg activity, also with the field surrounding the base, I cannot contact Star Fleet Command to inform them of our findings so far. Sterling Maia A, Captain Starship Leto Commanding.



Maia was working on the tactical displays of the previous Borg Battles that eh station had fought with T’Plana’Hath. The first few battles though victories were really pitched battles with new advanced weaponry developed but each time the Borg adapted and came back. Transphasic torpedoes worked a few times but the Borg adapted. A new subspace weapon that created a black hole was successful in a battle or two but the Borg adapted to that. The El-Aurians finally developed a way to use their spirits to stop the Borg once and for all. The last battle they fought was beyond technology. The Borg had no way to adapt and had consequently lost over 30 cubes.
“Look at that Maia said it was as if a giant fist had punched a cube and another had been swatted away like a mosquito. Another was transmuted into Ice and thrown at another cube destroying both in the process. What do you make of that Lieutenant,” Maia asked.

T'Plana's observations concerned her, it was further proof that the El-Aurians had somehow gotten ancient Proto-Romulan weapons, weapons of the Children of Ket-celeb, powerful psionic weapons. It was rumored that some of these weapons could alter reality and space-time. These weapons could cause destruction beyond a planetary or even solar system. "I believe someone has provided the El-Aurians access to once ancient and powerful weapons of Vulcan origin. The information would have had to come from someone with access to V'Shar Cimmerian Vaults."

"That's not exactly true, T'Plana. The El'Aurians have been around millennia well before either race. It's likely they somehow got an idea of those weapons from us. I don't know how since all of our technology was supposed to be kept secret for a long time until the last...I don't know 400 years. Even then, we've only helped with certain things." Rick moved over to look at the readings.

"Interesting observations T'Plana'Hath, is that a supposition or have you discovered proof of your theory?" Maia asked.

T'Plana had been listening to the conversations of the captain and others, she had not missed the captain's comment on her observations, so she had pulled out her personal PaDD with the ancient ProtoVulcan/Romulan mathematical formulas and their ancient computer schematics. She then pulled up the current schematics in use for the station as well as the computational mathematical formula. They were extremely compatible with each other. She handed the PaDD to the captain, "This is the basis of my theory Captain."

Tanger came into the operations hub of the station. "Captain, the computer core is completely rebooted and fully under our control. The bulk of the data about the Borg in the memory files has been stored onto portable data device to take back to the Leto as I did not trust a download link due to the interference in this section of space." Lieutenant Tanger then went to the engineering station in the hub and pulled up the current status of the station's systems.

Belbre and her security team checked the area around the computer core. As she came in she looked around, "We swept the area around the computer core and found nothing, Captain. It is as if the crew has become part of the station. Or just went away." She pulled up all the security schematics and began checking them out. As she was looking, she began to draw closer. "Captain Sterling, you and Dr. Tolon need to look at these pieces of information. It appears that they have been working with experimental weapons the defend the station. And I wish we had some of these on the Leto. Even the Borg appear to be defenseless against them. These are amazing." She inserts and cable and begins to download all information about the weapons systems."

Having managed to talk Marina into having an inhibitor, and Hendon into temporarily boosting her own senses, Isabelle stood taking in all the extra input her senses were giving her. She could feel the mix of consciousness that thrived here, that had so much hate for the Borg. So many minds all acting as one, and the power, and conflict were immense. “Captain...” Isabelle turned to look at Maia. “We could have a bigger problem on our hands, I’m sensing... inner conflict amongst the combined consciousness. Now the Borg here are destroyed, they have nothing left to fight except each other... and us!”

"I was afraid of that. We have to find a way to communicate with them. The Borg can come back at any time. And in force but they have already lost 48 cubes that's a considerable amount of losses for the Borg who are still reeling from their war with species 8472," Maia said.

"Perhaps they are already trying to communicate with us in a dreamscape, I have been having some very unusual dreams since we arrived here, also strange daydreams," Dr. Tolon said.

"Captain and Lieutenant Raal, I am sensing a mind that is reaching out that is very focused on my mind. I am fighting it back but it has a strong will and it is really trying to use my mind." Tanger said adding to the mix. "I am willing to allow myself as a channel for communication if you are open to trying to work with whomever this mind is."

"Dr. Hendon perhaps we can keep Marina asleep. Is there any way to give her more control of her dream sequences and monitor her brain activity," Maia asked.

Robert was not happy about this. They had no idea what effect this could all have on Marina. In a dream state, she could be in more or cause more danger. But if this was the only way.

“ Yes. I just need to set this natural inhibitor and she is good to go. But I warn you at the first sign of danger we pull the plug or she could end up a vegetable.” He warned.

"I don't want her to end up as a vegetable I just want her in a dream state carefully monitored. Find a way to minimize the risk, Doctor, Maia clearly stated. This is an effort at communication, I don't want her to actually astral project or anything" Maia continued.

“ Very well. But please remember at the first sign of trouble I am stopping this.” Hendon warned.

The quiet CSO had been standing next to T'Plana, uploading the information she,/I>had gained. "No, the Lieutenant here is correct; it is ancient tech. I've seen it Cardassians have a similar prototype." She didn't elaborate, but it was what the Cardassians used on some of the Bajoran who fought against their occupation. Her father was Cardassian, and her mother was Bajoran-her mother was not a consenting party to her marriage or even Paisley's birth. But her father, true to his own heritage, sought blood and she'd seen the weaponry herself proudly (by him) displayed on the desk in his home office, a place little Paisley wasn't allowed to go into often.

"I am open to suggestions, standard empathic or telepathic powers don't seem to be working. Marina seems to be the most gifted in her Betazoid abilities. I won't order you to do this Marina, but I must ask you," Maia said.

Marina looked at her brother, then at Isabelle, before looking to Maia. “I’ll do it Captain, I understand the risks.”

"I am staying by her side, as this voice I am sensing is telling me to remain close and I can help Marina maintain her focus." Kasey stated. "I helped her get her mind in order and all the Vulcan training I had as a diplomat to allow me to be neutral should help."

Though she was loathe to the idea T'Plana-hath stepped forward, "Lieutenant Kasey, are you familiar with the Mind Meld technique where in the melder remains a passenger in the subconscious of the individual they are melding with, they then can take over should they detect an abnormality, it is usually used by Vulcan Healers and generally not used or taught to any others. If not I can be the passenger as I was taught the technique."

"Will that work with the unconscious mind," Maia asked.

T'Plana gave a smale smile "Yes, one reason Vulcan healers use the technique. It allows them to help a Vulcan that is in a healing trance."



A post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Kasey Tanger
Chief Engineer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Cheif of Security/ Tactical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lt. Paisley P'rar
Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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