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Caliphate Technology

Posted on Tue Nov 30th, 2021 @ 12:26am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Maria McMahon & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Cargo Bay two
Timeline: 239411.15


Maia went down to cargo bay two to take a look at the psionic technology the Caliphate used. There were several chairs and consoles with all sorts of technological gadgets connected to them. They had power sources that several diagnostic technicians were working to decipher how everything worked. Maria McMahon was there to supervise and investigate. She also saw Dr Blake and Lt Doherty working together to find out what they could. Many security and even a few marines were there guarding this equipment. The place was a beehive of activity.

"So what have learned so far"? The Captain asked.

Samantha gestured at the various devices being examined. The technology was complicated and there were some rather unusual compositional concerns she had. "Not much. I was about to have the computer give me an analysis and origin for the components themselves."

"Too soon huh? Have you heard about Gorebets, Jace and Herria? They didn't have a chance. We are helpless until we can master this alien technology ourselves." Maia said.

Samantha had not heard about the three officers. She had only seen the marine and intelligence officer in passing and didn't know them hardly at all. The counsellor had been the one to help her work through her anxiety after being held on the Syndicate asteroid base. "I hadn't heard. I am sorry for the loss Captain."

Having been cleared for active duty, Maria now strode around the cargo deck watching what was happening and sometimes asking questions whilst making notes on the PADD that she held, she started to wonder how these had been built without anyone knowing, as she knew that the equipment being studied might end up becoming used and that she needed to know everything for her report.

"Hello, Maria Are you feeling better? Did you know you had an implant stuck in your head?" Maia asked.

"I had a what!" exclaimed Maria looking back at the Captain as she knew that the pain had gone and now she knew the cause of her headaches as she knew now that her uncle had been a part of the group and had done this to her and swore revenge on him.

"I had Dr Hendon remove it, it was malfunctioning a good thing too. Apparently, it was boobytrapped." Maia said

"Boobytraped," Maria responded looking back at the Captain as she looked rather shocked at the thought of something being in her head that could have killed her, she thought to herself oO I must contact Grandma and find out if she knew about this Oo as this one call was not going to be a pleasant one.

"It's okay you're going to be alright " Maia assured her.

Karyn entered Cargo Bay two and saw a group of Officers looking at the Caliphate items they had acquired, she walked over to a crate and sat upon it watching them do the technical bit, she knew some tech stuff, but nothing as close as to those Fleet Officers, but there she sat quiet and while she watched she listened to what they were saying.

"Hi Karyn, how are you feeling?" Maia asked.

Jumping at the Captain that came in behind her "Oh hi Captain" she said with a smile "even I an experienced combat soldier was shaken up by what happened to Gorbet's, the smell was bad enough, but the splatter pattern was worthy of those old horror movies of old, so how am I feeling that would be a little sick Captain, still not right from seeing it, seeing dead in combat is one thing, but how the Marine Captain died was not honorable and through combat, it was cold-blooded murder. So there were two others huh Captain?" Somers asked.

"Yes, Jace Wynn and Alessia Herria. All tragic losses." Maia said.

"Cold-blooded murder indeed which is why I am permanently stripping them of their powers and technology". Maia added.

Karyn simply nodded, she was sitting back at this location as she was still feeling queasy in the wake of what she found and she did not trust herself with the Caliphate people.

Samantha looked at the computer analysis of the physical composition of all the recovered devices. She was somewhat confused by the origin of the materials the devices were made of.

"Do you have something, Dr Blake?" Maia asked.

Samantha double-checked the computer analysis and confirmed the results. However, it didn't make any sense. "Perhaps. I need another few minutes to triple-check something."

Brannon came into the cargo Bay and had some cages brought in with a couple of rodents she caught in another cargo bay. They sat the cages down and left. "Hello Captain, I brought the rodents I captured along in case you might want to see what I was able to discover about the handheld units I recovered. They are simple to operate but are amazingly powerful. At Full strength, they could cause someone's head to explode but at low strength they cause headaches."

Looking at Brannon then the rodents she looked at them and with grim humour "Oh Rats!" she said but said nothing more as it was the Captain that was being addressed.

"What is the purpose of the rodents?" Maia asked.

"I brought them along as test subjects, Thought they would be handy to demonstrate how the handheld units work. And let you see first hand how dangerous these are. And we get rid of some unwanted stowaways on the ship too. I did some experiments when onboard the Caliphate." Replied Brannon, as she laughed at Somer's joke.

"What have you discovered so far? Maia asked.

Samantha walked over to Maia with her eyes on the PADD. She was shaking her head before looking up and handing the PADD to Maia. "These devices contain material components that are only found on Vulcan. It begs the question. What are Betazoid isolation extremists doing with Vulcan technology?"

"From what I have seen it looks like a mish-mash of Ferengi, Kzinti, Vulcan, Breen and other technologies some we haven't been able to identify yet," Maia said.

Brannon turned and looked at Samantha surprised, "Why did I not think of this sooner, I remember reading in the academy a report. That during the Romulan War, the Vulcans were said to have been rumoured to have been experimenting with a way to enhance the abilities to use their mental abilities to use their mind-meld capabilities to give them an advantage over the Romulans. The report said they stopped it because it was too dangerous. Here is a copy of their reports as she pulls it up on her tablet.

They were also rumored to have developed a defense against it if the technology fell into the wrong hands. That would explain the Vulcan Technology in these."

Samantha looked to Maia. "I did my graduate studies at the Vulcan Science Academy. I don't have a degree in the field, but one of the most controversial archaeological finds of the last century was discovered by Jean-Luc Picard. A psionic weapon that the Vulcan Isolationist Movement was going to use to force the Vulcan High Council to secede from the Federation. Perhaps contacting the Vulcans is an avenue to pursue."

"A shame our Intelligence officer is dead. Perhaps I can contact someone at Federation headquarters about that." Maia said.

Brannon replied, 3 weeks ago there were some Vulcan ships at DS-11. If they are still in this region of space, perhaps they could assist us with some information. The ship names are T'Plana-Hath, Sh'Raan, and the T'PLakta.

"I will contact them, as well as request new officer replacements," Maia said. "Well done," Maia added.

Brannon replied, "Perhaps we can request some assistance from the Vulcan Science community about how we can stop this weapon. And also if the story of there being a defensive weapon against it. As is the rumor has indicated. We differently need to find a way to stop this."

"We need to establish how and where the caliphate got this weapon in the first place, it's obviously not Betazoid technology, though it's been adapted to their specific species," Maia said.

Suddenly the tablet Brannon was holding beeped, she looked at it and smiled. "Captain I think I know how they can be defeated. I contacted a friend of mine who is a Security officer and also Vulcan. He set me this." As she passed her pad to Captain Sterling.

In 2254, José Tyler boosted Nano's telepathic abilities with a psionic amplifier from the USS Enterprise. Sita Mohindas later threw it at a pyrotechnic force to create a feedback loop and dissipate it. 500,000 years ago, during the Great Psionic War, the Selakar aimed to develop a meta weapons-level psionic amplifier to force obedience on anyone who opposed them. The prototype devices appeared to be lenticular, organic quasicrystals about 18" wide and 6" tall. Siri who was employed to invent them warned Arret and helped capture the prototypes. Two of the devices were kept without their power cells deep within two Arretian colony planets as last-resort deterrent weapons. Lirahn acquired one of the devices, which had been stolen by the Vomnin Confederacy, and as a result, had to be kept trapped by the DTI within the Axis of Time.

The ancient Vulcan weapon, the vorl-tak psionic weapon, uses a planet's gravitational field as a psionic amplifier, channeling emotion into an intensely powerful and destructive energy beam.
The Stone of Gol was a devastating Vulcan weapon, but it became powerless after the Time of Awakening when Vulcans learned peace, as the psionic resonator could only amplify negative emotions.
In the 25th century, Starfleet psionic agitators were able to increase a person's perceived threat ability for up to ten minutes.

"Since I have telepathic powers, If I put one of the implantable devices in a helmet it would allow me to send a feedback loop back to their psionic weapon and destroy it. I know Toran is Betazoid but as XO she is needed too much to risk her doing it. Because if it was to fail, it could kill the person doing it. And as Chief of Security/Cheif Weapons officer, I would be better able to control the feedback. And if left weak my second can run the defense of the Leto from there.

Here is a picture of one of the larger ones. Obviously, this is old technology and the newer ones are a lot smaller. An Ordinance team has removed the explosive devices from several of the implantable ones and rendered them safe to use.


"Well done Angelique. Just explain what you want to do with Dr Hendon and make it so" Maia said.



A post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Chief Strategic Operations
USS Leto NCC-80916


Dr Smantha Blake
Acting Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Angelique Brannon
Chief Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


1Lt Karyn Somers
95 Rifles Det A Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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