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Loss of the innocent

Posted on Wed Dec 29th, 2021 @ 4:42pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Raal & Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Sickbay


Marina lay unconscious on the biobed. The Caliphate leader’s punishment for her betrayal had been swift and cruel, savagely beaten within an inch of her life, he’s ensured the loss of his child in the cruelest of ways, and taunted her that she’d never see their daughter again. As she slowly started to come to she opened her eyes to see an unfamiliar face.

Isabelle offered a warm smile as she looked down at Marina, she’d been in Sickbay seeing what she could do to help when Marina had been brought in. Having had a miscarriage herself she wanted to be there when Marina awoke, knowing the support Marina would need. “Hi there, I’m Isabelle. You’re in Sickbay aboard the Leto, you’re lucky to be alive.” She motioned for the nurse to get Robert, knowing he’d want to see how Marina was doing.

Robert sat in his office with his head in his hands. Why?

How could someone do something like this to another person espically a poor female?

That poor innocent in her womb never stood a chance.

He would love to have the person or persons responsible for this here in sickbay. A dose of the most nastiest poison in the galaxy would do for them. Their internal organs would be liquefied and be oozing out their orifices before death would take them. That is if the survived the pain of course.

A nurse came in and told him he was wanted. Taking a deep sigh he got up and followed them.

“ How are we doing?” He asked sadly.

Marina shrugged her shoulders. “To be honest I...” She shook her head. “Don’t know. My baby?” She already knew the answer, she just needed to hear it from Robert.

Isabelle looked at Robert, it was obvious he was suffering as much as his patient.

At that Robert bowed his head.

" I am so sorry the damage was to great......I know this won't help but the Foetus was not developed enough yet to feel pain. At least that's one thing."

Isabelle stood simply offering moral support to both as they talked.

Marina nodded. “Thank you, I appreciate that.” She paused. “To be honest...I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel.”

Isabelle offered a reassuring nod. “It’s understandable, you haven’t really had time to bond at such an early point in your pregnancy but the reality of the situation will come. When it does we’ll be here to help you.”

Roberts eyes ran over her bio beds readings.

“ Well. We were able to stop the internal bleeding. So no permanent damage was done to your organs. You’ll need to rest for at least twenty four hours. Your plasma count is low at the moment. Physically how do you feel?” He asked.

“Physically...” Marina stifled a yawn. “Tired, a little sore too but nothing I can’t handle.” She offered a brief smile. “Thank you for saving my life.”

Hendon looked over at Raal.

“ I want you to see Isabelle for Counselling. Even if you feel physically fit it’s still going to way on your mind. That’s not a request by the way.” Robert said

Marina nodded. “I will, I just...need a little time.”

Isabelle nodded. “That’s okay, there’s no rush. I’ll be ready whenever you are. If you’ll excuse me for a few moments.” She motioned to Robert that she needed to talk to him. Walking with Robert she put some distance between them and Marina. “I can’t say I’m not concerned, I’m not sensing any emotion from Marina, she’s burying her feelings so deep I’m not sure what’ll happen when they eventually surface.”

Robert shook his head.

“ I am worried about this. She needs to let her grief out and not bottle it up. It could damage her plus with her telepathic powers. This could become a scary situation.” He warned.

Isabelle nodded. “I agree, our abilities are the same but Marina has been taught to use hers in ways I’ve never used mine. Even I could injure someone if I let my abilities explode, heavens knows what Marina could do. Perhaps we should consider...”

At that moment there was an ear piercing scream as the reality of her situation finally struck Marina, a small photograph in her hand of her daughter Aurora combined with the last scan of her unborn, now lost, child had hit an emotional point she couldn’t control. Sitting bolt upright on her bed she’d sent out an emotional telepathic burst.

Isabelle clutched at her head as she dropped to her knees in front of Robert, blood pouring from her nose as she collapsed onto the deck.

Robert rushed over to Isabelle but suddenly his legs would no longer support his weight. Hendon sank to the floor his heart pounding in his ears. Blood began to trickle from them.

“ Maria no!!!!” He cried out.


OOC: continues in “Mind Quake”

{ OFF }

Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto

Lieutenant Isabelle Rahl
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant jg Marina Monroe
Infiltration Specialist


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