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Posted on Mon Oct 18th, 2021 @ 5:42am by Lieutenant JG Marina Tanger & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon

Mission: The Riixian Insurection
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After Marina’s arrival onboard ship


Marina had been escorted to Sickbay by security like some of the others from her ship, she had no doubt she’d end up with having to have an inhibitor fitted. It wasn’t like she’d be able to pack much of a wallop to anyone telepathically anyway, a bump to the forehead during her capture was fogging up her senses nicely. She stood waiting to be seen, the Sickbay staff were being kept busy with the rest of her shipmates.

Robert hated having to resort to these barbaric measures. But the attacks had shown that necessary measures had to be taken. No matter how bitter the pill tasted. The inhibitor attached itself to the forehead. Once there it melded itself to the skin. Then the only way to remove it without ripping the skin off your forehead. Was by a special code sent to the device. An inhibitor wave had also been set up through the ship. To protect the crew before the devices could be fitted.

Hendon moved towards the next patient.

" My goodness that is quite some bump on your forehead. Do you know who you are?" Robert asked Marina

Marina nodded then wished she hadn’t when it made her head thump. “Marina” she paused. “Marina Monroe.”

Robert looked at his padd. Well at least she knew who she was. He picked up a probe and scanned her head. Then he scanned her fore head.

“ Ok. How do you feel? Any dizziness or loss of feeling anywhere?” He asked.

Marina went to nod but didn’t. “I’ve got a pounding headache, and I’m a little dizzy. No queasiness or anything though...yet.”

Robert ran a device over her forehead. Slowly the bump began to subside. Once it had dissipated he checked the readings again. Luckily no blood clots had developed in her brain. She would make a full recovery.

“ Well there should not be any lasting effects. The dizziness should fade soon. But now for the bad news. Your going to have to wear this inhibitor. It will suppress your telepathic abilities. Once it is on I strongly warn you not to try and remove it. Your lose half the skin of your face if you do…..once again I am really sorry about this…” Robert lifted the inhibitor towards her.

If she’d been anywhere else Marina would have reacted by trying to get away, right now she knew that was a losing battle. She sighed and sat obediently waiting for the Doctor to place the inhibitor. “You don’t have to apologise Doctor” Marina offered a brief smile. “I did what I did, I deserve the same treatment as everyone else you caught. Besides I can’t put up a fight while the room is spinning, can I?”

Once the device made contact with her forehead. There was a sucking noise then the inhibitor began to work.

“The room should stop spinning soon. You May have a slight head ache for a few minutes. If it gets to much let me know. Remember the bio bed picks up all your readings. So no trying to trick me in taking the inhibitor off. Like one of your co prisoners just tried to do.” He advised her.

“I’ve seen what happens when you try that” Marina closed her eyes, a headache was definitely the word. “You know the worst part of this? To go from hearing all the voices in your head, to hearing no voices at all. It’s torture! Imagine yourself deaf and you’ll get a small idea of what it’s like.”

Robert looked over her readings. He could see some rather nasty drugs had been used on her. They would have to counter act them. So her withdrawal symptoms would not be to life threatening.

“ I have to warn you. That you have been given some powerful drugs. Probably to enhance your powers. You can’t stay on them as in the end they will cause you complete brain overload. Well give you drugs to help. But your going to be suffering some withdrawal symptoms I am sorry.” He said sadly.

Marina nodded. “I saw someone else go through’s not pretty.” She sighed. “Can’t you just wean me off? Give reduced doses? Or is it a case I have to go completely without?”

Robert shook his head sadly.

“ If you had been captured earlier then yes. But this has been going on for a while. The quicker your system is free the better. So I am afraid it’s going to be a complete cut off. But don’t worry we’ll be here for you” Hendon said.

Marina nodded. "I guess I don't have any other choice. You'd best warn the guards in the brig, I'm a bitch when I'm not feeling myself." She grinned a wry grin. "So what now doc?"

Hendon looked at her readings.

“ For now let’s keep things as they are. But as I said should you feel worse let us know at once.” He told her.

Marina nodded. “I will, thank you Doctor”


Lieutenant jg Marina Monroe
Infiltration Specialist


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto


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