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Kids sweets

Posted on Fri Jun 10th, 2022 @ 1:42am by Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Maria McMahon

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Hendon family Quarters


-Hendon personal quarters-

Kids! When the emergency call came through. Hendon spent the worst journey to his family’s quarters. Since he had arrived on the Leto. Gruesome scenarios ran through his mind. Had one or both of his kids been killed? Was Alice badly hurt? Would it all be a false call?

Once they arrived how ever it soon became clear. Somehow the twins had gotten around. The child lockout on the replicator and ordered a large amount of ice cream. Then they help a contest to see who could eat the most before exploding.

Alice had left them with a baby sitter. Who she was now giving the fourth degree.

“How did you not notice all the bowls of ice cream!!” Alice shouted.

“ They hid the bowls from me. It looked like they were just eating the one.” The sitter said

Tom and Petra had been quite ill. Fortunately there was no long term damage. But getting how two seven year olds to tell the truth was another matter. Robert needed a professional. Plus because it was sent out as an code red emergency the Captain would of been told. Hendon knew she would be along. So things had to be done by the book.

“ =/\= Hendon to McMahon come in please. =/\=“ He said

Maria had just finished doing her hair and was about to put on her dress white jacket when her comm badge chirped, as she touched the Federation symbol on her left breast, She said " McMahon here, go ahead" as she started to hope that this was nothing but trivial and not serious. But she knew that something had happened and as the Operations chief it fell to her to sort it out whatever the issue was and now with the Leto without a Chief Engineer, she had to oversee Engineering as well.

“=/\= Maria we have a situation in our personal quarters that needs your skills. Could you come along please?=/\=“Robert asked.

She replied “ I am on my way Doctor” as she thought to herself oO What does he want from me at this moment in time? Oo as she didn't want to be late for the Awards Ceremony as she exited her own quarters and headed a few doors down to the CMO’s quarters, as she continued, in thought oO, I do hope it is not something that can not be easily fixed, Oo as she stopped at the door and pressed the door chime.

Robert heard the door chime and opened the door.

“ Hello Maria. Your not going to believe this. Somehow my kids managed to bypass the replicator child lockout. Then ordered a large amount of ice cream. Wright under the baby sitters nose.” He told her.

"Hello Doctor, Captain, What seems to be the problem?" she noticed the mess behind the CMO, as she looked back at Henderson.

Maia pressed the chime.

Robert gulp. It was the Captain. Looking at Maria he gave a brave nod and opened the door.

"Hello Doctor, Whats all the commotion?

Robert explained everything. From his kids getting round the child lockout on the replicator to the ice cream eating contest.

“ Apart from two very sour stomachs. They should have no lasting effects. I called Lieutenant McMahon seeking help. Getting to the bottom of this.”Robert explained.

Maia chuckled.

"Anything can and will happen with kids". Maia said.

" How on earth did they do this?" asked Maria looking back at both of her senior officers the question was how did they get past the lock.

Robert shook his head.

“ Their not even teenagers yet. Just a couple of seven year olds. Ok when they were six they managed to short out the naughty corner. But this is beyond me. We put in a seven digit encryption child lock after that incident. This is quite serious if they can do this someone could get into the Leto’s main computer!.” Hendon warned

"We will definitely have to teach them not to do that, Doctor. Fractal encryption is a very advanced form of mathematics, perhaps we should be enrolling them in a special school so they can understand what the math means." Maia suggested.

"Captain, My advice is until I have this solved with a new encryption," replied Maria looking at the Leto's Commanding officer, "is that we do not leave the dock," as she knew that her team needed time to complete the work.

"We won't be leaving Betazed until Commander Toran's parents are strong enough and she has had her leave. Will a week be good enough for you?" Maia replied.

Robert nodded.

"I'd say three weeks at the most Captain," replied Maria turning her gaze to the mess on the floor, " encryption like this can not be rushed," as she needed to know that it would work and be trusted to hold.

"Well we will be down for at least that long with repairs to the Leto and crew replacements." Maia said.

Robert rubbed his chin in thought. Just then Petra walked in dragging her teddy bear behind her.

“ Daddy Mr Spock’s tummy hurts.” She said sadly.

“ That’s the name of her teddy.” Robert explained picking his daughter up.

She hid her face from the Captain. Which for her was unusual as Petra liked Sterling.

"No need to be shy around me, little one," Maia said affectionately.

Robert bent down and lifted Petra up. The child hid her face in Roberts chest.

“ Come on PT that’s Auntys Maia and Maria. There is no need to be shy.” Robert said

“ Mr Spocks tummy hurts.” Petra said sadly

The doors swooshed open and Tom shuffled in dragging his blankie. He looked at the adults and started to cry.

“ Finky said it was allowed.” Tom sobbed holding his tummy.

“ Finky. That’s the name they call the baby sitter.” Robert said scooping Tom up as well.

"What did she say was allowed Tommy? Sweets?" Maia asked.

Tom hid his head in Roberts chest.

“ Come on now tell Aunty Maia.” Robert coaxed but Tom just hid his head.

“ She said we could get a treat from the ree pee slot. If we prod mist not to tell.” Petra mumbled

"They did promise not to tell and it is very important that they learn to keep there word." Maia said.

“ Yes. But if they have done wrong and it’s because of the person they promised not to tell on. Then it’s also important they learn that if the secret their keeping is bad. Then they must tell an adult. When their older it could save them from becoming criminals.” Robert replied

"You are their father so your will be done." Maia said,

Robert gave the child a gentle hug.

“ It will be ok just this once tell us.” Robert said

“ Finky had her boy friend round for kissing.” Tom said

“ She gave us the code. So we could have yum yum.” Petra said.

Maia looked up at Robert, "Whose Finky"? She asked.

“ Sarah Finklestien she’s the daughter of one of the nurses. She baby sits for the younglings.” Robert replied

Shaking his head at the thought of what had just happened.

“ I can’t believe she would do something……” Robert began

“ It was not Finks fault it was his. He saw the yum yum code and copied her. When she were not looking!” Petra said pointing at Tom.

“ You told me to!!” Tom replied

“ Did not!” Petra yelled

“ Did to!” Tom shot back.

Maia couldn't help it she just started laughing, clever younglings.

“ Did to!” Petra said

“ Did not 3000” Tom said

“ Did to 4000” Petra said

“ Now you know why some animals eat their young.” He replied

"I've said it once and I will say it again anything can and will happen when kids are involved", Maia said chuckling.

Robert should of been prepared for what happened next. Even though he was holding each child in his arms. The twins started trying to hit each other. But their little tummy’s were still upset and this action. Caused another , more unpleasant. For Hendon anyway. They both started to puff their cheeks.

“ Oh, my buttered crumpets nooooooo” Hendon said as both children vomited on his chest and neck.

Maia went to get a wet washcloth and a towel for the kids and the doc. Emergencies happened.

Roberts wife Alice can in with a wet cloth. She gave it to Robert then took the children away.

“ Well. It seems as always that the culprits were indeed my two children. Tom is very good at remembering things. He must of seen the baby sitter enter the code. Then copied her when she was not looking. They must of hidden the extra bowls of ice cream from her. So it would look like they were still eating one each. Ingenious. Quite ingenious for a couple of children.” He said wiping himself with the damp cloth.

"Perhaps you should add a biometric scanner to the the device to prevent that sort of mishap." Maia suggested.

“ Could you set one up for me? Bones and burns I can treat but fiddly computer stuff is a tad bit tricky for me.” Robert said

"I can have Mr. O'Carroll come down and set that up for you sure, things like that are right up his sleeve," Maia said.

“ Yes please. Now if your excuse me I really need to change.” Robert said

Maia chuckled despite trying to keep a straight face.


A post by:

Captain Maia A Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto NCC-90816


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Maria McMahon
Chief Operations Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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