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Prisoner escape

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 7:24pm by Captain Maia Sterling & 2nd Lieutenant Saul Humphries & Lieutenant Maximillion Thornehill Junior & Lieutenant Paisley P'Rar & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Lieutenant T'Plana-hath

Mission: Double Dealing
Location: Brig/USS Leto
Timeline: 239605.21

Captains log Stardate 239605.21

The Leto and Calypso are making our way towards Triton, Both ships have left the area of subspace interference, which we believe was artificially caused by the Calypso's exploding warp core. We haven't seen any enemy vessels however there is still a bit of subspace interference which might be confusing sensor readings especially as both ships are on impulse power. I believe it is time to start interrogating the clones. T'plana'hath has indicated there is a pattern to the clone and Orion attacks. I am still awaiting her report on the issue. I have decided to go with security to listen to the interrogation.

Sterling, Maia A, Captain Commanding USS Leto



=/\=Security meet me at the brig its time to interrogate the clones =/\=

=/\= On my way Captain. I have some information we may use.=/\=

Belbre was making some security upgrades to be better able to detect the clones if they were to try and infiltrate the Leto. She entered the Brig, and went to the chief interrogator. He gave her what he was able to get so far. She looked back. "Ready them for her and the Captain to take over."

"Commander Blake you have the bridge."

Max was pacing his cell, arms folded, a grumpy look on his face. "You realize this is complete crap, right?" he said, staring at the guard. "My doppelganger is up there, steering this ship into God-knows-what, and I'm down here, wondering if I'm going to die from his actions, or this crew's incompetence!" He pounded the hull plate in frustration.

As the doors to the cell opened, he turned to see who was deigning to grant him a visit. One Command, one Security. Grand. he thought. He saw the four pips and raised an eyebrow. "Captain of this ship, I take it? Are you finally here to rescue me?"

Maia ran her tricorder over the doppelganger of Max.
"No Sir, you are the Clone," Miaa said.

Belbre entered the cell and stood to the side of Captain Sterling. "This is Captain Sterling, commander of the USS Leto and I am LCMD Belbre, Chief of Security. Who are you and what are your intentions?"

"My name is Maximillion Josephus Thornehill Junior," Max said, sounding only slightly more arrogant than he intended. "My intention was to be a helmsman on the Calypso, and then we got attacked. And now, the people who 'rescued' me," he said, using quotation fingers, "have decided to throw me in the brig, and let some carbon copy of me sit on their bridge!" He folded his arms and faced the Captain. "Are you going to stop him or not?"

Belbre removed her tricorder and did a scan of the prisoner. It showed a strange reading she then increased the strength of the scan and saw something she did not like. Then she used her telepathic powers she has due to being Betazeoid.

"Captain, he is a walking bomb. And I scanned his mind. They plan to destroy the Leto by blowing up the Warp Core to destroy the ship."

"Oh screw this," Max said. He lifted a leg and kicked a panel by the side as hard as he could. The forcefield flickered and he immediately spun and kicked again by the edge the field. The emitters, now off-center from the jarring hit, fizzed. He kicked again and a hole opened up in the field. He dove through, grabbing Belbre and knocking her to the floor. He raised a fist, knocking her out, while his compatriots charged out and tackled the other security guard.

He grabbed Belbre's phaser and gestured to his cohorts. "Let's go!" he said, as he led the charge out of the brig and towards Engineering.

Maia groggily shook of the attack. She hit her commbadge.

=/\=Sterling to Security, set condition alert 1 to engineering, these clones are some sort of bio bombs tey can emit electrolytic shocks and are extremely dangerous. They are headed to engineering use transport tags and beam them off the ship. Shoot on site. Sterling out," Maia said. =/\=

[USS Calypso, Intelligence suite, ship to ship communication]
available security per =/\= USS Leto this is Lieutenant T'Plana-hath, I require an emergency beam over to the Leto and I need to speak with the captain and xo immediately. Discussion cannot be done over comms. =/\=

"Acknowledged Lieutenant,"

T'Plana hath materialized and materialized on the Leto in transporter room 2.

Maia shook Belbre back to consciousness.

Belbre slowly regained consciousness. She hit her communications badge as she ran to a weapons locker.

"Come on Belbre let's get your people moving. They will probably try to know our internal sensors so we can't track them"

Belbre hit her comebadge.

=/\=All available Marines to the warp core and any available security personnel to Engineering, stop them from getting to the warp core at all costs.=/\=

Clone-max and his four remaining co-conspirators had rushed down the corridor at full speed. They stopped in a turbolift vestibule, called a lift, and Clone-Max tossed their combadges in, sending the lift to Engineering. They then turned and ran further down the corridor, and hid themselves in a cargo bay, stunning the two ensigns working there.

"There's no way we're getting to Engineering," the first one said, breathing hard.

"We could fight our way through," the second one said. "Sneak in through the Jeffries tubes and drop in shooting."

Max shook his head. "They're already mobilizing. We'll never get close to the core." He paced quickly, trying to think. "If you focus on a problem, you don't see solutions," he said. "So let's focus on the solution. What's our goal here?"

"It was to blow up the core, but we can't do that now," the first clone said.

"No, that's just the way we planned to achieve our goal," Max said, an idea coming to mind. "C'mon. Let's get moving before they realize we aren't in the turbolift."

He went to the back of the cargo bay, pulled a panel off the wall, and began crawling into the inner guts of the ship. His two cohorts followed suit, closing the panel behind them and covering their tracks.

[15 minutes later]

=/\=Captain, Security here. Two crewmen were found in cargo bay 2. They were heavily stunned. Access panel to a Jefferies tube opened less than 20 meters down the corridor. We are in pursuit.=/\=

Then another beep of Maia's comm badge.

=/\= Captain, 5 Combadges found in turbolift-6 they were registered to the Calypso. =/\=

=/\= Station guards near engineering, auxiliary control, the shuttle bays, and the transported rooms. =/\=

=/\= Aye Captain =/\=

=/\= Mr. Ryan, flood the access tubes with anesthicine gas. We will flush them out.=/\=

[Tag] Ryan

Belbre turned to Captain Sterling, " I know Starfleet does not allow me to. But I used my telepathic powers to discover the clones are walking bombs. And intend to destroy the Leto. I did pick up something about the warp core. and they seemed to want to find a way to access it."

Belbre takes a strike team of security personnel to the Jeffery tube outlet near sick bay. She places some security personnel in sick bay to protect them there and sets a small team up to force them to come toward her position. Then she sets up the ambush for the escaped prisoners. As she waits she eadies for the next part. She sets the Orion transport dart weapon so it beams any tagged to a point 500 meters from the Leto.

Soon she hears the sound of the Orion clones exiting the Jefferies tube, resulting in the sound of them fighting to escape the other security team.

[Corridor, Deck 9]

The clones had been crawling through the tubes for almost twenty minutes when they heard the gas. They immediately began to move faster, but five people single file in a cramped space can only move so fast. They held their breath as long as they could, but Max heard the two in the back drop first. He could see their exit ahead, and though his lungs burned, he moved quickly.

Another thud and it was down to himself and one more cohort. Finally, he heard the clone behind him collapse. Max had a choice. He could turn and try to drag the clone behind him along, since he would prefer two of them on this mission, but more likely it would slow him to the point where he wouldn't make it out. Or, he could abandon them and save himself. His instincts, that of the real Max, told him to save his team, and get them out no matter what.

That wasn't him. He had a mission.

He pushed on, opening the hatch and dropping onto the deck, breathing deeply of the clean air, clearing his head. He ran down the corridor, stopping in front of a large set of doors. If he could break through the security panel, the torpedo storage chamber would be dead ahead, and the explosion would be just as epic as if he'd made it to the warp core after all.

[Corridor, Deck 5]

Paisley had gotten the Captain's comms, and, quietly, had secured and locked down the labs with a forcefield. Now, she was creeping quietly down the corridors, holding a phaser set to kill, heading for the main Bridge. The woman hated violence, but she was also loyal to her ship, crew, and Captain, and she'd be damned if any clones were going to best them. At least without a fight.

The ship rocked with explosive force as one of the clones exploded when shot with a phaser.

Deck eight was on fire. damage control parties and fire impression systems were already responding.

the other clones had jumped out on deck six near Sick Bay before they succumbed to the anethstacine gas.

there were only three left security got one with a transporter tag after he had foolishly charged him.

The clone was beamed out into space where he exploded.

One of the clones made a mad dash to engineering, the other to Sick Bay.

Belbre fired a transport tag and hit the one going to Sick Bay. The Orion beamed into space and exploded in a place far from the ship. She went for the one heading to Engineering. As she did, she hit her communications badge.

=/\= Setup a force field to stop the Orion from getting to Engineering. Do not let him through. I am pursuing now on his heels. I transported one out into space with an Orion transporter tag. =/\=

She moved quickly and with due diligence. She gained on him and soon was able to see him.

"Give up and we can remove the explosive device from you. And you can live a long time."

She pointed the Transporter Tag weapon at him.

The last of the clones was Max-2 the clone of our beloved helmsman, He ran headlong into the forefield and got thrown back ten feet. He stopped and concentrated, his hands started to glow.

He saw security closing on him got up and ran to the forcefield there was a loud electric neurolytic shock, that overloaded the forcefield. He continued running but Commander Belbre shot him in the shoulder with a transporter tag just as he got to Engineering. Just for safe measure, Lieutenant Y'zyr got him in the neck as he was leaping into the warp core. He was beamed into space and exploded.



A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916



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