Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 10:02am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
Location: Balator
Timeline: 239602.12
Captain's Log Stardate 239602.12
Salvage teams have been sifting through the rubble of both the Capital city of Camus II and Gonmog. Power has been restored to the capital city but Gonmog has been flattened. There is no sign of Commander Belbre, the wreckage of her fight was found after it had been shut down, and there were traces of a transporter beam. She may have been beamed out. but so far no trace of her pattern has been found. Commander Blake is recovering from his wounds and the doctor has repaired his radiation burns. The attack on both cities was savage and reckless. True signs of demented minds. Most of the rebels in the cities fought to the death, I don't understand what they could have been fighting for. No prisoners were taken and they remain both an enigma and a mystery. There is a mystery here we must get to the bottom of.
Sterling Maia A Captain, Commanding USS Leto
Aboard her ship the Balator, Toda took her time to plan the next phase of her plan. Her minions should have been able to capture the Capital of Camus II, but then the Federation showed up and stymied those plans. Her minions were unable to capture the ruling body of Camus II and the Capital had suffered major damage when one of her more thoughtless minions had unleashed atomics in a fit of panic. Gonmog served its purpose, the Federation was fought to a stalemate and she was able to capture Havri Belbre. Still, her resources were running extremely low, on the flip side, so were her enemies. they had managed to destroy most of Camus II's security forces and devastate her Air Force. She needed reinforcements. She still had some hover tanks and munitions.
She was down to 4 heavy fighters. Plus her ship was no match for the Starship Leto and she knew it.
She had no choice but to request more reinforcements. She sent a tight beam encoded message to Captain Arwella of the Lady's Luck. She was currently the most powerful of the Orion warlords in the Syndicate in the Alpha Quadrant.
Toda was given a set of coordinates to rendezvous with the Lady's Luck at a certain place and time.
Toda then went to check on her prisoner.
"Well my old friend, congratulations, you people did a number on my forces. However, you have not stopped me, and your compatriots think you're dead. I have decided to sell you into slavery,"
Belbre smiled, “Like I told you, Toda, you cannot win. There will be more federation ships brought into this area. And we will hunt you down like the dog you are. And in the end, you will end up in a Federation prison. Where you will serve the rest of your life in a Federation prison
The best thing you can do is to surrender now. There is no hope for you to win this battle. And the old runs do not like people from Betazed. You know this, they will not take a slave from our home world. They will try to get information out of me. probably torture me or try to blackmail the Betazed council in exchange for getting me back. But in the long run, what you were doing is just delaying what is going to happen to you. I will take you into custody and you cannot win.
They know that I am alive, and they are already searching for me now. It will not take the Federation long to find me. And when they do, you will find the full force of the Federation coming down on you. And also the full force of. Betazed coming down on you as well. You do not have enough help to win and you will go down.”
"That is where you are wrong, Havri, they don't know you're alive as far as they know you're fighter was struck by a missile salvo and shot down. It was completely vaporized.
-----Bridge of the USS Leto-------
At Science Console 1, Paisley was busily working through the scans, trying to match the Orion signatures to the Captain's location. She tapped away at her Console, looking up occasionally. Finally!! She looked up again, speaking frantically. "Sirs? I have something..." she said. "Coordinates! The Orion trader is cloaked, but I finally got it with the Chronitron signature," she said. "Sending to viewscreen now," she said.
Maia watched as the screen materialized a tactical display. There was a small cargo caravan leaving the planet. 6 ships with one cloaked in the middle of the formation, they were now at the outer edge of the system.
"Damn, they managed to slip right past us. Excellent work, Paisley. Let's try to intercept them while we still can," Maia said.
"Helm set a course for that convoy, maximum impulse, Paisley continue scanning them if they go to warp, I will want to know the course and speed. Maia ordered.
A Post by:
Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916
Lt Commander Havri Belbre
2nd Officer Chief of Strategic Operations
USS Leto NCC-80916
Lietenant Paisey P'Rar
Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916