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Springing a trap

Posted on Mon Jul 5th, 2021 @ 3:29pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Havri Belbre

Mission: The Thorion Conundrum Mission Brief
Location: Cargo Bay 2


After talking to Captain Sterling she decided it was time to spring her trap on her terms and to take Toda down. She was a danger to all that came across her path and would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. She went to Cargo Bay 2 with her security escorts and entered. She had the recourses to hide and stay out of site till she gave the order for them to come out.

"Computer locate Ensign Braddock." Computer replied "Ensign Braddock is on Deck 7 Section 12."

Brannon tapped her communications badge, "Ensign Braddock come to Cargo Bay 2 so you can assist me in a security matter."

She pulled out the fake amulet and placed it around her neck so it was completely visible for Braddock to see. Now all they had to do was wait.

=/\=Braddock here I'm on my way.=/\= Braddock said.

It took a few minutes to get to the cargo bay. Ensign Braddock had been going over the armory report making sure they had all the weapons they said they had. She left and got on the turbo lift

"Cargo Bay two" she said.

Once she got there she noticed that there were others there.

"Lieutenant Brannon what can I do for you, Ma'am?" Braddock asked.

Brannon had put on a fake amulet. It was good enough to fool anyone into thinking it was the real thing. "What do you think of my amulet Braddock. It is so pretty and it belonged to my mother. I really love it how about you?" Brannon looks at the other security personnel in the Cargo hold. :Leave

"You brought me down here to ask about a piece of jewelry? Its not really regulation but your the boss so who am I to argue"? Braddock replied.

Braddock shrugged.

"We are alone and no one can interfere now. This is a special amulet. It belonged to my mother and she was a member of the Betazed Government Council. It will allow me to take her seat on the Betazed Council and give Starfleet more connections to the government. Someone tried to steal this and her name was Toda. She can shape shift and be anyone she chooses. She is on the ship now and pretending to be part of the crew. And I know who she is." Replied Brannon.

"Okay then lets go get her" Braddock said.

"We found some left over DNA from where a crew member was killed and her body dissolved by acid. We know who that crew member is and also know who she is trying to pretend to be. And I called you for a reason Braddock." Brannon replied.

"What reason is that Lieutenant I trust it wasn't to show me your pendant"? Braddock said.

"I know who you are Toda so stop the act. I am going to take you into custody now. Lay your phaser on the container beside you and surrender now. It can be done the easy way or the hard way. Let's be civilized now and do it peaceably." Brannon replied.

Braddock took the phaser from her belt and laid it on the container as ordered.

"I surrender, Lieutenant" Braddock said.

"Very good, I had hoped this would go easy." As I take the phaser and begin to check her. I do not want any surprises in the Brig when we get there. Once done she places her prisoner in shackles and taps her communications badge. =/\= Brannon to Captain Sterling I have our prisoner in custody and am taking her to the Brig to hold her. She surrendered without a fight.=/\=

=/\= Very good Lt. Brannon. She that she is well cared for=/\= The Captain instructed.

=/\= I will Captain will file and bring my report to the Bridge once she is secure. I am also recommending the real Braddock for some special awards post-humorously as well. And have sent a special message to her family from me as well Captain.=/\=

She looked at Toda, "You may as well change to your normal now, You are going no where but to a cell, And will stay there till we reach betazed."

"This gift doesn't exactly work like that." Toda replied as she walked into her cell. The force field was activated.

Brannon turned around, :What do you mean Toda. What is on the gift I should know about?

"The shape changing I meant. I have to concentrate really hard to change and it takes a lot out of me." Toda replied.

"OK get some rest and we will talk later

Once Toda was secured in the Brig Brannon went to the Turbolift and went to the Bridge. She passed off her report to Captain Sterling and then assumed her station at Tactical on the Bridge.

"Did you find out anything in your interrogation, Lt. Brannon"? Maia asked.

Nothing yet Captain, will try again later on." Replied Brannon.

"Very well , at least she is under lock and key". Maia replied.



A post by:

LT Angelina Brannon
Chief of Security
USS Leto


Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto


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