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Engineering Lab 01

Posted on Mon Aug 22nd, 2022 @ 4:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant JG Gavin Ross & Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Leto, Engineering Lab 01
Timeline: TBD


Engineering Lab 01

Inside the Engineering laboratory was access to the ODN and Main Computer, simulations that Lt. Ross wanted to work on regarding his work with T’Plana-hath on Intelligence.

Gavin needed Science tricorders, yet the Science Labs had the tricorders taken and replaced. He needed to fine-tune his science tricorder, so he ended up in the Engineering lab to check around.

“Lt. Commander Toran.” Ross acknowledged her presence in the room. “You wouldn’t happen to have a spare science set in the laboratory, would you? Sciences seemed to have….” He furrowed at the accounting principles that were not shared. “Misplaced the tricorders.”

"There are none?," Sheena said. It seemed odd the tricorders were not back and or replaced. Excusing herself, she made her way to the engineering lab. She was a bit unhappy about not finding a science tricorder in the engineering lab when there should be.

As they entered the Engineering Labs, Ross followed Sheena to one of the stations. The repository of freshly charged updated tricorders was for all to see. "Well, isn't that a sight? Eight shiny tricorders. I could 7 Engineering, 1 Science. I don't understand." He looked around the Engineering lab. "I don't think your team had taken them. At this point, I would need to borrow one and put in an items audit listing for my department." Gavin swallowed. That would not look good, that his science tricorders were out of stock in the Sciences Labs.

"If I borrow this tricorder, I promise you to return it within the day." Just enough to get the tricorder situation figured out. His face offered a sympathetic, almost begging look.

T'Plana-hath entered Engineering Lab 01. She had been requested by Lieutenant Gavin Ross and she was curious as to why he wished to speak with her. The computer had informed her he was here. As she entered the lab, she saw the new science officer speaking with Lieutenant Commander Toran. She came forward, "Commander Toran, Lieutenant Ross." she said by way of greeting. "Lieutenant Ross, you requested my assistance?"

“Yes, Lieutenant Commander.” Gavin turned to greet. "I was speaking to Lt. T'Plana-hath regarding missing science tricorders. I could easily contact Operations. But it was a chance for me to meet you both and to check out the Engineering Labs. Impressive.” Ross added.

T'Plana-hath raised her left eyebrow at the chief science officer "You state that the science tricorders are missing? Has this been reported to Lieutenant Commander Belbre and Captain Sterling?" she asked.

"Lieutenant T'Plana-hath. My methodical need to check is a prudent measure, before bringing in the chief of security and Captain Sterling." He nodded. "Although, it looks that they simply were not misplaced. I have to report to them, obviously now." He had checked a few locations where the Science Tricorders may or may not be in use or simply 'borrowed'. Nobody borrowed equipment as there was an auditing system onboard all Starfleet vessels.

"Well since there are nice shiny new ones here, I see no reason why Mr. Ross can not sign one out to use. We can figure out later why engineering labs do not have science tricorders and the science labs as well, Lt. T'Plana-hath, yes?" Sheena said looking at both.

T'Plana-hath again raised her left eyebrow and considered the situation. With a brief smile she replied, "Very well, but I hold it to you should Captain Sterling and Lieutenant Commander Belbre ash, I would consider what you stated as an order and you are taking full responsibility."

"I take responsibility for Sciences. Unfortunately, I cannot be assured of a tricorder stock set to be replaced on time, or misplaced, or..." Gavin furrowed a brow in slight annoyance. "Anything untowardly."

"Very well Lieutenant." Ross replied to T'Plana-hath. Just then there was a chirp of the communicator. =/\= Ensign Wilmox to Lieutenant Ross. Chief I believe we found the lost science tricorders. They were placed in a sterilization chamber. Apparently one of the crew had sneezed the Antarian flu on the devices."

"Sneezed on them? EWW..." Gavin looked relieved. "Well. That solves this nosey little problem. At least they were being cleaned. But all seven."

=/\= Confirmed Sir. All Seven. That is the protocol when it comes to exposure in the labs. =/\= Ensign Wilmox

Turning back to the Lieutenant and Lt. Commander, Ross pulled out his brown bag of goodies. "Looks like we can all sigh a bit and relax. Would any of you care for one of my home-baked, chocolate chip oatmeal cookies? Made with brown sugar!" He decided to end and change the topic now that things seemed to clean themselves, er, clear up!

T'Plana-hath raised her left eyebrow at Lieutenant Ross, "I have never tried a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie." she stated. "I will try one, if for no other reason than to experience the cookie." She suspected that the Lieutenant had another agenda he wanted to lead them into.

"Definitely, chocolate chip are my favorite and homemade to boot? What a nice surprise Lt. Ross," Sheena said taking a cookie and biting into it. "Mmmm.......," she exclaimed, "Delicious Lt. Ross, this is delicious," she said netween chews. It was a really good cookie to and she enjoyed every morsel of it too.

T'Plana-hath tried a bite of the cookie. It had the rich, whole grain taste with the overwhelming sweetness. There was also the overwhelming taste of sucrose from the chocolate chips. She finished her one bite and looked at Lieutenant Ross "While I am sure this 'treat' is very delicious, it is a little overwhelming for my palate. Also, the sucrose has been known to effect Vulcan's in an unexpectable way. Thank you for allowing me the taste of the cookie."

"I am humbled." Ross watched as both Sheena and T'Plana-hath seemingly enjoyed the cookies in truth. Taking a bite of his own cookie, Ross shrugged. "It is the least I could do, calling you down here on a wild goose chase for the tricorders." He munched happily, even more so now that his own anxieties of the missing tricorders were accounted for.

"Please. Don't let me hold you both up. I am certain we all have duties to resume."

"Mr. Ross you are going to have to give me the recipe for the cookies. They are delicious and addicting. I am sure the baby and Ryan will agree on that point,"Sheena said turning to leave.


Lt. Cmdr. Sheena Toran
Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916

Lieutenant JG T'Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Gavin Ross
Chief of Science
USS Leto NCC-80916


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