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Gamma Team

Posted on Fri Nov 5th, 2021 @ 12:58pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Captain Karyn Somers & Lieutenant JG Samantha Blake, Ph.D

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Adift Enemy Vessel


As her team stood on the transporter pad Karyn looked up as Samantha entered, she smiled at the woman "hello Samantha, you ready for a wee jaunt planetside to find us a Psionic device?" Somers asked.

Samantha was having second thoughts about going on her second away mission. The first was supposed to be a simple geological survey that had gone all pear-shaped. This one was to a ship with known hostiles aboard. "Not really, but if we get back safely. I am going to need your help with...a little stress relief. Deal?"

Looking at Samantha with a mischievous smile "deal, but stick with me, I will keep you safe" Karyn said "now I and the rifles will beam in first to secure the area, then the rest follow" Somers said looking at the transporter chief "okay Chief energize when ready then quickly looks at the three Rifles assigned to the team "okay when we get there we secure the area of the beam in the site as the Science element will be coming in right behind us, got it?" Karyn asked.

"YES SIR!" the three Rifles said and as they said it Karyn felt the transporter claim her as they were beamed to their destination, the moment the transporter effect had gone the four Rifles fanned out a little and stood watch as the sound of the transporter hummed again.

Samantha had her tricorder already out as she materialized. She made a slow turn as she scanned the forward part of the ship. "I have five humanoid life signs 35 meters that way." She pointed down a corridor. She glanced at Karyn. "Best guess, probably on the bridge," Samantha said.

You could smell the distinct scent of ozone from blown circuitry and it was only getting stronger. The main lights were dimmer than normal but the gravity was still on so there was power but there was also a lot of damage. you beamed into what looked like engineering. although it was pretty small compared to the Leto. There were three bodies strewn over by a blown console, it looked like the impulse engine control panel. They looked unconscious and burned, probably dead...

Looking back at Samantha "good" she said with a smile and appointed a Rifleman to remain at the beam in site she looked at her team "okay, we do what we got to do then we get back here and beam back to the ship, keep it quiet, the longer we stay silent the more chance we have of all of us getting home alive" Somers said.

The Rifles nodded as she looked back at Samantha "you ready?" She asked.

Samantha felt nervous and it showed. "I was a lot more sure when I was on the Leto." She took a deep breath and nodded at Karyn. "Let's do this."

Giving the young woman a reassuring smile "you will be fine Samantha, unlike last time you actually have officers who know what they are doing in such situations, so you will be fine" Karyn said.

Samantha breathed in deep and released it with a sigh and a nod. She fell into the middle of the group and continued her scans. Karyn's words registered a moment later. She looked at Karyn's back a moment frowning before returning her focus on the tricorder.

=/\=Leto to Gamma leader, the Beta team reports a telepresence type device in the main weapons bay, but the user was killed in combat be careful on approach=/\= Maia said.

=/\= Acknowledged Leto, will proceed with caution =/\= Somers said and looked at Samantha "well we know what we are looking for Samantha, so keep an eye out" she said looking at the Science

Samantha recalibrated her tricorder to scan for the unique energy signature. She gave Karyn a thumbs up when she was ready to move forward.

With a nod, the team moved from room to room checking things and until they finally came to the main weapons bay and saw the device Karyn and the Rifles secured the area "okay Samantha, do your thing" Karyn said with a reassuring smile indicating the telepresence machine.

Samantha scanned the device to ensure there were no booby traps before planting several transporter lock tags on the device. She moved to a control console and repeated the same process. "Set and ready for transport."

Looking at her and knowing the ship was already listening =/\= Somers to Leto, lock onto beacons and transport up =/\= Karyn said and looks at Samantha and the team, "okay where are the life signs concentrated, Samantha?" Karyn asked.

=/\=Leto here, transporters locked energizing=/\=

The equipment was dematerialized.

=/\=Leto to Away team we got it, what is your current status?=/\=
=/\= Currently safe Captain, wait for Somers said as she looked over to Samantha.

Samantha recalibrated her tricorder to scan for life signs. She scanned again and confirmed her earlier findings. "Five life signs concentrated one deck up, though... I am not sure it's the bridge."

"Thank you Sam" =/\= Captain we have detected some life signs on the deck above us, do you wish us to continue or return to the Leto? =/\= Somers asked looking at Samantha she mouthed the word "sorry" for saying, Sam.

=/\= Please proceed with your mission, Try to access their database, capture the crew but render them unconscious. Leto out. =/\=

*Sighing heavily and looks at Samantha* "Well then, we have our orders, set weapons to stun so we can shoot first ask questions later, let us locate the engine room first, see if we cannot take control of the ships environmental systems from there and use their version of knock out gas" Karyn said as the Rifles followed her orders and changed their weapons to stun.

Samantha pointed to a Jeffries Tube access hatch. "If the schematic I have on this class of vessel is correct. Main Engineering should be two decks down and towards the aft."

Looking pained "Jefferies tubes, really!" Somers exclaimed then devolved in babbling about having seen enough of them to last a lifetime "okay into the tunnels we go" she said and opened one nearest to them and climbed in, one of you Rifles go last" she said and she crawled in further still grumbling about the close confines.

Samantha was third into the Jeffries Tube. She, unlike Karyn, was okay with the climb in the tight confines, having done numerous spelunking as a geologist. It was her turn, once the team emerged, to give Karyn a reassuring smile. "Are you okay?"

"I am none too fond of tight spaces, this is why I never became an engineer, my brother in law he is an engineer on the Poseidon, but knowing as one I would at least need to occasionally enter one of these infernal things," Somers said as they crawled in the direction of the engineering until they came to a junction "okay Samantha, which way?" Somers asked.

Samantha pointed to a hatch ten meters to the left. "That one should open up on the corridor directly behind the last holdouts."

"Excellent, let's get to it, how close are the hostiles to the exit hatch?" Somers asked Samantha as she continued to crawl through the tubes, she was ringing her teeth all the way, she was not liking this one bit, but she sucked it up and crawled onwards.

Samantha double-checked her tricorder before answering. "Two on the right of the hatch at 2 meters and 5 meters across the hallway from one another. Three to the left with 2 about the same distance and the last one 7 meters back."

=/\= Away team Gamma what is your status=/\= Sterling inquired.

=/\= Moving on on targets near engineering weapons are set for stun, requesting radio silence Captain =/\= Somers responded as she deactivated her link to the Leto for the short term as they moved closer to their targets.

They finally came to the area of the freighters engineering section, Karyn signalled her Rifles to get into position and prepare to fire, but first, they had to silence the engineers closest to them, which they did, those they rendered unconscious, they repeated the process with the ones closest to them, that left two that was farthest from them, but they had heard a noise behind them and looked back surprised, Karyn and another Rifle fired and stunned them, with the engine room now clear Karyn directed her rifles to secure the two doorways into engineering.

Looking over at Blake "Okay Samantha, get us any and all information you can, and if you can spread knockout gas throughout the ship, except here in engineering that would be great, " Somers said.

Samantha accessed the computer and began downloading the files for the telepathic weapon, along with any information regarding operational plans this cell had. She moved to a secondary console and took control of the ship's environmental systems and dispersed anaesthetic gas in the compartments with life signs. She looked to Karyn once the tasks were done. "All set Karyn. The Leto should be able to transport the remaining crew any time."

Karyn smiled and nodded as Samantha responded then she activated her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Captain, we have secured engineering and are in the process of binding the personnel that we rendered unconscious we are spreading knockout gas through the rest of the ship, and downloading the files on this ship, you want us to bring back a prisoner to question or will someone come over here to do that? =/\= Somers asked.

=/\= Those ships only have crews of 10 to 13, I want all of the crew knocked out and beamed to the brig on the Leto Sterling out =/\=

*sighs* tapping her Commbadge again =/\= Gamma Lead to Leto lock onto all life signs and beam them straight to the brig =/\= Somers responded and while she was waiting for a response she looked at Blake and with a friendly smile "thanks Samantha" she said.

"Not a problem"

=/\= Understood locked on and beaming to the Leto =/\=

Karyn checked the ships internal sensor readings as the unconscious forms in engineering were beamed out, the sensors told her that the rest of the crew were also being beamed out, then something came to her and she tapped her Commbadge

=/\= Somers to Captain Sterling =/\=

=/\= Sterling here go ahead Gamma Leader =/\=

=/\= What are we to do about the ship Captain? We have the data and the crew, so what do we do with the ship?=/\= Somers asked.

=/\= Rig it to explode Lt Somers =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged Captain, setting the timer and heading back to the extraction point =/\= Somers said and set the timer to a five-minute countdown "okay team, engines have been set to explode in five minutes, let's get back to the insertion point, move, move, move!" Karyn said making sure she was the last out and before leaving she fired her weapon at the junction that would modulate the power and then followed the rest to their beam in site.

As Gamma Team arrived at their beam in spot and grouped together Karyn was well aware that her Commbadge was still open =/\= Gamma Team leader to the transporter room, Away Team ready to return, energize when ready =/\= she said and deactivated her Commbadge as the transporter claimed the team. The gravity of the freighter was replaced with Leto standard gravity, the moment they were fully materialized she tapped her Commbadge again.

=/\= Somers to Captain, Gamma Team is all accounted for, kindly take the ship to a safe distance as the ship is about to go kaboom =/\= Somers said.

=/\= Understood thank you Lieutenant Sterling out. =/\=

Helm take the ship out to 500,000 kilometers.

"Aye Captain."

The explosion was thorough, the ship was small but completely destroyed.



A post by:

Captain Maia Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Doctor Samantha Blake
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


1st Lieutenant Karyn Somers
Marine XO
USS Leto NCC-80916


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