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Captains Lod Stardate 239501.26

Posted on Thu Jan 26th, 2023 @ 11:14am by Captain Maia Sterling

Captains Lod Stardate 239501.26

Dr. Tolon had given his briefing and Toran and Blake were married and had returned to the Leto. I must say they seemed very very happy. I must say the crew seems dubious about our mission, many found it hard to believe that this project has been so long-term. However, I had to remind them that the Borg are that much of a threat not only to the Federation but to the Galaxy as a whole. Dr. Tolon is merely the latest in a line of successive project commanders. Since this project is such a secret most didn't even know its existence. I don't feel that I have enough information about the problems there to be adequately prepared for what we might encounter However I see this ship and crew can and will overcome whatever we have to to ensure the success of this mission.

Sterling Maia A, Commanding, Starship Leto


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