
False Rendezvous with USS Yorktown

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 11:59am by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Isabelle Raal

Mission: Pandemic
Location: Benecia Colony
Timeline: 239509.29

Captains log Stardate 239509.29

Starship Leto is now entering Benecia space for our rendezvous with the USS Yorktown, system scan indicates the Yorktown isn't here yet, so we have initiated a scan of the entire sector. Camus II is very nearby. The source of the Ritalyn is Holberg 917-G which is only a day away at maximum warp. If the Yourktown doesn't show up in 4 hours we will head to Holberg 917-G.

Sterling Maia A. Captain, Commanding Leto



"Captain, we have reached rendezvous coordinates, still no sign of the Yorktown."

"Mr Gibbs, Initiate an intensive sensor scan of the surrounding area," Maia ordered.

"Havri, are you sensing anything?"

Havri replied, "I am not picking up any telepathic messages from anyone, Captain. I am not sure why. There are numerous Betazed crew members on the Yorktown, and I should get something from one of them. Especially if they are close by."

That is strange, perhaps they ran into some trouble. Maia replied.

"What do you make of this Mr Ryan?"

Ryan looked at his monitor tied into the long-range scans and shook his head. "Not sure Captain. No evidence that the Yorktown had a hostile encounter and I would think we'd have an incoming transmission if they were delayed."

"Captain. I am picking up a subspace message from the Yortown its a bit garbled but they have apparently run into some trouble and will be a bit late, they suggest a new rendevous point," Ops said.

Can you validate the message?

Aye Captain it's the Yorktown.

Then send a reply, Leto will meet them at the new rendezvous point.

What could delay an Oddessy class starship? Maia said.

"Helm lay in a new intersection course and engage at warp 5,".

"Aye Captain, Warp 5.

The Leto shot away and in a symphony of light.

Stepping onto the bridge was always the highlight of Isabelle’s day, it was a definite plus point of being a part of the senior staff. Walking across to her seat she sat down offering both Maia and Ryan a warm smile.

"Ah Dr. Raal, what brings you to the bridge? It's nice to see you, Counselor."

“Thank you Captain” Isabelle smiled. “I thought I’d put in some bridge time while I have the chance.”

Rick started the scan and also started to think about the situation. Putting pieces together, "Drop us out of warp, or at least change course. Tell them that we've taken minor damage to our deflector dish and have to take it slow until repairs are done. If they ask how it was damaged, tell them. I don't know, someone forgot to replace old EPS conduits and they blew. So space debris it normally pushes out of the way hit us."

"So you think this is a trap, Mr. Gibbs?" Maia asked.

Paisley had already sent out probes, and the data was coming back. "Ma'am, I have the data from the atmospheric probes. If it IS a trap, they're going to risk themselves, too; rough skies ahead and an uptick in radiation. Not a significant amount, but enough that we will need to use the shields until the deflector is repaired," she said. The metallic elements on the dish helped to deflect any naturally occurring radiation, as well as space debris.

"Very well Mr Gibbs. Thank you, Paisley. Helm set a parabolic course to the rendezvous coordinates. Perhaps we can outflank them."

"Aye Captan'

Rick nodded, "I am very much sure it's a trap."



A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Office
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Rick Gibbs
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Commander Ryan Blake
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916

Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre
2nd Executive Officer
USSLeto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Isabelle Raal
Chief Counsellor
USS Leto NCC-80916


