Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 9:46am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake
Location: USs Leto NCC-80916
Timeline: 249501.21
Captains log Stardate 249501.31
The Battle of Gonmog was a disaster. The city was leveled and most of the civilian population was destroyed when the fusion reactor was hit and exploded. The radiation contamination destroyed that whole area for 20 square miles in all directions. Most of the enemy ended up retreating and when our forces moved in they didn't find anything standing. We lost 18 marines, and Commander Belbre, whose fighter was shot down exploded in the chaos. I lost several friends. Who is supplying these rebels? The attack on the man city damaged the hospital there and devasted the defense system of Camus 2. Commander Ryan and the ruling council beamed up to the Leto as the capital was struck with atomics. Not much is left. I've sent a message to Starfleet to get additional help and apprised them of the situation. The Yorktown and Clypso have responded to pick up whatever survivors we can find and to treat radiation sickness and burns.
Sterling Maia A Captain, Commanding Leto out.
Toda sat on her command chair on her ship Scorpions Sting. She surveyed the damage to Camus 2 it would be some time before the city was repaired, and Gonmog was reduced to an uninhabitable wasteland. She had Belbre in her brig. Her troops were recalled and her stores were reprovisioned. She was still hiding, so far she controlled the planet. She thought about making a run for it, her pandemic proved to be a stroke of genius even though it seemed it was now under control. It did the job it was designed to do by drawing the Leto here. And she struck a terrible blow to her. She contemplated what to do next.
She had an appointment to keep with the Pirate Arwella aboard the Lady's Luck. A giant battle fortress capable of moving large stellar fragments. However, she would have difficulty getting past the planetary blockade. She bided her time.
USS Leto
Maia visited Sickbay, she had a lot of wounded to visit, she had lost her chief engineer and chief medical officer In the explosion so she was using the Mk4 Holographic medical hologram to treat her injured crew. She also had some of the council members there being treated for radiation sickness and Rigellian fever.
Mr Blake was there getting checked out.
"How are you feeling Ryan?" Maia asked.
Ryan looked from the EMH to Maia and shrugged. "Took a grazing blast from a phaser during the evacuation. Doctor says I should be fine in an hour or so."
"Bet it feels a lot worse than it looks," Maia said.
The duraplast bandage always looked like melting plastic to her or some sort of aloe gel but it was good for preparing epidermal damage.
"You got out just in time, the rebels used atomics to attack the capital. They did a lot of damage. It will be some time before they are able to get back on their feet," Maia said.
Ryan frowned. Things on the surface had gone from bad to worse in very short order. Two members of the senior staff died and one was missing. Numerous others were wounded and there had been devastating losses among the colonists.
"I knew the insurgents were dangerous but I've never known them to use weapons of mass destruction like that. What's the point of attacking the capital to vaporize it? You don't get anything for it? Makes any political statement you have a moot point? The war criminals must be hunted down now." Maia said.
"They must be down on the planet somewhere." He glanced down at his PADD. He had it synced to the Leto's data network. "Our sensors and deployment of orbital probes would have picked up any ships trying to leave the planet."
"We know they have secured at least three smaller cities. But why would they stay? My assumption is they are looking for something" Maia said.
Ryan sighed. There was no rhyme or reason for any of this. Use of a biological weapon that had an easily manufactured vaccine, brutal ground attack that while successful in the short term would be pushed back once sufficient reinforcements arrived and finally. Using a nuclear device that obliterated the capitol and resulted in at least 10% casualties among the insurgents. "The more I look at this the more it looks like a childish temper tantrum than a thought-out and executed military operation."
"It does seem rather spiteful, doesn't it," Maia agreed.
"Well, Ryan, you rest and get better, I'll see you on the bridge later."
Maia then left and went over to some of the other wounded.
She was worried about Belbre and the other members of her crew who were still missing.
The Science officer was pacing the labs, trying to think. She'd exhausted all the answers she'd had, everything she knew. She was lost. The database was searching, but it was slow going. They were far from a relay station, and besides, the explosion would've caused a bit of a rift in the relay, anyway. The system was working overtime, but she had let the rest of her team go. They had had some losses and she'd need them rested and ready the next day.
Maia decided to visit the science lab and check on Lt P'Rar's Progress.
"Hi, Paisley anything new?" Maia asked.
Paisley nodded. "Yes, ma'am. The scans have returned some interesting things, but I don't know what it means, exactly. Not yet," she said. She brought up the console screen. "The atomics are Orion in origin," she said. "The Syndicate is-or was-in this area, and recently," she said.
Good work Paisley. I think the syndicate is in on this, how else could these people get so much equipment so quickly? Bio weapons, Mecha, and weapons of mass destruction. If I didn't know any better I would think we are dealing with Pirate Captain Arwella, an Orion of previous acquaintance. This seems to be her MO. However, I am rather non-plussed. I was almost certain she was dead.
A post by:
Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916
Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916
Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar
Chief Scince Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916