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Light Cycle Grid

Posted on Tue Nov 1st, 2022 @ 11:12am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Lieutenant JG Gavin Ross & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Game grid of the AI
Timeline: 239510.10

The game warriors of the Starship Leto were led by the caretaker to the light cycle grid. it was literally a three-dimensional cycle grid with obstacles ramps and jumps. the grid was four levels high. They were conducted by a conveyance much like a recognizer. although it was more of a personnel transport though seemingly made of solid light. once the recognizer landed, the main body of it descended to the deck like an elevator.

The caretaker stepped forward.

"Game warriors, this is a game of strength of will as much as skill and daring. You have been programmed with everything you will need to know to operate the light cycles. Your objective is to take out the enemy light cycles and escape the game grid to get to the Master Control Program in the central nexus. Your opponents will have the same mission and if they get to me first and corrupt my core all will be lost. Your information discs have a piece of code that will restore my operating system and I will be able to expel the invader. The route through the canyons has also been programmed into you. Be careful though the enemy had access to game tasks if you win and will try to stop you. if you lose you will also have access to game tanks to try and stop them. do you have any questions?" the caretaker asked.

"So I feel we are equipped to conquer this rather well, as the sense of will power among us is strong and we should strategize the basics and that way the complexities will elude the enemy as we unfold them individually." Tanger stated as he felt like this was the plot of very ancient Earth movie he saw not too long ago.

Isabelle stood wondering why in the hell she'd volunteered herself for this, she was completely out of her depth and she knew it. “To be honest I’m not sure I’m going to be much help, I'm completely lost!”

"You can do this, you have it in you." Tanger stated. "This is a realm where your mind will be the best part of you. The emotions that trigger you are now your power here. Focus and you will find it will drive you in this realm. The mind control I have learned over years has helped and I am willing to guide you along as we maneuverer this mission here." Tanger offered to Isabelle.

Isabelle offered Kasey a nod and a smile. “I’d appreciate that Kasey, thank you. I will endeavour to do my best.”

Still able to sense Raal's consciousness, Tanger knew she was shifting her focus. "I know you will and it will surprise you what we can accomplish in this realm when we set our minds to it."

Gavin had been on classic Earth Harleys in the holodeck. There was much more to motorcycles than just stepping on one and firing away. Tempering his weight from side to side, he felt the machine’s weight beneath him.

Reeving the handlebars, he felt a surge of energy through him connected to the electro bike. Reeving felt the cycles through their revolutions as the tires laid their Sympatico along the energy strip they were intended to traverse.

Feeling the Sympatico through the helmet only surged his understanding of the program from the Vanguard. “I feel it. I feel it.” Ross repeated to himself to understand what was happening and expected of him. He smiled, turning to Isabelle. “Once you place the helmet on… It all makes… Sense now.” Gavin had reeved the AI machine once more, cycling the back tires. “You have it within you. You can make this difference become a reality.”

Tanger then reeved his handlebars to have his lightcycle begin to make its way toward the desired target. "This is the start of the rest of our experience in this realm. Good luck to all." and his cycle took off to a point the he felt would be optimal for the accomplishment of this phase of the mission.

Belbre step over to the Bike and smiled, She had a pedal bike as a kid growing up with her foster parents. She stepped on it and took the handlebars in her hands. She looked at a ramp and smiled like a little girl. She revved it up and took the ramp at medium speed. It came off the ramp and jumped about 20 meters. She landed and spun the rear wheel around so she was looking back at it. YAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Maia took out the light cycle rod and pressed the button she immediately reconfigured into a light cycle and sped off onto the grid, she could see from the other side, the enemy light cycle riders Ironically they appeared as orions on green bikes

"Okay team form up on me and don't get separated. let them eat your light exhaust.”

Maia locked onto her first target and went for it. These bikes were fast, and they were very maneuverable, she used the jumps and was able to turn on a dime, she managed to isolate the first two enemy bikes and eliminate them it was now 4 to 2.

Isabelle was totally out of her element, riding a light cycle...she’d never ridden any kind of cycle before so this was all new. She was putting all her concentration into generating the cycle let alone thinking about battling the enemy as well.

Tanger was able to approach his target destination and found an enemy bike and eliminated it. "Whoa, that was awesome. I got one."

"Good Job, remember to work as a team. I'm heading to Isabelle. Protect her flank maybe we can draw them in."
Maia said.

"Understood, Captain," Tanger replied and adjusted his course to assist in the covering of Isabelle and flank the last target.

"I got the Left Flank Captain," replied Belbre." I am going to try and hold the attacker to the center of our formation. Then we can take him out with a direct assault."

"I'll come in from the right perhaps we can box him in..." Maia said.

The three of us were on him before he even knew we were there. He couldn't turn and he couldn't go straight and he actually ended up crashing into Isabelle's light wash...

"Game warriors proceed out of the light cycle grid you are victorious. Proceed on mission as outlined." the caretaker said.

"Acknowledged, follow me, shipmates". Maia said as she sped off the light cycle grid and into the tank grid to the cyber canyons. She sped in a zig-zag pattern when off the grid as the tasks started to wake up and fire on them fortunately they were very small and much more maneuverable than the tanks. some of the turns were pretty tight though and in places, they were vulnerable because they had to slow down or careen off the path to their deaths. what the other programs called de-resolution.

"Captain, I feel this is old school but shouldn't the system adapt to the variables we present? This seems all pre-programed and could be setting us up for a trap in my opinion." Tanger stated as he followed the others along the course and being able to sense them allowed him to not be too fast and to anticipate the turns and changes in speed of the others helped.

Belre went to the left and was able to come up behind one of the tanks. She placed a small explosive charge on the rear of the tank and sped away as the charge exploded. In a few seconds, the whole tank exploded and took the crew with it. She yelled," Wahooooo!!!! Got one !!!!!!!

Right behind you Captain. "

He didn't get a chance for the cycle part, but that was okay. Rick was in it for riding around in the cut offs. However, this would work well. Firing up speeding towards the group of tanks. Bobbing and weaving. Grabbing that lightsaber, having it held out to the side at a downward angle. Once getting close to one of the tanks, he jinked to the side. Slamming the blade into the tanks side, running it down the length of it from front to end.

Coming in from the central plexus, Ross spotted Maia and rode on his cycle, pacing down the valley dodging in between tank shots from left to right. Pacing himself just as Ross’s salvo is one tank crisis, he crosses to the other central node in the pathway as each potential electronic bomb is missed. A powerful node pulse was macgyvered as Ross thought of a neural diffuser, a short circuit, and then pulled it up on his cycle computer.

Gavin imagined electroshock that would stun or potentially destroy the tank on the pathway they merged and rode along.

Programming in the tank, Ross pulsed the cycle’s wheels, and outward down the node track went a bright blue blinding node spark that eventually undertook the tank 2/3rds up the pathway, exploding the tank. A second tank was taken out. Revving his cycle, he floored it up to the rest of the group. “Huzzah!” Ross called while holding to the side of his helmet. Wherever the program was to change to re-initialize, he would be able to add himself to the coding of the matrix to augment its pre-programmer priorities. The game was afoot!

Isabelle was still floundering when she remembered what Kasey had told her, she had the power to change what she needed here. She closed her eyes concentrating hard, a bright light and moments later she was sitting at the steering wheel of a Bugatti Type 57 C Cabriolet, just like the one she had back home, but this one modified for the fight. Armed to the teeth, she was ready to get stuck into her opponent as she drove her way into battle.

Maia was amazed as Isabelle's vehicle changed to a light version of a Bugatti. She seemed to have much more control over it too. That was using her head.

After that, the other light cycles didn't stand a chance, and the Leto team easily beat them. Her team seemed to have a measure of imagination that the other team lacked.

Once they veered off out of the tank area and onto the raw surface of the grid Maia had the rest of her team switch to rugged tires so they had better control as they raced through the canyon. heading towards the MCP.

Saul was quickly on her light trail.

Suddenly there were explosions all around her, the enemy had commandeered some recognizers and was taking shots at them from the sky, they needed to find cover.

This way Maia called heading for a tunnel...

Belbre replied, Aye Captain. Then she thought of something. Her bike changed into a World War II earth-type Corsair. She went to the sky and maneuvered around to get into position. Once she had her target lined up, she squeezed the trigger, and instead of guns it had phasers. The target exploded immediately. She changed course and was able to get a second one, the element of surprise was gone. One came up on her tail. She maneuvered quickly into a barrel roll. She did a fast sweeping turn that allowed her to have a profile shot and took it. It limped away badly damaged. She continued to cover the others to allow them to reach the tunnel.

"That was quick thinking Havri," Maia said.

The team jetted into the tunnels and quickly lost the enemy recognizers.

"Aye Captain" As she landed to rejoin the others her plane changed back to one of the cycles. And she entered the tunnel with the others.



A post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Sgt. Saul Humpries
Squad Leader, 95th Rigles 1st Squad Second Platoon
USS Leto NCC-80916


LCMD Havri Belbre
Chief of Security/ Tactical
USS Leto NCC-80916.


LT Kasey Tanger
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Gavin Ross
Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Junior Grade Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916

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