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Rescuing Sheena's Parents.

Posted on Sat Apr 23rd, 2022 @ 10:32am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheena Toran-Blake & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre & Captain Karyn Somers

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Missile Silo Niation falls
Timeline: 239504.6

All members of the 95th rifles and Brannons security teams were speeding towards the Silo at 300 MPH on the hovercraft. As it was only 5 clicks away they were there in a little over a minute.


Once they debarked the hovercraft, they had to contend with the automated defence systems. this involved lasers and an antipersonnel defence grid. Again the place seemed to be deserted as if evacuated for an emergency.

Sensors indicated they has about 28 minutes before the biogenic weapon launched and they still had to find Commander Toran's parents.

Corporal Humphries asked Sheena if her parents were nearby.

Looking at the rifleman "Half a click from here in a small bunker," Sheena said.

Meanwhile, some of the other rifles were surveying the area and poking holes in its defences.

One of the other riflemen that were assigned to her team looked up and over at Karyn "What are your orders, Lieutenant Somers?" One of them asked.

Thinking for a long moment before she finally spoke, “find the generator and disable it, then a careful entry taking out any who attack us and head straight to where they are keeping the First Officers parents" she said.

While en route Humphries was checking his devices "there is a dampening field in this area EL-tee.", Humphries said, looking at his tricorder display. "Looks like it's being generated from a point 500 yards away bearing 090 Mark 7. It's blocking life form readings and energy weapons, permission to take my fire team and knock it out?"

Looking at the Rifleman "Understood Humphries and authorised" Somers responded and looked over to the XO "Commander. I will take my team over to the location and take care of this building while you get your parents out" Karyn said

"Understood Lt. Somers," Sheena said and took her group and split off to rescue her parents.

Corporal Humphries took careful readings of the target of assault; he selected three men and got the equipment they needed to advance.

Looking up and at her "We're ready when you are El-tee” Humphries reported.

As the vehicle stopped Humphries spoke, she looked at him "okay let's go, you know your orders, let's get it done and get back to the LZ" Somers said opening the transport hatch and exiting as did the rest.

"Right Lieutenant we are on our way". Corporal Humphries said.

Alright you jarheads, do you wanna live forever? Let's take out that energy dampener. Humphries and his team charged off. 5 minutes later everyone could feel the ground shaking, it was at least a kiloton explosion jets of earth rose into the atmosphere and the only thing protecting you from the shockwave was your shielded suits as it was everyone was thrown to the ground.

Fast Forward to the end of the task...

When the shaking finally stop scans indicated that the entire silo complex was destroyed from the inside out.

=/\= Humphries to Lieutenant Somers, I don't know how but there seems to have been a chain reaction the missile and the complex have been destroyed. Mission accomplished we are returning to your position. Humpries out =/\=

Activating her communications =/\= Acknowledge, that would likely be to us, the explosion was intense, we are heading back to the LZ now, Somers out=/\=

=/\= LT Somers this is Brannon. My team and I have destroyed the Control Room for the Caliphate weapon. Hope it helped you out with your mission. =/\=

"Acknowledged return to the runabout we are heading back now".



A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lt. Cmdr. Sheena Toran
Executive Officer
USS Leto


1st Lt Karyn Somers
USS Leto


LT Angelina Brannon
Cos Sec
USS Leto NCC-80916


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