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A change is as good as a rest

Posted on Fri Aug 19th, 2022 @ 7:47am by Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Kasey Tanger

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Diplomatic offices
Timeline: 239507.22.1

Having spoken to Maia, Marina made her way to the Diplomatic offices to see if she could catch Kasey for a quick chat. She had to admit she felt better having made her decision, she just hoped Kasey would understand it. As she entered the Diplomatic offices Marina smiled seeing her brother. “ you have a minute?”

"Hello, I can always make a minute for my sister." Kasey smiled and welcomed her in his office. "What brings you down here to see little ol' me?"

Taking a deep breath Marina didn’t wait a moment longer than necessary. “I’ve decided to step back from being Chief of Intel, I’m returning to being an Infiltration officer. That, and I’ve also requested to fill in as a field medic when needed.”

"Well, I can certainly understand where you are coming from on your decision." Kasey stated in a calm voice. "I was in a situation where I was thinking of stepping out from being the Chief Diplomatic Officer. I do know you have to do what you need to do for your peace of being. I support you and will help you in any fashion that I can. You know that. But I do not have any objections to your decision." Kasey knew his sister has undergone a lot of stress in th short amount of time and not being the chief of intelligence would help keep her stress down considerably for the time being.

Marina breathed a sigh of relief that Kasey understood, and supported her decision. “I’m glad you understand. The arrival of T’Plana-hath served to show me how out of touch I am. I went straight from the Academy, into my undercover role with the Caliphate. I doubt I’d have made Chief in that time anyway.”

"Marina, you likely would have been promoted up and assigned to chief of any position by now as you are a dedicated person. I have faith in you and Captain Sterling has faith in you." Kasey stated in a reassuring voice. "You just have to work through your emotions and your thoughts. So you don't feel that you are ready for it and that is fine. Only you can be sure of what is right for you. Trust me, I know that very well. I never thought I would a chief diplomatic liaison officer and yet here I am."

Marina nodded. “That’s true, I guess I just don’t know if I’m ready to hold down the Chief spot yet.” She grinned. “Besides I...still haven’t worked my way through my grief yet. I’ve been so busy with helping to bring down the Caliphate, and trying to fit in aboard the ship, I’ve been pushing the loss of my baby to one corner of my mind instead of dealing with it. I exploded once, and I injured people. Now you’ve taught me control I need to work my way through the pain so I can properly move on.”

"Sis, you have a lot going on and I understand. I am here for you if you need it. I know you will evolve and work out the internal issues you have and be stronger because of it." Kasey replied. "When mom and dad passed, I was lost for over a month and if it was not for my Vulcan training I would likely not be as composed today. What I assisted you with to get to this point will assist you in your journey but again I am here if you need anything."

Marina nodded. “I’ll take you up on that sometime” she grinned. “If there’s ever anything you need just let me know okay?”

"I will let you know if there is every anything you can do for me." Kasey responded. "Until then, we just need to help keep one another moving onward in the proper direction."

Marina nodded. “What’s hardest for me here is Ryan...” She paused. “We were so in love at the Academy, then I was assigned to infiltrate the Caliphate. I know he’s spoken for here, but I still love him. I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt him though, if he’s happy that’s good enough for me.”

"You something is very controlled within you." Kasey replied. "I had a hard time not reacting to what others were thinking or feeling when I was growing up and even in the academy. However, after becoming a diplomate and then working with Vulcan's, I have learned to filter out all the chaos they think and feel. I know I gave you that philosophy when I melded with your mind to help you. However, you seem to be more in tune with that philosophy. I am very impressed. For you to be happy if he is happy that is a big step as humans are not that way no matter what they say."

“I have both your training, and that of the Caliphate to help me control my abilities. As much as I hate to admit it, I owe the Caliphate a lot where my mental training is concerned. Combined with the stability you have given me, I can enjoy this new life. I will find Aurora, I know it.”

"We will find my niece. I know we will and it will finally unite our family. A family I never had until you entered it." Kasey replied.

Marina nodded. “Well I’m not going anywhere, this is my home now.” She moved over to him giving him a hug, and a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Kasey.”

Blushing slightly, Kasey held on to the hug a little longer as he was enjoying the family moment. "Thank you, sister. You have changed my life in ways you can never realize."

Marina grinned as she finally let go, “It’s my pleasure Kasey.”

"I am glad we have one another." Kasey replied. "We have come a very long way in a very short time and I now feel more at peace in my own life since you came along."

- OFF -

Lt jg Marina Tanger
Infiltration Officer
USS Leto


LT Kasey Tanger
Chief Diplomatic Liaison Officer


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