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Ryan's Turn for a Surprise

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2022 @ 8:46am by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Sheena's and Ryan's Quarters
Timeline: TBD

Ryan arrived at the quarters Sheena and he had been sharing. Living together had been wonderful these last six months. The only drawback being trying to schedule bathroom time when they were rushing to get ready for duty shifts.

Ryan keyed in his code and entered their quarters to a light melody of Betazed music playing. He noticed Sheena lounging on the couch already in her night gown. "Sorry for being late. I stopped off at the Strategic Operations Center for a quick brief with my staff." He took off his jacket and draped it on the back of an easy chair before joining her on the couch.

Sheena was about to explode! She was having a hard enough time as it were to keep from choking Ryan. She knew she was ready, but was he? Kissing him quite suddenly, and crushing him in the process, she whispered, "I am 9 weeks pregnant. Missed 2 months and 1 week ago!"

Ryan was stunned by the news, but in a pleasant way. He kissed Sheena back and held her close. "That is wonderful news!"

"I'm glad you are not mad. It was a shock to me when I asked the computer when was my last cycle. 2 month's and 1 week. Now I know what the nausea is and the crazy back ache," Sheena said softly. Looking at Ryan, "I want Hendon to be godfather and Maia godmother. Is that ok with you my love?"

Ryan nodded with a warm smile. "I think they will make outstanding Godparents." He hugged Sheena and gave her a long kiss. "I gather we should probably get married as soon as possible then. How about when we reach the shore leave site?"

"Definitely but with care. I have another little surprise for you. Hendon confirmed it.....we are having a ...BOY!" Sheena said smiling widely.

Ryan chuckled at Sheena's outburst. He gave her a warm smile. "Boy or girl wouldn't matter. We would love them just the same." He embraced Sheena and held her close.

"Imzadi I do love you so, life would not be the same without you near me," Sheena said hugging him tightly.

Ryan felt the same way. "Ditto How about dinner and we can retire to the bedroom and figure out how to spend our shore leave?"

"Great! We could discuss our wedding wishes," Sheena said kissing his cheek quickly.

Ryan nodded before heading over to the replicator and preparing a meal of their favorite comfort foods. Twenty minutes later he took the plates back for recycling and joined Sheena in the bedroom.

Lt. Cmdr. Sheena Toran
Executive Officer
USS Leto


Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Leto


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