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A Place in the Universe

Posted on Fri Apr 12th, 2024 @ 6:56am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Maximillion Thornehill Junior & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre

Mission: Double Dealing
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Max was whistling gently to himself as the turbolift shot upwards. His jaunty tune died in his throat, however, as he stepped through the short corridor and stepped onto the bridge. The room was designed to feel spacious, even though it was smaller and more intimate than most bridges he'd seen. He walked around the rear of the bridge, letting his hand trail over the bridge rail as he checked out the various stations.

As he looked fore, he felt a pang of longing looking at the helm. He hated being stuck between Sicbkay and his quarters, and wanted nothing more than to set a course and feel the ship leap to warp.

He stopped in front of the Captain's ready room and pressed the chime, smoothing his uniform quickly before standing at attention.


As the doors opened, Max slipped inside and walked up to the captain's desk. "Captain," he said, standing at attention. "I wanted to thank you for my rescue, and ask if it were possible to arrange transport back to Epictetus III."

"We are in the middle of a Mission right now Mr. Thornehill, but I can certainly arrange transport when the mission is over. Is Epictetus III your home?" Maia asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," he said, "born and raised. And if I've been away for two years, I think I should stop in before they get too used to my clone." He tried to chuckle, but it came out weakly. He cleared his throat and shook off the melancholy. "In the meantime...have any need for a pilot? I'm getting a bit stir-crazy just sitting in guest quarters and Sickbay.

"I do need a pilot if you are up to it, I didn't want to push it too hard but I would be happy to have a more experienced helmsman. We are in an asteroid field with the enemy bearing down on us from all sides. There is a distinct possibility that there is a cloaked ship out there stalking us, and I know the Orions have at least three destroyers and two squadrons of fighters on their way. I've had Mr Ryan deploy cloaked replicating mines in various locations, but we only have twenty proximity fuse mines deployed. It should give us a direction and attack vector unless they decide to attack us from every angle. Tactically they won't be able to use warp drive in this asteroid field but neither will we. That should give us time to prepare. However, T'Plana'Hath advised me they have a cloaked Romulan ship or a vessel with a Romulan cloak."

Max swallowed and paled a bit, wondering if being rescued had actually done him any favors.

"I have intelligence data about your clone," the Captain continued. "He is assigned as the helmsman for the USS Calypso, a starship reported as missing in this region for a month. If we find the Calypso, your clone will be apprehended as a spy and saboteur."

"Well," Max finally said, "glad to hear he isn't home with my family. He could have sabotaged a planet..." He shook his head. "I'll report to the helm and start studying the playing field immediately. That is...with your order, Captain."

Captain Sterling pressed her comm button

=/\= Captain to Commander Toral and Commander Belbre, please activate security clearance for Lt Maximillion Thornehill and assign him duties as chief flight control officer effective immediately, please acknowledge=/\=

=/\= Security protocols are set for Lt Thornehill, Captain. Welcome aboard LT. =/\=

=/\=Acknowledged Commander thank you=/\=



A post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


LCMD Havri Belbre
Chief SecurityOfficer/Tactical Officer
USS Leto NCC_80916


Lieutenant Maximillion Thornehill Junior
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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