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Checking in.

Posted on Sun Sep 5th, 2021 @ 1:56pm by Lieutenant Rick Gibbs & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon

Mission: The Thorion Conundrum Mission Brief
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current



Might as get it out of the way, not that he loath Sickbay like most people did. If one would just go in, be honest and open. They could be in and out in no time.

Rick stepped into Sickbay and looked around for whomever was there to talk to and get his physical done.

Robert stood by the replicator slot and cleared his throat.

"Unsweetened lemon tea with a slice of lemon. Hot." Hendon said.

The glass mug appeared and he took it from the slot. Taking a sip he nodded in approval turning around he noticed Gibbs.

"Hello Lieutenant how may I help you sir?" Hendon asked

"Yes, sir. I just go ton board and I figured I would get my physical eval out of the way sooner rather than later."

Robert gestured towards the bio bed.

“ You know I wish other officers were like you. When it comes to their physicals. 50% of my time is chasing after officers. Still that’s the fun of the job. Anyway before we begin is there anything we need to know?” Robert asked

Nurse Peeters came walking in after a quick check-up of the current patients at sick bay. "I see you have found another one Doctor Hendon? I overheard someone say check up!"

Robert looked at Peeters.

“ Actually Gibbs came here voluntarily. I did not have to do the nagging doctor routine.” He said smiling.

"I believe," moving to sit on the biobed, "Most people are afraid they are going to be told they are dying, or something is wrong so they avoid it." Shaking his head about the question, "Nothing that I am aware of that isn't in the file already."

Roberts eyes widened as he looked over Gibbs file. He looked from the Officer sitting on the bio bed. To the padd in his hand containing Gibbs file and back again.

" a second or goodness......" Hendon stammered.

There was an eyebrow raised a little bit, "Doctor?"

Robert felt his face turn baboon bottom red.

“ Sorry I was just reading your file. You were actually there when Captain Kirk was killed?” Hendon said in amazement.

Rick nodded a bit, "Well..yes and no, if you get my meaning. It's because of them, him, I'm still here. I'm eternally grateful."

Hendon looked at the padd. "and your 236 years old?" He asked

"That is correct."

Hendon gave him a nod.

“It’s just you don’t look it. Sorry, I had a Great Aunt live to 106 and she looked it. Anyway if you would like to lay down we will begin. So any recent muscle twinges or sprains?” Hendon asked.

"I'm compared to essentially I guess, age wise only. That of a Human in their twenties. There are some of us that have lived to be 900. Obviously my experiences are vastly greater, for the age." Rick gave a shake of his head and shifted to put his legs up. The shake of the head was also to the question.

Hendon began to look over the bio bed readings. It was incredible even though he was 236 years old. His internal readings read for a man of 20 to 30 years of age.

“Is it true what they say. That your people are a race of listeners? I know that sounds racist if it helps us humans are a race of fools.” Hendon said

"I don't see it racist at all. It's simply a catagorization. We usually do listen. Some of us can even perceive in an innate way, time and space." Rick chuckled a bit, "There's a theorization that we're or used to be Q till we got banned from the Continuum."

Q. Robert had never come across the Q. Although the one who had plagued Picard , Sisko and Janeway. Did resemble his third cousin Rupert.

" If that had been true and your home world was attacked by the Borg. My goodness can you imagine what carnage they could create. It blows the mind.....hmmmm your heart rate is a tad low....had any dizzy spells lately?" He asked

Rick shook his head a little bit, "No."

" Shortness of breath? Flashing lights? A sudden compulsion to wage war on Starfleet?" Robert asked

Rick against shrugged a bit, "None of it. Maybe my sitting heart rate is just lower than others because I'm calm."

Hendon waved his hands.

" I was just joking about invading Starfleet. You know I have heard of people who can control their heart rate like this. It's truly amazing. How do you do it?" He asked.

"I don't know that I'm particularly doing it on purpose. I just don't feel intimidated, stressed. Calm, collected. It could be possible the extensive training in a number of things, not limited to martial arts, Doctor."

Hendon checked the readings against a padd. he had in his hand.

" Well. All I can say is for a 236 year old. Everything seems to be running as it should. However there is one thing. Your overall weight is a little off. You could do with some extra pounds. What is your diet?" Robert asked.

There was an eyebrow raised, "A little off? My weight should be just fine, Doctor. It also would take to long to explain my diet to be honest."

Hendon was beginning to get just a little annoyed with Gibbs.

“ Oh dear. As they used to say in baseball. That was your first strike. Let’s do this again shall we. What is your diet?” He replied trying hard to be polite.

Rick wasn't exactly sure why Hendon was getting a little upset with him. He was simply being honest. "Mostly proteins. Breads, pastas. I'm not as keen on certain vegetables."

Robert considered this information.

" Which vegetables don't you like?" He asked

"Most all of them to be honest. Sometimes it just depends on what they are in they are okay. Onions, unless in something. Or onion rings. Broccoli is mostly a no. Carrots iffy. Asparagus is a no, no to cabbage, artachoke hearts. Mushrooms unless in something.." That should at least give the Doc a good idea.

Robert considered this.

“ Hmmmmm....... you could be low in some essential vitamins. Supplements usually help unless of course we can find a way around your aversion to some veg. How are you with diary products? Cheese , milk , eggs for instance?” Hendon asked.

"No food allergies, and I'm fine with them."

“ Well my family have some old recipes, older then yourself. That would make even Broccoli so delicious. The most ardent Broccoli hater would be munching away in seconds......and as for my mothers Asparagus and cabbage tart. Even my kids who are the galaxies most picky eaters. Can’t get enough of.” Robert replied.

Rick gave a little nod, "No promises, but I'll try something at least once to find out." Giving a light smile, "As well as, if I didn't try it, then I would be insulting generations of your family."

When Robert was a kid he had a favourite uncle who used to bring him comics. Then one day he stopped coming around. When Robert asked his mother why he never saw uncle Rupert again. She started swearing in Russian and spitting on the floor. Some years later Robert discovered his uncle had made a joke about an ancestor. It would be sixteen years before anyone in the family spoke to him again.

“Yes. My family can be quite formidable when someone insults the family name. Just ask my uncle Rupert. I’ll give you a varied menu to try. Personlay try the carrot and cabbage stew. My kids go crazy over it.” Robert said

"I'll give it a look then, Doctor."

Hendon nodded.

" That is good. It is important to watch your weight. Being under is just as dangerous as being over. Well everything seems to be running properly. Is there anything you wish to ask me?" Hendon asked

"Actually, I do. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you take your job particularly serious. As well as over sharing for acceptance maybe? Or..friends? I could be wrong reading wrong. Either way, you seemed particularly interested in my people, so if you'd like to learn more, I'm alright with that at some point. We all need to relax after shifts sometimes."

Robert gave a sad shake of his head.

“ Maybe once the seedlings have settled. Their still a bit spooked what with this being their first time on a Starship. It would not be fair to Alice if I went off and left her alone with the twins. Perhaps once all is normal with them. Yes I would indeed like to learn about your culture and people.” Robert said

"I see you have two little ones. That's wonderful, Doctor."

Hendon showed Gibbs a picture of his twins.

" Tom and Petra. Sometimes their good as gold and sometimes we can fully understand why some animals eat their young. Do you have any?" Hendon asked

Giving a lean a moment, Rick smiled again, "I do not oddly enough. Nor have I actually married either. Petra is Russian isn't it?"

Hendon nodded.

" Yes. The whole family is from Minsk in Russia. My father and mother came over to England on Earth and settled in Cambridge. He even changed our family name from Hendonvich to Hendon. The rest of the vast Hendonvich clan sort of followed. Most of them changed their names to. But I think that was just to upset my mother."

Raises an eyebrow, "Why would they want to do that."

Robert gave a chuckle.

“ Let’s just say my mother is a bit of a character. Old school Russian down to her DNA. She once got into a slapping fight with my great aunt Zarah over one tiny goulash ingredient.” Hendon said.

He chuckled as well, "I've seen that happen here and there. I'm particularly..well particular over my recipes as well sometimes." Gibbs smiled lightly.

“ Yes. But I doubt you have ever broken someone’s eardrum. Over whether you put the cream in last or first to a dish.” Hendon said.

Rick's eyebrows came together a little bit and a shake of his head, "That part, I can honestly say I've not."

“ Mind you that was nothing compared to the great kitchen dumpling battle over whether to put ready cooked dumplings into the Chollent or raw ones so they cooked with the meat and vegetables. My aunt Natasha lost an eye.” Robert said.

"That's a little bit extreme over dumplings."

“ Well my mother always claimed it was an accident so there you go. Anyway I think that is all. You are in good health indeed. Is there anything else?” Hendon asked.

Gives a shake of his head a little bit, standing up. "Nothing that I can think of. Thank you Doctor."

Robert shook his hand.

“ Well good to meet you.” He said.


Lieutenant Commander Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


Nurse Kimberly Peeters
Head Nurse
USS Leto NCC-80916


Lieutenant Junior Grade Rick Gibbs
Assistant Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Leto NCC-80916


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