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Captain's Log Stardate 239602.12

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 9:58am by Captain Maia Sterling

Captain's Log Stardate 239602.12

Salvage teams have been sifting through the rubble of both the Capital city of Camus II and Gonmog. Power has been restored to the capital city but Gonmog has been flattened. There is no sign of Commander Belbre, the wreckage of her fight was found after it had been shut down, and there were traces of a transporter beam. She may have been beamed out. but so far no trace of her pattern has been found. Commander Blake is recovering from his wounds and the doctor has repaired his radiation burns. The attack on both cities was savage and reckless. True signs of demented minds. Most of the rebels in the cities fought to the death, I don't understand what they could have been fighting for. No prisoners were taken and they remain both an enigma and a mystery. There is a mystery here we must get to the bottom of.

Sterling Maia A Captain, Commanding USS Leto


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