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Choices and Tests

Posted on Fri Dec 31st, 2021 @ 12:36pm by Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Caliphate base
Timeline: Prior to loss of the innocent


Having returned to Caliphate inner sanctum, Marina had been escorted directly to medical as per standing orders when returning. Andreas was an extremely cautious man, he covered every angle making sure he, and his people were looked after. With her medical done she was escorted directly to Andreas.

The Caliphate doctor stood at Andreas side with her medical report in hand. “It seems Congratulations are in order Sir, Marina is expecting another child, definitely yours. Also it would appear her implant has been removed, she tells me it was malfunctioning.”

Marina nodded. “One of the Federation officers took me down with the butt of a phaser rifle, it caused the implant to malfunction. The doctor operated to remove it. They’re planning on removing all the implants from those they captured.”

The man known as Andreas smiled affectionately as he rose from the cushioned chair he had been reading in. He slid arms around Marina and gave her a deep kiss.

Marina had gotten used to playing this role, she returned Andreas’ kiss with a firey one of her own.

He broke the kiss and waved at the doctor. "Leave us." He guided Marina to the chair and poured her a glass of fresh Kava juice. "I am a bit surprised that a Starfleet officer was able to best you in personal combat. He must have been a formidable opponent."

Marina nodded as she accepted the glass of juice. “Ryan always was one of the best, he’s an old flame of mine. I wasn’t expecting him to be there, the momentary distraction was enough to catch me off guard. They had to remove my implant, the blow caused damage it was giving me bad headaches.” She sipped her juice. “I’m sorry, I let you down and I shouldn’t have. You trained me to be the best, not to let myself be bested by a Starfleet officer!”

"True. I did." He gave her cheek a gentle caress. "I do suppose it is fortunate that the doctor removed the implant. It must be divine providence." He took a sip of his own Kava juice.

“You’re not annoyed that it’s gone?” Marina gave Andreas a curious look.

He pulled her back to her feet and walked her to the balcony overlooking the Southern Ocean. He gave a grand gesture. "Soon all of Betazed will be mine. Once the other members of the Noble Houses are dead and I emerge as the only surviving member of the nobility. I will be crowned King."

Marina smiled as she looked at the view. “I’ll admit it’s a beautiful view, Betazed is my homeworld yet I've hardly had the chance to enjoy it.” She looked at Andreas. “They let me go so I could talk to you on their behalf, they have our people my parents included. They’re willing to talk, but they’ll only talk to you!

"Bit late for talking my dear." He slipped an arm around Marina's waist. "Within the hour the Counsel will meet to vote on the issue of withdrawal from the Federation. When it does. My agent will detonate a device that will kill everyone in the Council Building and quite possibly a sizeable portion of the Capitol city." He pulled her close, embracing her with both arms. "However, if you would like to talk. We could discuss a decision you have to make."

Marina had tried to hide her alarm at the thought of the device killing so many, but she knew that Andreas would most likely have sensed it. She looked at him curiously. “What decision would that be?”

He gave Marina a benevolent smile, but his emotions gave just a hint that he knew more than what he had ever revealed before. "You have a choice to make my love. You agree to become my wife and I will make you Queen of Betazed and we will beget progeny that will eventually move out across the quadrant as we conquer the Federation or...."

Marina stood looking at Andreas in shock and surprise. “You...want me to marry you? You have a choice of any of the women in the Caliphate, yet you choose me? Why?” She knew she couldn’t say yes, yet she needed to keep up her cover. “What is the other option?”

He chuckled as six very muscular and very heavily armed men entered the study. His expression one of benevolence despite his next words. "My eldest son here will escort you to the nursery and you will get to watch as he executes our daughter, after that...well how long you survive will depend on when he grows weary of torturing you."

Marina gave Andreas a horrified look. “WHAT!? WHY!? Not Aurora She’s just a baby!!! Please Andreas!!!”

He looked thoughtful for a moment as he turned to his son. "Be sure to record everything. It will be an example to the other concubines as to what can be expected for betrayal to their master."

The son nodded before turning to Marina with an expression that made her blood run cold.

Marina stood with a panicked expression on her face. “I’ll do it!! I’ll marry you! I’ll give you as many children as you want!!! Please Master!!” Tears streaked down her face. “Not Aurora, please!!!!”

Andreas patted her gently. "Of course. I knew you would make the correct decision all the along. You just needed to be aware of the consequences of the wrong choice." He turned to one of the members of the squad. "Take Marina to Aurora. Give them an hour together and then bring her to the court yard." He turned to Marina and gave her another kiss before patting her gently on the rear. "Go spend time with our daughter. I will see you soon my love.

~ One hour later ~

Marina had enjoyed what little time she’d been allowed with her daughter, her greatest fear was that Andreas would go so far as to harm Aurora. She’d been left a dress to wear, one that Andreas had chosen himself. Putting it on she wiped the tears away from her eyes, before being escorted to where Andreas waited for her.

Andreas sat at the head of a prepared table with two other chairs to his left and right. A feast lay across the length of the table and servants stood by to fill plates and goblets with food and drink. Andreas patted the chair back to his right. "Have a seat my love." He gave a grand gesture to the table. "I wanted to celebrate our pending wedding, plus we have a special guest joining us shortly."

Marina nodded and took her seat looking at Andreas curiously. “Ohh? Is it anyone I’m likely to know?”

Andreas sipped his chilled Andorian Sunrise and nodded as he set the glass down. "I am quite sure you know our guest. Intimately if I am not mistaken." He clapped his hands together three times. Two men brought the special guest from the building and led him to the chair before setting him down hard and yanking the hood revealing Ryan.

Andreas turned to Ryan as he spoke to the servants. "Bring us food and drink. Please, eat Commander Blake. I do believe it was once customary for someone about to be executed to have a final meal before dying."

Marina’s mouth had dropped open, the look of horror at Ryan’s arrival written all over her face. “Andreas please!” She looked between Andreas and Ryan before throwing herself at the mercy of Andreas. “Master please! I’ll do anything!!”

Andreas laughed at Marina's horrified expression. "Oh my queen. You would do anything to protect Aurora and now anything to protect Ryan." He paused to look at Ryan a moment. "May I call you Ryan?"

Ryan kept his expression neutral and remained silent.

Andreas turned back to Marina. "I know all about both of you and even David's little part in all this."

Marina’s expression changed, her mental Defense snapping up around her mind to protect herself. “Is that so? So tell me...what exactly do you think you know Andreas?”

Andreas took a bite as his plate was set before him. He gave Marina a bemused look as he chewed before answering. "I have always kept a close eye on the children of my followers and I have informants throughout Starfleet. I know you two were lovers in the Academy, that Ryan here was going to propose, that his father sent you on the mission to infiltrate the Caliphate before Ryan could propose. I knew all of this years ago my love. It was, along with your unmatched beauty, the reason I added you to my harem. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer I believe is the Earth expression." He paused to gesture at the plates. "You really should eat. Marina for the child inside you and Ryan because as I said. This is your final meal...before I have my Queen-to-Be execute you."

Marina shot Ryan a look, the only blessing was that he now knew the truth about her disappearance years ago. Her attention turned back to Andreas as she stood up from her seat. “NO! I WON’T DO IT!! She slammed her hands down on the table. “I will not hurt Ryan!”

A momentary darkness crossed Andreas' expression at Marina's defiance before his benevolent expression reasserted. "An hour ago you said you would do anything to save Aurora from the consequences of your bad decisions. I will simply have her tortured to death as you watch helpless, then the same for Ryan here and finally have you put in the brothel for my soldiers." He took a sip of his wine as he watched Marina. "Oh, defiance shall not be tolerated. I am going to order one of my agents aboard the Leto to kill your brother by next sunrise along with your adopted parents if you say anything but yes my king."

Marina looked towards Ryan with tears running down her cheeks. “ king.” She settled back into her seat trying to think of a way she could save Ryan, her daughter, and her family. Her mind flashed back to something she said to Sterling, she just hoped she could save Ryan and draw on Kasey’s strength to help defeat Andreas. “ don’t need to kill Ryan. If you let him live I’ll give you a better prize! You need strong telepaths and empaths...what’s stronger than twins?”

Ryan shook his head at Marina's words. "Stand down Lieutenant." He turned to Andreas. "The Federation does not negotiate with terrorists."

Andreas looked from Marina to Ryan before. "I am not a terrorist."

Marina looked towards Ryan, it was obvious she was struggling with the horrific thought of being the one who was supposed to kill him. She looked back at Andreas. “Then why are you acting like one?”

His gaze slowly went back to Marina. "Your parents would think of me as the Savior of Betazed. Pity you don't understand that. What I am doing is for the good of Betazed. Once this is all over you will not just understand, but will embrace the honor of being my queen. Together we will remake Betazed and then...the rest of the Alpha Quadrant."

Ryan stared at Andreas. "You're insane."

Andreas' head snapped back to look at Ryan. Ryan immediately gasped and blood trickled from his nose. "I could kill you with but a thought human. I am the most powerful psionicist you will ever meet. Noone will dare defy me after today. NO-ONE!!!"

Marina saw the blood and in an instant her anger kicked in. “STOP IT!!” She focussed her abilities against Andreas, blocking his attack on Ryan. “You taught me Andreas, you showed me how to be just like you...” She stood up putting her full strength against Andreas, watching as blood trickled from his nose as well. “I WON’T let you hurt Ryan!!”

Ryan didn't hesitate when Andreas went on the defensive to Marina's attack. He grabbed the knife and fork from the table and jabbed them into the thighs of two guards who brought him out. He surged from his seat and elbow smashed both guards in the nose.

Andreas had not expected Marina to attack him, nor her abilities to be as effective. He hesitated just long enough for Marina to follow up physically with what she started mentally.

Marina took the advantage of Andreas’ surprise, launching a physical attack that knocked him from his seat. He’d taught her to be the best, she wasn’t pulling any punches, she let rip with all her fury.”

Ryan snatched a phaser from the holster of the guard to his right and stunned both burly men. He then jumped to Marina's side and grabbed one of her arms as he looked down at the nearly unconscious Andreas. "Leave him. We have to get to the communications room and contact the Leto."

Marina withdrew her mental onslaught, turning to Ryan she nodded. “Okay, but I have to go to the nursery! I have to find my daughter!!”

Ryan only took a heartbeat to nod at Marina. "OK. Nursery first and then the comm room. Let's go." He gave her arm a gentle tug.

Nodding Marina turned away to follow Ryan, she had to get her daughter away from Andreas to where she’d be safe.

Ryan checked the weapon he had taken from one of the guards who had brought him out to the courtyard. He set the weapon to maximum stun as they gottothedoorleadingintothecitadel. "We have to move quickly. Andreas and those guards won't be out for long." He opened the door and rushed in to find an empty foyer chamber. "Which way?"

Marina pointed to a corridor on the left. “It’s down there! Let’s...” She stopped clutching at her, slowly sinking to her knees as a nosebleed also began. “He...he’s...coming! Go!!”

Ryan started down the corridor dragging Marina with him. She was the only one of them that could identify her daughter on sight. While he wasn’t telepathic, he had combat training and had spent the last several months training extensively in combat tactics. They got to the nursery door and he burst in.

Marina was trying to stay conscious as she looked around the room, there were toys, fresh food and equipment but no sign of any children. “No!!! Where is she!??” She turned to look at the door as it swung open behind them, Andreas storming into the room. With the last of her strength Marina rushed towards him, “Where is she!?? Where is my...” Moments later she felt the pain from a blade as it pierced her skin, thrust hilt deep into her, she crumpled to the floor as Andreas turned his mind to destroying the life growing inside her as well before moving onto Ryan with intent to destroy.

Ryan brought the weapon up as Marina fell. He fired once, the blast catching Andreas square in the chest and dropping him. He rushed to Marina's side and tore a piece of Andreas' tunic to stem the flow of blood from her wound.

Marina offered a weak smile, knowing she was finally free of Andreas before she finally lost consciousness.


Lieutenant jg Marina Monroe
Infiltration Officer
USS Leto

Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Second/Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Leto


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