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Fit for duty

Posted on Fri Dec 10th, 2021 @ 1:42pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Steve O'Carroll & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: 239411.16


Lt JG Steve O'Carroll looked forward to this day for a long time, his legs had healed and he was going to have a physical to be restored to active duty. He got up stretched took a sonic shower then got dressed.

He padded down to sickbay, he had practically lived there for the last two weeks. but he really was wanting to get back to duty.

Je walked through the doors to sick bay and said good morning to Nurse Peeters.

"Good Morning, is Dr Hendon in yet?"

"Yes he is right through there in the next room". She said.

Steve padded into the next room.

"Hello Doc I'm here to be cleared for duty, so I need a complete physical for that."

Robert pulled out a PADD and made a few notes then looked up.

“ Sorry Steve. One of the delights of being Chief Medical Officer is the mountain of forms and reports you have to submit. Starfleet medical loves it’s paperwork. Yes I have been informed. This is going to be a more intense physical then usual. We need to be sure that your accustomed to your legs. So if you could get ready and then make your way to the treadmill we’ll begin.” Robert said.

"Yes Sir" Steve said padding over to the treadmill, his balance strength and endurance were quickly restored especially with Dr Hendon's careful ministration. Yes there had been a few problems but nothing that they couldn't fix. Steve had responded fairly well to treatment and recovery.

He got up on the thing having mentally prepared himself.

"I'm ready, Doc." Steve said.

Robert had prepared the treadmill. He placed a monitoring device on Steve’s hip.

“ Ok. As my slightly deranged mother on washing day used to say let’s get this started. So if you could hop onto treadmill we’ll begin.” Robert said

Steve got on the treadmill as the doc started it up at first it was a slow walk but the doc increased the speed and the incline to a respectable level. He was testing for not only balance but endurance apparently. Soon Steve was huffing and puffing.

"Hey Doc got a towel I could use"? Steve asked.

Robert passed Steve a towel.

" Take a rest." Robert said.

Hendon checked the sensor readings on the treadmill. Then he scanned Steve's legs and gave a grin.

" Excellent Steve you would not know you were not born with these. Any pins and needles at all especially when you wake in morning?" Hendon asked.

"No but I am starting to sweat and am working up an appetite."
Steve replied.

Robert gave him a big smile.

“Excellent we can cure both those. I have been meaning to try out my new fruit smoothie recipe on someone. You would care for a glass? It’s got Strawberries, red grapes, nectarines and apples in it.” Hendon said

"Actually that sounds delicious, yes a smoothie, just what the doctor ordered." Steve said jokingly.

Robert walked over to a jug of light red liquid.

“Once you have had this. Well test your balance. When you have had your smoothie of course. I tell you this stuff is delicious especially after a workout. Plus it gets essential vitamins into the system. Which is good for you.” Robbery said.

"MMmmm looks tasty Doc."

Steve drank and enjoyed his smoothie.

"Is this at all fermented?' Steve asked.

Robert gave it a sniff.

“ Just plain fruit and mineral water whizzed around until all the solids are gone. Why do you ask?” Robert asked.

"Ah no wonder it felt tingly when I swallowed. So what's next"? Steve asked.

“ That’s the pulp going down your throat. Anyway the stairs are next. We have checked your legs now we need to give those thigh muscles a once over. Firstly I want you to pick up those two 10kg weights , one in each hand. Then start to climb up and down for the next twenty minutes.” Hendon explained.

"20 Minutes , I'm going to be sore tomorrow," Steve said.

He walked over and grabs the 10 K weights then made his way to the stairs.

Steve started climbing up and down on them.. at 10 minutes he was already starting to sweat

At 15 he was sweating like a dog and his legs were getting on hell of a workout. Steve kept going on sheer will power.

"Well Doc ?" Steve asked breathing hard.

Looking at the display Robert could see that Steve was as good as new.

“ Ok. Take a rest now. Well. That’s it you have crossed all the boxes. As far as I am concerned you can return to full duty. Congratulations!!” Robert said shaking Steve’s hand.

"Woo hoo"! Thanks Doc.

“Glad to be of service.” Hendon said



A post by:

Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto

Lt JG Steve O'Carroll
Asst Chief of Operations
USS Leto NCC-80916


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