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Chief Intelligence Officer

Posted on Mon May 23rd, 2022 @ 10:15am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: 239505.06

Captains log Stardate 239505.06

I have been considering moving Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger to the Chief of Intelligence slot. She has experience and Time in grade and is ready for a promotion. Her performance in the last mission was exemplary. I have discussed this with Commander Blake and he agrees that she is ready, so I have called both of them to my ready room to discuss the matter.


=/\= Commander Blake and Lieutenant Marina Tanger please report to the Captain's ready room.=/\=

Marina was down in the Intel department going over old reports and organising away what wasn’t needed when the call came through.

=/\= On my way Captain =/\=

"JOOD, you have the conn." Ryan rose from the center seat and crossed the short distance to Maia's Ready Room door. He activated the chime.


"Ah Commander Blake please come in I wanted to talk to you about what we were talking about at the banquet. I think its time Marina Tanger got promoted and we do have an opening as Chief of Intelligence. It comes with a promotion to full Lieutenant I just wanted to know if you had any issues personnel wise."

Ryan smiled as he shook his head. "No issues. She's proven to be a remarkable intelligence officer during her deep cover mission. She certainly has the experience necessary to fill the billet in my opinion."

Marina arrived not long afterwards, straightening her uniform she pressed the chime.

"Enter" Maia said.

Walking in Marina offered a polite smile to both. “Reporting as ordered Captain.” Marna said.

"Ah, Marina good to see you again. A new opportunity has come up to head up the intelligence division on the Leto and I wanted to know if you were interested in the job."

Marina opened her mouth to speak before closing it again. It took a moment before she finally spoke. “Me? Head of Intelligence aboard the Leto?!” She looked at Ryan then back at Maia. “I err... I would be honored, Captain! Thank you for considering me.”

"It does mean that you would have to take the CIO course which will be administered by Mr. Blake and myself. It would be a great way to get your star fleet career going again," Maia said.

Marina smiled and nodded. “Well I’ve been out of circulation for a few years where my career is concerned, so I think it’s a great idea.”

"Excellent the job also comes with a promotion to full Lieutenant." The Captain said.

Ryan stood off to the side with a smile on his face. He was happy that Marina had been brought back into the fold so to speak. "Congratulations Lieutenant Tanger. The Leto has been made stronger by your presence among us."

“Thank you Commander” Marina smiled warmly. “I will serve this ship and crew to the best of my ability.”

Ryan nodded. "Just do the best you can Marina. It's all any of us can do."

Marina nodded and offered Ryan a warm smile.

"Mr. Blake will show you to your new office and set up your duty schedule, he will become your direct supervisor as all the senior officers report to him."

Maia smiled.

"Do you have any questions?" Maia asked.

Marina paused to think. “I don’t think so right now Captain, if I think of anything I’ll let you know.”

"Mr.Blake do you have anything else for this officer?" Maia asked.

Ryan shook his head. He knew that in forthcoming missions there would be plenty of matters to disagree. "I'm good Captain." He turned to Marina. "Congratulations on the new assignment."

Marina smiled warmly. “Thank you Commander, I won’t let you down.”

"Good then you're dismissed, I will fill you in on your new role tomorrow, Number one show her to her new office and familiarize her with the tools of her new office." Maia said.

Ryan acknowledged Maia's order with a nod of his head and gestured for Marina to proceed him out of the Ready Room.



A post by:

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant jg Marina Tanger
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Commander Ryan Blake
Acting Executive Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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